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重新定义健康:饮食、糖尿病和心理健康之间的惊人联系 精选

已有 5374 次阅读 2023-12-17 20:07 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦




New research reveals a significant link between nutrition, diabetes, and mental health. Poor dietary choices contribute to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Conversely, diets rich in essential nutrients and low in processed foods can reduce these risks. The findings highlight the importance of informed dietary choices in managing and preventing diabetes, anxiety, and depression, suggesting implications for public health policies and healthcare practices.

据美国乔治梅森大学(George Mason University20231216日提供的消息,新的研究揭示了营养、糖尿病和心理健康之间的重要联系(Redefining Health: The Surprising Link Between Diet, Diabetes, and Mental Health)。不良的饮食选择会增加患2型糖尿病和抑郁、焦虑等心理健康问题的风险。相反,富含必需营养素和低加工食品的饮食可以减少这些风险。研究结果强调了明智的饮食选择在管理和预防糖尿病、焦虑和抑郁方面的重要性,并对公共卫生政策和医疗保健实践提出了建议。

来自乔治梅森大学公共卫生学院(College of Public Health, George Mason University研究人员的最新文献综述为营养和心理健康之间的联系提供了新的见解。详见:

Raedeh BasiriBlessing SeiduMark Rudich. Exploring the Interrelationships between Diabetes, Nutrition, Anxiety, and Depression: Implications for Treatment and Prevention Strategies. Nutrients, 29 September 2023; 15(19): 4226. DOI: 10.3390/nu15194226.

Raedeh BasiriBlessing SeiduLawrence J Cheskin. Key Nutrients for Optimal Blood Glucose Control and Mental Health in Individuals with Diabetes: A Review of the Evidence. Nutrients, 10 September 2023; 15(18): 3929.DOI: 10.3390/nu15183929

根据疾病控制中心(Centers for Disease Control)的数据,糖尿病患者患抑郁症的可能性是没有糖尿病的人的两到三倍。目前的治疗包括疗法(therapy)、药物或两者兼而有之。然而,对营养、心理健康和糖尿病之间多方面关系的理解在科学论述中相对较新。乔治梅森大学的研究人员试图了解营养、糖尿病和心理健康之间的联系。

营养对糖尿病和心理健康的影响(Nutritional Influences on Diabetes and Mental Health

助理教授瑞德·巴锡丽(Raedeh Basiri)等人的两篇文献综述表明,营养不良起着双重作用,既会增加患2型糖尿病的风险,也会影响心理健康,包括焦虑和抑郁。根据研究结果,精神障碍,如抑郁和焦虑,会增加患2型糖尿病的风险,而糖尿病也与患抑郁和焦虑的风险增加有关。营养干预可以帮助解决这两种健康问题。


促进饮食选择,促进健康和预防(Empowering Dietary Choices for Health and Prevention




营养丰富饮食的重要性(The Importance of Nutrient-Rich Diets

此外,研究小组发现,饮食中能量密集的食物,但缺乏必要的营养物质,如ω-3脂肪酸(ω-3 fatty acids)、维生素D、维生素E、维生素B6、维生素B12、叶酸(folate)、硒(Se)、铬(Cr)和镁(Mg),与心理健康方面的不良症状加剧和2型糖尿病的发展有关。这种联系强调了营养丰富的饮食选择对整体健康和福祉的重要性。



Abstract (DOI: 10.3390/nu15194226)

Across the world, diabetes, depression, and anxiety symptoms have gained widespread recognition as significant public health issues. Recent research has unveiled a mutually influential relationship between diabetes and these two mental health conditions, where each disorder impacts the course and outcomes of the others. The role of nutrition emerges as pivotal in preventing and treating depression, anxiety, and diabetes. A thorough literature review was undertaken to investigate the reciprocal effects between anxiety, depression, and diabetes, including their impact on the development and severity of each condition. Additionally, the effects of nutrition on the prevention and management of depression, anxiety, diabetes, and related complications in at-risk individuals were assessed. Our findings show that mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and are associated with poorer glycemic control, increased diabetes-related complications, and higher mortality rates. Conversely, diabetes is also linked with an increased risk of developing depression and anxiety. The biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to the comorbidity between these two conditions are complex and multifaceted. Therefore, an integrated approach to the management of both conditions is critical for improving patient outcomes and reducing the overall burden of disease. Nutritional interventions should be utilized to reduce the risk of diabetes in patients with anxiety and depression as well as enhance mental health in patients with diabetes.

Abstract (DOI: 10.3390/nu15183929)

Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. Mental disorders can also contribute to the development of diabetes through various mechanisms including increased stress, poor self-care behaviors, and adverse effects on glucose metabolism. Consequently, individuals suffering from either of these conditions frequently experience comorbidity with the other. Nutrition plays an important role in both diabetes and mental health disorders including depression and anxiety. Deficiencies in specific nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, B vitamins, zinc, chromium, magnesium, and selenium have been implicated in the pathogenesis of both diabetes and mental disorders. While the impact of nutrition on the progression and control of diabetes and mental disorders is broadly acknowledged, there is a notable knowledge gap concerning the implications of distinct nutrients in preventing and mitigating symptoms of both conditions when they coexist. The aim of this study was to examine the role of nutrition in improving glucose homeostasis and promoting mental well-being among individuals with diabetes. Further, we evaluated the preventive or delaying effects of key nutrients on the simultaneous manifestation of these conditions when one of them is present. Our findings indicated that the use of personalized dietary interventions and targeted nutrient supplementation can improve metabolic and mental health outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes.


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