A senior scientist told China daily last December that China’a first Mars probe would be lauched atop a Russian lauch vehicle next October.(m=million)
Chen Cchangya,a reseacher devoted in shanghai institute of satelllite Engineering,said Yinghuo-1 should travel
The probe is a micro-satellite,which weighs only
The distance between Mars and Earth is between
An official with the shanghai Aerospace Bureau,confirmed the probe’s final name has yet to be decided.
As a milestone in the history of space cooperation between China and Russia,the probe would be lauched along with ‘Photos Explorer ’ a Russian spacecraft ,atop a Russian rocket.
The first successful exlporation of Mars ,sent from United Ststes in 1964,fetch 21 images;The second one belongs former Soviet Unios,1971,sent back data for eight month.
About 4 years ago,NASA’s twin robot geologist landed on Mars,to search for rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity.
Ref :
Tuesday December 4,2007,China Daily
Lauch of Mars probe set for 2009,by Xin Ding Ding
火星与地球的距离大约在5600 万千米至4亿千米之间;而月球探测器进入月球轨道之前的行程为38万千米。
这个探测器,中俄空间合作历史上的一个里程碑,将由俄罗斯火箭与航天器‘Photos Explorer ’一起发射。
(参考文献:2007年12月4日中国日报,Xin Ding Ding 的报道)
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