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The 1st International Workshop on DIKWP-Cybersecurity Govern

已有 687 次阅读 2023-10-7 11:04 |系统分类:论文交流


DIKW (swinflow.org)


Workshop 8: The 1st International Workshop on DIKWP-Cybersecurity Governance(DIKWP-CG2023)

The DIKWP model is an extension of the DIKW model, emphasizing the transformation between D-I-K-W under the driving force of Purpose to render them useful as data-information-knowledge-wisdom. Data constitutes unprocessed or unorganized raw facts and figures, typically devoid of context or significance. It merely represents a collection of numerical values, symbols, or characters. Information, on the other hand, stands as a meaningful interpretation and arrangement of data, placing data within a context that enables comprehension and application. Knowledge signifies the understanding and insights derived from information, founded on experiential wisdom, aiding individuals in decision-making, problem-solving, and the inference of novel information. Wisdom is the practical application and discernment of knowledge, enabling the resolution of intricate issues and the formulation of wise decisions. Purpose serves as the directional application of data, information, and knowledge, focusing on the "why" and "how" of utilizing these elements to accomplish specific objectives. This process is paramount for effective decision-making and action, especially in the realm of cybersecurity, where the quality and timeliness of information and insights are of utmost importance for threat prevention and defense.

With the advancement of technology, artificial intelligence is gradually becoming an integral part of our lives. However, as artificial intelligence continues to develop, a critical question is emerging: artificial consciousness. People are starting to contemplate whether artificial intelligence can possess consciousness and self-awareness, whether it can generate subjective experiences and thinking abilities similar to humans. Consciousness is relative; in a broad sense, it entails bidirectional understanding through language, while in a narrow sense, it involves bidirectional description and execution unified understanding. Currently, governance of artificial intelligence in the context of cybersecurity faces significant challenges due to issues related to its reliability, controllability, and interpretability. Therefore, there is a need to introduce the concept of artificial consciousness and conduct research in this area. Artificial consciousness goes beyond simulating human thought processes; it involves integrating the human knowledge system and the way the human brain processes data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose to achieve a cognitive and decision-making approach that is closer to human cognition. These necessitates a deep understanding of the workings of the human brain and the application of these mechanisms in the establishment and operation of artificial consciousness. In this process, the DIKWP model plays a crucial role.

With the rapid expansion of the internet, cybersecurity has emerged as a significant challenge for organizations and individuals. The complexity of network threats and the continual evolution of malicious activities underline the critical importance of cybersecurity governance. In the realm of cybersecurity governance, there is a persistent confrontation with the uncertainty associated with the malevolent actions of attackers. Threats are constantly evolving, and new vulnerabilities and attack methods continue to emerge, making cybersecurity decision-making an even more intricate task. Traditional cybersecurity governance relies on the formulation of security policies, which can result in incomplete, inconsistent, and imprecise approaches to the detection, interception, and remediation of emerging forms of malicious behavior. This undoubtedly presents a substantial challenge to the contemporary field of cybersecurity governance. The characteristics of the DIKWP artificial consciousness model hold promise in offering support to address this uncertainty, aiding organizations in better adapting to ever-changing circumstances. It can provide transparency and visualization in information security decision-making within cybersecurity governance, boasting reliability, controllability, and interpretability. Furthermore, it ensures the effective transmission, transformation, and correlation of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose. The objective of this seminar is to delve deeply into the fusion of DIKWP principles with cybersecurity governance, aiming to better address the escalating network threats, intricacies, and uncertainties.

The topics of DIKWP-CG2023 Workshop includes:

1. Leveraging the DIKWP Artificial Consciousness Model and Cybersecurity Governance Strategies in the Era of 6G.

2. Transmission Security and Threat Detection Based on Semantic Communication.

3. Cybersecurity Governance for Large-Scale Data Centers or the Internet of Things (IoT) based on DIKW/DIKWP Artificial Consciousness.

4. Development, Construction, and Research of Cybersecurity Models based on DIKWP Artificial Consciousness.

5. Research on Algorithms, Chips, or Integrated Software and Hardware for Cybersecurity Governance based on DIKWP Artificial Consciousness.


Full Paper Submission: October 15, 2023 (HST, Firm)

Acceptance Notification: October 25, 2023

Workshop Co-Chairs:

Yucong Duan, Hainan University, Haikou, China, duanyucong@hotmail.com

Yanfei Liu, Chongqing Police College Chongqing, China;Tianjin University ,China, cqlyf@tju.edu.cn

Youyin Mo, ChongQing Preschool Education College , China, yymo@cqyz.edu.cn


Erxiang Dou, Peking University, BeiJing, China, douex@ss.pku.edu.cn

Zaiwen Feng, Huazhong Agricultural University, WuHan, China, Zaiwen.Feng@mail.hzau.edu.cn

Yingbo Li, Hainan University, Haikou, China, xslwen@outlook.com

Lei Yu, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China, yuleiimu@sohu.com

Haoyang Che, Zeekr Group, Hangzhou, China, haoyang.che@zeekrlife.com

Yingtian Mei, Hainan University, China, myingtian@hainanu.edu.cn

Zhendong Guo, Hainan University, China, guozhendong@hainanu.edu.cn

Shiming Gong, Hainan University, China, 604440806@qq.com

Fuliang Tang, Hainan University, China, 22210812000006@hainanu.edu.cn

Kunguang Wu, Hainan University, China, wukg@hainanu.edu.cn

Yuxing Wang, Hainan University, China, wyx_562@163.com

Lixu Shao, Aerospace Information Research Institute of Qilu, China, shaolx@aircas.ac.cn

Chengxiang Ren, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, irhawks@163.com

Contact US:

Please direct your enquery to Dr. Yingtian Mei at myingtian@hainanu.edu.cn

段玉聪,海南大学计算机科学与技术学院教授,博士生导师, 第一批入选海南省南海名家计划、海南省领军人才,2006年毕业于中国科学院软件研究所,先后在清华大学、首都医科大学、韩国浦项工科大学、法国国家科学院、捷克布拉格查理大学、意大利米兰比克卡大学、美国密苏里州立大学等工作与访学。现任海南大学计算机科学与技术学院学术委员会委员、海南大学数据、信息、知识、智慧、意图DIKWP创新团队负责人、兼重庆警察学院特聘研究员、海南省委双百人才团队负责人、海南省发明协会副会长、海南省知识产权协会副会长、海南省低碳经济发展促进会副会长、海南省农产品加工企业协会副会长、美国中密西根大学客座研究员及意大利摩德纳大学的博士指导委员会委员等职务。自2012年作为D类人才引进海南大学以来,累计发表论文260余篇,SCI收录100余次,ESI高被引11篇,引用统计超过4300次。面向多行业、多领域设计了241件(含15件PCT发明专利)系列化中国国家及国际发明专利,已获授权第1发明人中国国家发明专利及国际发明专利共85件。2020年获吴文俊人工智能技术发明三等奖;2021年作为程序委员会主席独立发起首届国际数据、信息、知识与智慧大会-IEEE DIKW 2021;2022年担任IEEE DIKW 2022大会指导委员会主席;同年获评海南省最美科技工作者(并被推全国);同年10月入选美国斯坦福大学发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家的“终身科学影响力排行榜”榜单。参与研制IEEE金融知识图谱国际标准2项、行业知识图谱标准4项。2023年发起并共同举办首届世界人工意识大会(Artificial Consciousness 2023, AC2023)。

  • DIKWP人工意识模型是一个描述从数据到智慧转化过程的模型,其中每一步骤都受到我们的目标或者意图的引导。模型中的几个主要概念包括数据(D,Data)、信息(I,Information)、知识(K,Knowledge)、智慧(W,Wisdom)以及意图(P,Purpose)。我们的大脑在这个过程中发挥了关键作用,通过解析和处理原始数据,理解和整合信息,生成和应用知识,形成和执行意图,最终实现智慧的生成。


    其次,大脑将数据转化为信息。这一过程发生在大脑的前部,如额叶。这里包含了大脑的决策中心和执行功能的部位,也涉及到大脑的语言处理区域,如布洛卡区(Broca's area)和韦尼克区(Wernicke's area)。此阶段的计算处理包括对数据的解析、整合和理解,以及对这些信息进行进一步的分析和推理。





  • 在人工智能领域中,数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图(DIKWP)是不可或缺的五个核心概念。他们在处理过程中,与概念和语义的关联也极为紧密。以下我们深化对这五个概念的理解,特别是在面对具体实例时,如何用这些概念进行信息处理和决策。

  • 数据(Data)可以理解为我们认知的“相同”语义的具象表示。数据通常表示一种具体化的事实或观察结果,其背后蕴含着某种特定的语义。在处理数据时,我们常常会寻找并抽取相同的语义,将其统一视为一个概念。例如,我们看到一群羊,虽然每只羊的体型、颜色、性别等可能有所不同,但我们会把它们归为“羊”的概念,因为它们共享了我们对“羊”这个概念的语义理解。






  • DIKWP(数据、信息、知识、智慧、意图)模型如何在人工意识和人脑处理中找到对应关系。









上一篇:The 1st International Workshop on DIKWP-Education Culture
下一篇:International Workshop on DIKWP Medical Care and Recreation
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