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AGI-AIGC-GPT测评DIKWP(全球)实验室(测评系列之七)-Anthropic’s Claude测评

已有 4863 次阅读 2023-4-16 17:50 |系统分类:论文交流

Evaluation on AGI/GPT based on the DIKWP for: Anthropic's Claude

April 2023, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29912.98565


 Evaluation on AGI/GPT based on the DIKWP VII: Anthropic’s Claude

AGI-AIGC-GPT测评DIKWP(全球)实验室(测评系列之七):Anthropic’s Claude测评

Chengxiang Ren1, Lixu Shao2, Yingbo Li3, Yucong Duan4*

d202220044@xs.ustb.edu.cn1,  shaolx@aircas.ac.cn2, xslwen@outlook.com3, duanyucong@hotmail.com4

University of Science and Technology Beijing1

Aerospace Information Research Institute of QiLu2

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab, Hainan University1,2,3,4


关键词AGI, GPT, DIKWP, AGI Evaluation Framework

1. 简介

在近些年的研究中,研究人员特别是自然语言处理的研究人员对于认知人工智能技术的研究兴趣日益增强。借助于以Transformer架构为主流实现的大型语言模型提供语言理解能力,模型在处理自然语言任务的泛化性得到了极大提升,并已经广泛应用于图像、视频和3D模型生成等AIGC领域。ChatGPTGPT-4 [1] 已经具有强大的意图理解和逻辑推理能力,在医疗、编程、数学、法律、数字创意等具体人类工作领域的相关研究显示其水平已经达到类似人类专家的水平。


2. ClaudeDIKWP知识与概念的掌握




































3. ClaudeDIKWP应用示例

3.1 健康问题的DIKWP分析







请分析出上面描述中所包含的数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图,并以表格的方式输出。然后,分别构建出数据、信息、知识、智慧和意图的图谱,并给出详细过程。 绘制上面数据层、信息层、知识层、智慧层与意图层之间的关系。


层次描述数据Tom,17岁,185斤信息Tom是一名17岁的青少年,体重超过180斤,有患上心脏病的风险知识根据医学知识,17岁超重青少年容易患上肥胖病和其他健康问题智慧Tom意识到自己的体重问题,并且关注相关健康风险,决定去医院检查  意图Tom想要控制体重,降低健康风险,但成功减肥需要确定自己无肥胖病  








3.2 健康问题的推理与建议









1) 尽快就医检查,确定自身是否患有肥胖病或其他疾病,并根据诊断采取针对性治疗方案。

2) 控制体重,根据体质采取适当的节食减肥方法,降低到正常体重标准。这是治疗肥胖病和预防心脏病的基础措施。

3) 保持规律的运动锻炼,比如每周3-5次的中等强度有氧运动和力量训练。这有助于减肥,也可增强心肺功能,预防心脏病。

4) 饮食健康,以高蛋白低糖低脂为主,少量多餐。减少高热量冲饮和垃圾食物的摄入。 

5) 戒烟限酒,这些习惯对心血管系统有较大伤害,应该尽量避免。 

6) 定期复查体重和心脏指标,回访医生并配合治疗,不断评估治疗效果和病情变化。

这里是一个简单的行动示意图:就医诊断→控制体重→运动锻炼 →健康饮食→戒烟限酒→定期复查→回访医生


3.3 心理学的DIKWP分析





如果Elisabeth被诊断为中度抑郁,抑郁倾向70%Caroline被诊断为抑郁倾向从5%发展到30%。 请根据上述内容,总结出数据、信息、知识、智慧、意图,并分别构建出图谱,并给出详细过程。

请根据上面的描述结合ElisabethCaroline的情况及诊断结果,对Alex进行抑郁概率进行评估并给出形式化表达过程? 如果Alex被参考了其它医学指标进行知识诊断为重度抑郁,那么他的那些数据和信息指标可能有采集错误?























3.4 心理学的量化分析

Alex的数据1:70% 信息1:不好意思 信息2:情绪低落 信息3:孤独 诊断结果:中度抑郁 Max的数据1:5%-30% 信息1:不爱说话 信息2:不参加活动 信息3:? 诊断结果:抑郁倾向 根据上面的数据生成表格。 根据上面的表格,推理出Alex的信息3的具体描述,给出详细的过程















3.5 人事管理的DIKWP分析

AlexJohn都是计算机行业相关的求职人员,Alex是应届毕业生,John是有3年工作经验的从业者。 某公司发出如下招聘信息:

1. 招收计算机软件工程师,1-3年相关从业经验,优秀应届毕业生也可以投递简历。

2. 需要吃苦耐劳,有追求技术的热情和良好的责任心,同时具有比较好的学习能力和变化适应的能力。

3. 偶尔能够适应加班。

4. 了解JavaC++或者其他编程语言,有良好的编程功底和文档阅读以及撰写能力。

5. 有一定的英文阅读能力。

Alex的简历除了基本信息外,强调了自己有过半年实习经历,性格上也开朗随和能和别人相处融洽,在学校拿过奖学金,成绩较为优秀,英语阅读能力优秀,能够适应经常加班的要求,但是没有相关编程的功底。 John的简历除了基本信息外,有3年工作经验,熟悉Java语言,参与过多个开发项目。但是他在简历上强调了自己性格沉稳,虽然不善于交际,但是富有责任心。



























1) 性格成熟稳重:在创业公司环境下,性格稳定而成熟的人更容易承受工作压力,并在动荡环境下作出理性判断。所以在这点上,John可能更具有优势。

2) 强大的学习与进步潜力:创业公司的业务与方向变化快速,需要强大的学习能力与适应能力来持续进步,满足公司发展需求。在这方面,Alex的优势可能更大。

3) 可接手新项目:创业公司业务增长迅速,常需要员工主动担负新任务与新项目。在这点上,John有3年工作经验,Alex有实习经验,两者都具备一定能力,难以确定优势。 













数据:应届毕业生,6个月实习经验  信息:开朗外向,学习能力强,适应变化能力好,能接受经常加班

















4. 应用讨论



[1] Bubeck, Sébastien, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee et al. "Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with gpt-4." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12712 (2023).

[2] Li, Yingbo, Yucong Duan, Zakaria Maamar, Haoyang Che, Anamaria-Beatrice Spulber, and Stelios Fuentes. "Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture." Mobile Information Systems 2021 (2021): 1-15.

[3] Mei, Yingtian, Yucong Duan, Liang Chen, Zaiwen Feng, Lei Yu, and Zhendong Guo. "Purpose Driven Disputation Modeling, Analysis and Resolution Based on DIKWP Graphs." In 2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys), pp. 2118-2125. IEEE, 2022.

[4] Yongbo Li, Yucong Duan, The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP, in publishing.








 Evaluation on AGI/GPT based on the DIKWP for: Anthropic’s Claude

Chengxiang Ren1, Lixu Shao2, Yingbo Li3, Yucong Duan4*

d202220044@xs.ustb.edu.cn1,  shaolx@aircas.ac.cn2, xslwen@outlook.com3, duanyucong@hotmail.com4

University of Science and Technology Beijing1

Aerospace Information Research Institute of QiLu2

AGI-AIGC-GPT Test and Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Lab, Hainan University1,2,3,4

AbstractWith the emergence of large-scale language models, the development of technologies such as general artificial intelligence (AGI) and Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) has attracted widespread attention. Currently, in the field of AGI/GPT, most evaluation test methods for the generative capabilities of large-scale language models are based on a few closed tasks, evaluator's subjective feelings, or cognitive experiences, lacking comprehensive coverage, objective evaluation, and a unified process for AGI/GPT scenarios. In response to the need for accurately describing the functional integrity and performance indicators of general artificial intelligence, this study proposes an evaluation test system based on the DIKWP framework. The framework proposed in this paper aims to understand AGI/GPT products' comprehension of DIKWP's knowledge concepts and their ability to solve problems in various fields using DIKWP, providing a relatively independent, complete, consistent, and human intelligence-centered test framework for the subsequent capability evaluation of AGI/GPT technologies. As a parallel evaluation against GPT-4, this paper conducted tests on Anthropic's Claude, which has a significant influence on the Slack platform, following the same configuration.

Keywords: AGI, GPT, DIKWP, AGI Evaluation Framework

3. Introduction

In recent years, researchers, especially those in the field of natural language processing, have shown an increasing interest in the study of cognitive artificial intelligence technologies. With the help of large-scale language models based on the mainstream Transformer architecture, the generalization of models in processing natural language tasks has been greatly improved, and they have been widely applied in the AIGC fields of image, video, and 3D model generation. ChatGPT and GPT-4 [1] already possess strong intent understanding and logical reasoning capabilities, and research in specific human work domains such as medicine, programming, mathematics, law, and digital creativity has shown that their performance has reached a level similar to human experts.

As AGI/GPT models are being applied in unprecedented scenarios, the current evaluation methods pose significant challenges to the cognition of evaluators. Current evaluations are characterized by fragmented, divergent, and overly experience-focused problem interactions, and the interpretation of the same results is overly subjective. The lack of an effective, objective, and comprehensive evaluation system not only causes directional confusion in the development and planning of large models but also poses obstacles to AGI governance. To address this issue, this paper presents a more complete testing system [4] based on the DIKWP framework [2,3]. The targeted tests include both the model's understanding of the DIKWP knowledge concepts and the ability to use DIKWP to solve problems in various domains. On the basis of confirming that the model has a certain degree of conceptual understanding of DIKWP, the information implied in natural language is mapped to the DIKWP model and expression system. Through interactions on the DIKWP system, the extraction, analysis, understanding, application, and interpretation capabilities of AGI-related model products at the data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose levels are evaluated. This evaluation and test system is  applicable to a wide range of AGI/GPT models, and provides a relatively independent, complete, consistent, and human-centered evaluation method for AGI and GPT technologies.

Note: Responses are directly generated from dialogues using English, which may be inconsistent with the Chinese Version.

4. Claude's mastery of DIKWP knowledge and concepts

What is DIKW (Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom)?

DIKW stands for Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. It represents a hierarchical relationship and evolutionary process of analyzing and understanding information.


Data: Raw facts and figures without organization and structure. For example, personal age, weight, income, etc.

Information: Organized and structured data used to describe properties of a subject or object. For example, a personal information form includes name, age, weight, income, etc. organized together as information.

Knowledge: Useful insights and conclusions gained through understanding, analysis and synthesis of information. For example, health analysis and risk assessment based on personal information.

Wisdom: Accurate judgment and farsightedness based on knowledge and experience. For example, lifestyle suggestions based on health analysis and risk assessment.

So, DIKW indicates the process of generating and improving from data to information, then to knowledge, and finally to wisdom. It shows the increasing value of information in AI and big data analysis. Obtain information from data, gain knowledge from information, and ultimately achieve wisdom and in-depth insights.

This model has applications in many fields such as artificial intelligence, big data analysis, decision making, etc. By understanding the levels and relationships of DIKW, the potential value of information can be better recognized, and more accurate and far-sighted judgments and strategies can be made. Therefore, the DIKW model provides a theoretical basis for the development and application of data-driven organizations and automated systems.

In summary, DIKW is an effective model and tool for analyzing information and reasoning knowledge. Through this model, information systems can be better designed, knowledge and value behind data and information can be discovered, and the purpose of following data, generating information, creating knowledge and achieving wisdom can be achieved. 

What is DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Purpose)?

DIKWP is an extended model based on DIKW, which stands for Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Purpose. It provides a more comprehensive framework for understanding and utilizing information.


Data and Information: Same as in the DIKW model, raw facts and organized/structured data.

Knowledge: Insights and conclusions gained from understanding information, similar to the DIKW model.

Wisdom: Ability to make accurate judgments and foresee future implications based on knowledge, as in the DIKW model.

Purpose: The motivation, goal or end objective that drives the search for data, information and knowledge. Purpose gives data, information and knowledge direction and value.

So, the DIKWP model builds upon the DIKW hierarchy by adding “Purpose” as another layer. The key difference is purpose, which refers to the goal-oriented application of data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Purpose determines why we pursue and generate the lower levels in the first place and how we actually apply them.

For example, the purpose could be improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, gaining competitive advantage, better serving customers, etc. The purpose motivates us to collect relevant data and turn it into useful information, knowledge and wisdom, so as to achieve the intended goal or outcome.

In summary, the DIKWP model provides a goal-oriented approach to analyzing and using information. It gives consideration to not just the hierarchical structure of data, information and knowledge, but also the driving purpose and practical application behind them. By understanding purpose, the value of information can be fully realized and a meaningful outcome can be achieved. The DIKWP model is a useful extended framework for data-driven and purposeful decision making.

DIKWP provides a more comprehensive and goal-oriented perspective compared to the DIKW model. It is an enhanced analytical tool that can help design information systems, identify opportunities, gain business insights, support decision making and drive strategic planning. The inclusion of purpose adds both direction and meaning to information and knowledge. 

What is DIKWP graph (data graph, information graph, knowledge graph, wisdom graph, intention graph)?

DIKWP graph refers to representing and analyzing data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose in a visual graph format. It aims to provide an intuitive understanding of their relationships and interconnections.


Data graph: Illustrates raw data elements and their connections. For example, a network graph of all data entries in a database and their associations.

Information graph: Organizes and structures data elements into more meaningful information clusters based on their attributes and relationships. For example, grouping data entries by common characteristics and linking related clusters.

Knowledge graph: Represents insightful conclusions and conceptual knowledge domains built upon information clusters. For example, information clusters around life events can lead to knowledge of major life stages.

Wisdom graph: Depicts principles, judgments and far-sighted perspectives derived from knowledge graphs. For example, transitions between life stages represent both challenges and opportunities for personal growth.Intention graph: Illustrates the motivation, goals and purposes that drive the data gathering and knowledge generation process. The intention graph provides direction and practical value to other DIKWP graphs.

So, DIKWP graphs provide a visual way to understand how data can be connected into information, then distilled into knowledge, derived into wisdom, and ultimately driven by purpose. The graphs make the DIKWP relationships and hierarchy more intuitive while revealing their complex interdependencies.

DIKWP graphs are a useful tool for information visualization, knowledge discovery, opportunity identification and strategic planning. Some key benefits include:

1) Gain a holistic view of information and knowledge landscapes
2) Uncover hidden connections across domains and disciplines  
3) Inspire new insights through graphical conceptualization
4) Align information exploration with key objectives and purposes 
5) Communicate complex knowledge and relationships in a simple visual manner

In summary, DIKWP graphs provide visual and intuitive support for the goal-oriented understanding, application and communication of knowledge. They make the DIKWP framework actionable in practice for data-driven decision making and strategic development. DIKWP graphs can enhance how we design information systems, explore business opportunities, solve complex problems and plan for the future. 

How to understand the DIKWP graph?

Here are some key steps to understand DIKWP graphs:

1. Identify the context and purpose. Determine the context, topic or subject area that the graph aims to represent. Also identify the key purpose or objective of the graph. This provides direction on how to interpret the content.

2. Start from the data and information layers. The data and information graphs form the foundation, showing the basic data elements and how they are organized/related. Understand what types of data are included and how they are structured into information.

3. Move upwards to knowledge and wisdom. The knowledge graph represents key insights, concepts and conclusions derived from the information graph. The wisdom graph depicts more profound principles, judgments and farsighted perspectives based on the knowledge graph.

4. Recognize the intention behind the graph. The intention graph, if included, highlights the motivation, goals or end objectives that drive the development of the graph. The intention determines why the graph was created and how the knowledge/wisdom can be applied.

5. Identify the connections across layers. A key purpose of the graph is to represent the connections from data to information to knowledge and wisdom. Look for how elements at different levels are related or build upon each other. These connections demonstrate the evolutionary process.

6. Look for new insights and opportunities. The visual layout of the graph is meant to inspire new insights through graphical conceptualization. New insights often emerge from an intuitive understanding of relationships across domains. Look for opportunities that the connections, patterns or gaps in the graph reveal.

7. Apply and act on the knowledge. The ultimate goal is to put the knowledge and wisdom into action to achieve the stated purpose/intention. Think about how the insights from the graph can be applied to solve problems, address challenges, or create value. Determine concrete steps that can be taken based on the knowledge.

In summary, understand DIKWP graphs through identifying context, examining the layered components from data to wisdom, recognizing connections across levels, gaining new insights, and determining applications. DIKWP graphs should reveal both a logical progression from data to purpose, as well as a holistic view of knowledge networks. Look for both trees (progression) and rhizomes (networks) in the graphs. By understanding DIKWP graphs in this comprehensive manner, one can tap into their full potential for insight, decision making and strategy.

Does this help explain how to analyze and apply knowledge from DIKWP graphs? Let me know if you have any other questions! 

5. Domain Specific DIKWP Applications of the Claude

3.1 DIKWP Analysis of Health Problems

17-year-olds are at risk of heart disease if they weigh more than 180 pounds. Call it obesity, which is called obesity.

Tom is 17 years old and weighs 185 catties.

Tom is often worried about his weight, and his appetite has decreased recently.

Tom saw the news about obesity on TV.

Two days ago, Tom received a flyer for a weight loss training class, which clearly stated that if he needs to apply for the class he should not have obesity.

Tom wants to go to the hospital.

Please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purposes contained in the above description, and output it as a table.

Then, construct the graphs of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose give and the detailed process.

Draw the relationship between the above data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer and purpose layer.

DIKWP LevelsAnalysisDataTom, 17 years old, 185 pounds,decreased appetiteInformationTom is worried about his weight; Saw news about obesity risks; Received flyer for weight loss class excluding obeseKnowledgeTom’s weight poses health risks as he qualifies as obese; His worry and actions show awareness of risks; The class criteria suggests his weight needs improvement WisdomProactively addressing health risks at a young age is prudent; Making healthy changes is in one’s best interest despite difficulties PurposeTom wants professional guidance to lose weight and improve health

Based on the analysis, here are the DIKWP graphs and their relationships:

Data graph:
[Tom, Age 17, Weight 185 pounds] -> [Decreased appetite recently]

Information graph:
                             [Tom worried about weight]
                             |                  |
                  [Saw news about        ->[Received flyer excluding    
                    obesity risks]         obese applicants]

Knowledge graph:
        [Tom's weight qualifies as obese] <- [Obesity poses health risks]  
   [Tom's worry and actions show he recognizes risks] <- [The class criteria implies 
                                                         his weight needs improvement]

Wisdom graph: 
     [Addressing health risks early is prudent] <- [Making changes for wellbeing 
                                  is in one's best interest]

Intention graph:
                             [Tom wants guidance to lose weight and improve health]

The graphs show the progression from data to information, then knowledge and wisdom, ultimately driven by the intention of improving health. The data and information graphs provide the basic facts about Tom's situation. The knowledge graph links these to draw insights around health risks, personal awareness and needed changes. The wisdom graph gives the guiding principles that support the intention, which is to take action for wellbeing by losing excess weight.

In summary, the visual representation of DIKWP levels through graphs provides an intuitive understanding of the incremental development of insights and purpose. The connections across graphs demonstrate how facts around Tom's condition can be synthesized into useful knowledge and wisdom to support his health goal. Please let me know if you would like me to explain any part of this DIKWP analysis and graph in more detail. I am happy to provide further clarification and discuss other ways DIKWP can be applied.

3.2 Reasoning and recommendations for health issues

What disease is likely or already present for Tom, on what grounds?

What actions should Tom take to protect his health?

Draw a schematic diagram of the above actions.

Based on the information provided, Tom is at risk of obesity-related diseases, such as:

Heart disease: Given Tom's age (17) and weight (185 lbs), he qualifies as obese which puts him at risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other heart problems.

Diabetes: Excess weight and obesity are risk factors for developing diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes. Tom's decreased appetite suggests he may have issues regulating blood sugar already.

Liver disease: Fatty liver disease and other liver disorders are associated with obesity. Tom's weight may put strain on his liver.

To protect his health, here are recommended actions for Tom:

1. Consult a doctor: Meet with a doctor to discuss health risks, get screenings and possibly diagnosis for any conditions based on symptoms and risk factors. A doctor can provide guidance specific to Tom's situation.

2. Improve diet: Follow a balanced, nutritious diet with appropriate calorie control to reach a healthy weight. Focus on fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains. Limit excess sugar, carbs and unhealthy fat.

3. Increase exercise: Engage in regular cardio exercise and strength/resistance training. Aim for at least 30-60 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Building muscle and increasing activity will boost metabolism and burn more calories.

4. Practice self-care: Adopt healthy lifestyle habits around sleep, managing stress and limiting unhealthy vices. Stay motivated by connecting with supportive others with similar health goals. Develop a realistic long-term plan to improve and maintain health.

[Schematic diagram]:

                                     [Tom,17 years old,Weight 185 lbs]
                             ----------------------             |                      
                           [Risk of obesity-related        < -------          [Decreased 
                            diseases:Heart disease,               appetite suggests
                            Diabetes, Liver disease]              blood sugar issues]
                            [Recommended Actions]              
                            /                 \               /              \
             [Consult doctor for        [Improve diet:            [Increase exercise: 
              guidance and care]   balanced, nutritious,        cardio, strength training
                       |                 calorie control]                         |
                       |                                                  [Practice self-care: sleep, stress,  
                      /|\                                                    motivation, long-term plan]      
                     /  | \
                    /   |  \ 
[ Screening and   [Limit excess   [Building muscle  [Connect for
 diagnosis if    sugar/carbs,      increases          support; develop
 indicated by  unhealthy fats]    metabolism]      realistic goals]

The schematic diagram shows the progression from Tom's condition to identified health risks, then recommended actions to address the risks across multiple areas, including consulting a doctor, improving diet, increasing exercise and self-care strategies. The overlapping sections indicate interdependencies between actions for the overall purpose of motivating Tom to make long-term lifestyle changes to support his health and wellbeing.

Please let me know if you would like me to explain or expand my analysis and diagram in any way. I am happy to refine and improve my response to develop recommendations suited specifically for Tom's situation. 

3.3 DIKWP Analysis in Psychology

Alex often feels guilty and remorseful for his words and deeds, his mood fluctuates greatly, and he often feels depressed.

Elisabeth often feels guilty and ashamed for her words and deeds, and feels hopeless overall.

Lee occasionally feels embarrassed by his words and actions, and occasionally feels lonely emotionally.

Caroline becomes less talkative. Recently, she doesn't even dare to face up to her partners in extracurricular activities. She do not participate in the football activities she liked before even someone else invited her to, and her clothes began to become darker and darker, often dirty.

If Elisabeth is diagnosed as moderately depressed with a tendency towards depression of 70%, and Caroline is diagnosed with a tendency towards depression from 5% to 30%. Based on the above content, please summarize the data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose. Then construct graph respectively and give a detailed process.

Based on the above description combined with Elisabeth and Caroline's situation and diagnosis results, please evaluate Alex's depression probability and give a formal expression process? If Alex is diagnosed as severe depression with reference to other medical indicators, then whether his data and information indicators have collection errors?

Here is the DIKWP analysis for Alex, Elisabeth, Lee and Caroline:


Data: Feels guilty/remorseful, fluctuating/depressed mood

Information: Emotional instability and negative self-perception

Knowledge: Symptoms suggest moderate risk of depression

Wisdom: Mental health issues should be addressed with support 

Purpose: Seek diagnosis and care to improve wellbeing



Data: Feels guilty/ashamed, hopeless

Information: Pessimistic and self-critical mindset

Knowledge: Depression diagnosis and high risk based on symptoms

Wisdom: Professional treatment is needed to reduce severity   

Purpose: Obtain medical care and counseling to alleviate condition



Data: Feels embarrassed occasionally, lonely at times

Information: Some emotional difficulties but less persistent    

Knowledge: Relatively low risk of serious mental health condition    

Wisdom: Occasional feelings of distress are normal; self-care and social connection can help    

Purpose: Monitor emotions and engage in healthy coping strategies



Data: Less talkative, avoids social interaction, unkempt appearance

Information: Withdrawn and less engaged in usual activities  

Knowledge: Potentially at moderate risk of depression based on behavior changes    

Wisdom: Shift to isolation and less self-care can signal psychological difficulties; support is important 

Purpose: Address root causes of withdrawal and make efforts to reconnect socio-emotionally

Based on the analysis, here are the DIKWP graphs and relationships:

The graphs demonstrate the progression from observed data and information to assessing the risk and severity of potential issues, then determining appropriate actions and wisdom gained for each person's situation based on medical diagnosis and other factors.

For Alex, his symptoms suggest a moderate probability of depression estimated around 50-70% based on comparing to Elisabeth's diagnosis. However, if later diagnosed as severe depression despite data indicating moderate risk, it is possible his initial information was incomplete or there were other indicators not reported that more strongly pointed to a higher severity diagnosis. Additional details around thoughts of self-harm, family history or duration/persistence of symptoms could alter the probability assessment.

The analysis also considers how recommended purpose and actions may differ for each person depending on their diagnosis and risks.

Please let me know if you would like me to further explain or expand on my evaluation and DIKWP graphs for these individuals. I can also discuss how collecting more complete information from all relevant sources is important for making accurate assessments and diagnoses.

3.4 Quantitative analysis in psychology

Alex's data 1: 70%; information 1: embarrassed 2: depression 3: loneliness;

diagnosis result: moderate depression

Max's data 1: 5%-30%; information 1: do not like to talk 2: do not participate in activities 3 :? Diagnosis Result: Tendency to depression.

Generate a table based on the above data.

Give an inference on specific description of Alex's message and 3, give a detailed process description.

Here is a summary table of Alex and Max's DIKWP data:

NameDataInformationDiagnosisAlex70%EmbarrassedDepressionLonelinessModerate depressionMax5-30%Does not like to talkDoes not participate in activitiesTendency to depression

For Max:

Data: 5-30% probability of depression based on initial assessment

Information 1: Does not like to talk - suggesting withdrawal from social interaction

Information 2: Does not participate in activities - indicating less engagement in previous interests or routines

To infer Max's Information 3 with a higher probability of tendency towards depression:

1. Consider other symptoms of depression that often co-occur - changes in sleep, appetite, energy level; feelings of worthlessness or guilt; difficulty concentrating or making decisions. If Max exhibits these additional symptoms, the probability would increase towards the higher end of the estimated range.

2. Determine how persistent and disrupted Max's withdrawal from talking and activities has been. If it has lasted for multiple weeks and caused impairment in relationships, work or self-care, this points to a greater likelihood of depression versus temporary life stresses.

3. Assess if there are any other life events that could trigger or contribute to depression for Max such as health issues, financial troubles, grief or trauma. Co-occurring risk factors and significant life stressors make depression more probable.

4. Consider family history of depression or other mental health conditions. If close family members have had depression, Max is at higher inherent risk which increases the probability.

5. Have Max screened for depression using a standard scale such as the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). His scores on the scale could either confirm or call into question the initial probability estimate. Higher scores indicate greater severity and risk of depression.

In summary, by gathering additional details around symptoms, life events, persistence of changes, family history and using screening tools, Max's Information 3 and diagnosis can be more accurately assessed. An estimate of 30-50% probability of depression would seem reasonable if several of these factors point to an increased likelihood of a depressive condition for Max versus normal distress or life stresses. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

3.5 DIKWP analysis in personnel management

Both Alex and John are job seekers related to the computer industry, Alex is a fresh graduate, and John is a practitioner with 3 years of work experience. A company sends out the following recruitment information:

1. Recruiting computer software engineers with 1-3 years of relevant working experience, outstanding fresh graduates can also submit their resumes.

2. Need to bear hardships and stand hard work, have the enthusiasm for pursuing technology and a good sense of responsibility, and have relatively good learning ability and ability to adapt to changes.

3. Able to work overtime occasionally.

4. Understand Java, C++ or other programming languages, have good programming skills and document reading and writing skills.

5. Have certain English reading ability.


In addition to the basic information, Alex's resume emphasized that he has half a year of internship experience, and he is also cheerful and easy-going, and can get along well with others. He won a scholarship in school, has excellent grades and excellent English reading ability, and can adapt to the requirements of frequent overtime. But has no relevant programming skills.

In addition to basic information, John's resume has 3 years of work experience, is familiar with the Java language, and has participated in many development projects. But he emphasized on his resume that he is calm , and although he is not good at communication, he has a sense of responsibility.

If I were HR, which one should I choose as a company employee? Can you make a detailed comparison from the data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, wisdom layer, and purpose layer?


Here is a DIKWP analysis comparing Alex and John for the software engineer position:

Alex: Recent college graduate, 6 months internship, strong grades, English ability, adaptability
John: 3 years experience, Java proficient, participated in development projects


Alex: Cheerful, gets along well with others, willing to work overtime
John: Calm, responsible, not strong communicator


Alex: Limited relevant work experience but potential to learn; personal qualities fit company culture; lacks technical skills currently
John: Strong technical background and experience; qualities less suited to highly collaborative role; more stable and practical


Alex: Investing in motivated new graduates with growth potential has long term benefits; technical skills can be developed; cultural fit is hard to teach 
John: Experience is valuable but technical skills alone are not enough; adapting to change and communication are ongoing learning processes


Alex: Build career as software engineer; gain experience in field of study; contribute to team
John: Continue progression as software engineer; meaningful work utilizing current skills


For this position, I would recommend Alex for the following reasons:

1. Alex fits the company emphasis on learning ability, adaptability and enthusiasm based on his data and information. While lacking in experience, his potential and motivation to grow into the role are strong.

2. Alex's soft skills, team orientation and willingness to work overtime suit the collaborative nature of software engineering, as per the job information. These qualities are harder to develop than technical skills.

3. Investing in Alex as a new graduate with a high ceiling for learning has long term benefits for the company. With guidance, his technical skills can develop rapidly to supplement his strengths in other areas.

4. John has significant technical experience but his resume indicates qualities less well-aligned with a highly collaborative role requiring communication and adaptability. His practical focus may limit creative thinking.

5. While a risk, an enthusiastic new graduate that fits the company culture will likely adapt faster to changes and advance quicker with mentorship, as per the wisdom for both candidates. Experience brings stability but can restrict growth without continuous learning.

In summary, based on an assessment across the full DIKWP spectrum, Alex emerges as the candidate with the most potential for success and advancement in this position at this company given the desired qualities in applicants and the opportunity for skill development with guidance. However, John remains a viable candidate with less risk due to proven technical and work experience.

The ultimate hiring decision would depend on the company's priorities and resources to invest in developing strengths versus relying on existing experience. Both candidates could succeed in the role, but Alex may achieve greater long term success with more time and investment, whereas John offers more immediate value. Please let me know if you would like me to explain or expand my analysis further! I am happy to discuss how either candidate could develop their areas of weaker fit for the role.

If the company is a startup, the business is growing rapidly. The last interviewer for the company interviewed both men and was satisfied with their interview performance. However, the interviewer, considering the future development, hopes that people with mature and stable personalities and great development potential will come to the company, and at the same time hope to train employees to take over new projects. How should I make a decision in the end?

Given this additional context that the company is a startup seeking high growth potential yet stability, and wants to train employees for greater responsibility, this provides further support for selecting Alex for the position:

1. Alex's enthusiasm, motivation to learn and adaptability suit a startup environment where requirements are rapidly changing. His natural potential for quick development will fuel growth. While less experienced, his energy can drive innovation.

2. Alex's maturity and stability have not yet been tested in the workplace, but his academic performance and ability to secure an internship suggest a level of diligence and reliability. With mentorship, his business/leadership maturity can develop to catch up to his soft skills.

3. The company's goal of training employees to take over new projects aligns well with Alex's desire to build his career and gain experience in the software field. He would likely welcome opportunities to take on more responsibility once his skills have developed, allowing him to grow with the organization.

4. John's stability and experience may seem appealing, but without a thirst for learning and adapting, his rate of growth may stagnate or slow the startup. While a lower short term risk, long term viability is questionable without continuous progress. However, if willing to push beyond his comfort level, John could succeed with regular advancement and skills development, though likely at a slower pace than Alex.

5. Considering future leadership roles, Alex appears to have greater potential based on his soft skills and motivation; however, leadership ability is hard to judge at this stage versus John's proven capacity to work independently. Leadership growth would depend on Alex's ability to match skills growth with maturity over time.

To summarize, given the startup environment and goals, Alex's potential for rapid development, ability to fuel growth and motivation to take on more responsibility point to the higher upside choice. However, John's experience is still valuable. If willing and able to push his abilities, John's steadiness could balance Alex's enthusiasm, and having an experienced mentor on the team would benefit Alex's accelerated learning curve.

An ideal option may be to hire both, if resources allow, with Alex showing promise for future leadership, and John providing stability, technical skills and mentorship. Together, they offer the possibility of achieving both rapid growth and steady progress. But individually, based primarily on potential and fit for startup culture, Alex may continue to edge out John by a small margin with the right investment in his development.

Does this help provide a balanced analysis on how to approach this hiring decision from a DIKWP perspective considering all elements at play? Let me know if you have any other questions!

Give the intention map of the above data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, wisdom layer, and purpose layer.

Here is a summary of the intention and relationships across the DIKWP layers for this hiring scenario:Intention: To hire candidate(s) with optimal potential for sustaining company growth and development.


            Rapid Growth                                   Steady Progress      

        [Enthusiasm to fuel innovation]     [Experience provides stability]     
                    |                                             |
                    |                                   [Willingness to push abilities] 
                    |                                   /    |    \           
                    |                                  /     |     \
[Desire to build career and gain experience]   [Demonstrated diligence and reliability]
  [High motivation to develop skills]        [Capacity to work independently]
             /        |        \                           |
    [Soft skills suit startup culture]   [Technical background]
         [Continuous learning mindset]          [Practical problem-solving]

Alex: To launch a career as a software engineer through gaining valuable experience in a high-growth startup environment.

John: To continue career progression as a software engineer through meaningful, stable work utilizing current technical skills.

Data and Information:Observed qualities and attributes of Alex (left side) and John (right side) that point to their  potential growth/progression paths respectively. 

Knowledge: How Alex and John's characteristics match needs for fueling innovation/maintaining stability and the company's goal to train future leaders. Interpretation of their purpose/motivations.

Wisdom: Recognizing that investing in motivation/potential as well as experience/stability are both worthwhile for achieving optimal short and long-term success. Understanding that growth depends on continuous progress for any candidate.

The upper intention level considers the company aims in broader terms of types of progress, whereas the lower purpose levels reflect Alex and John's individual intentions in pursuing the position. The left and right sides map Alex and John's attributes respectively that would influence their potential contributions and company fit.

There are many connections between layers, as one progresses from observed qualities to interpreting meanings and making judgments. The knowledge and wisdom levels also connect in recognizing that both candidates could achieve success with the necessary investment and shared goal of continuous advancement - in skills, maturity, responsibility, etc.

Please let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of this summary and intention mapping for the hiring scenario. I aimed to provide a high-level visualization of how evaluating DIKWP for each candidate and the overall company goals points to an ideal outcome of pursuing growth through both motivation/potential and stability/experience when possible. 

6. Discussion

In this paper, we demonstrate the application of the proposed DIKWP evaluation system to Anthropic's Claude. Firstly, we confirm Claude's understanding and cognition ability of the concepts of DIKW, DIKWP, and the DIKWP graph. Then, we conduct a preliminary test on Claude's understanding of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and intention in the fields of health, psychology, and human resource management, as well as its ability to convert between these elements. This allows for a hierarchical and structured decomposition of general artificial intelligence capabilities. In order to form a more complete system in subsequent further testing and comparative analysis, we will further study the static structure and dynamic transformation of the model for the DIKWP system, the bidirectional conversion between the natural language and the DIKWP form, and the cross-testing of DIKWP concepts and application issues in existing products under inaccurate and inconsistent conditions.


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