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今晚八点直播iCANX Talks第135期丨光学专家Andrea Alù教授:超材料对声光的极端控制

已有 2414 次阅读 2023-3-17 12:28 |个人分类:国际交流|系统分类:观点评述

2023年3月17日晚八点,iCANX Talks 第135期将在iCANX平台上线!本期我们邀请到美国国家发明家科学院院士Andrea Alù教授进行分享!更多精彩,敬请期待!


Andrea Alù  City University of New York

Extreme Control of Light and Sound with Metamaterials


The field of metamaterials, artificial materials engineered at the nanoscale, has been rapidly evolving in the past two decades, demonstrating extreme wave phenomena and unprecedented control over wave propagation. In this talk, I discuss recent developments in this field of research, with an emphasis on the role of symmetries in establishing emerging optical and acoustic responses for metamaterials based on otherwise simple constituents. Geometrical rotations, suitably tailored perturbations, and broken time reversal symmetry can be carefully engaged to tailor waves in robust and efficient ways, control their propagation, break Lorentz reciprocity and enable topological order and phase transitions. I will discuss the underlying physical principles that span over many wave platforms, and their impact on practical technologies, from imaging, energy and sensing to computing and communications. 



Andrea Alù is a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York (CUNY), the Founding Director of the Photonics Initiative at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center, and the Einstein Professor of Physics at the CUNY Graduate Center. He received his Laurea (2001) and PhD (2007) from the University of Roma Tre, Italy, and, after postdoctoral work at the University of Pennsylvania, he joined the faculty of the University of Texas at Austin in 2009, where he was the Temple Foundation Endowed Professor until Jan. 2018. Dr. Alù is a Fellow of NAI, AAAS, IEEE, MRS, OSA, SPIE and APS, the President of Metamorphose, the Director of the Simons Collaboration on Extreme Wave Phenomena, a Simons Investigator in Physics, and the Editor in Chief of Optical Materials Express. He has authored over 750 journal papers, and received several scientific awards for his scientific discoveries, including the NSF Alan T. Waterman award, the Blavatnik National Award for Physical Sciences and Engineering, a Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, the ICO Prize in Optics, the OSA Adolph Lomb Medal, and the URSI Issac Koga Gold Medal. 

Andrea Alù:纽约城市大学(CUNY)特聘教授、纽约城市大学先进科学研究中心光子学计划创始主任、纽约城市大学研究生院爱因斯坦物理学教授。Alù教授分别于2001年和2007年在意大利罗马第三大学获得本科和博士学位,在宾夕法尼亚大学从事博士后工作,并于2009年加入德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校任教,后续担任该校Temple基金会特聘教授至2018 年1月。Alù教授同时是美国国家发明家科学院院士(NAI Fellow)、美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow)、电气和电子工程师学会会士(IEEE Fellow)、材料研究学会会士(MRS Fellow)、美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow)、国际光学与光子学会会士(SPIE Fellow)、美国物理学会会士 (APS Fellow),并担任西蒙斯基金会极端波操控合作计划主任,Optical Materials Express的总主编。其研究发表期刊论文750余篇,并因他的科学成就获得诸多科学奖项,包括美国国家科学基金会(NSF)Alan T. Waterman奖、Blavatnik国家物理科学与工程奖、美国国防部Vannevar Bush学院奖、电气和电子工程师学会(IEEE)Kiyo Tomiyasu奖、国际光学委员会(ICO)光学奖、美国光学学会(OAS)Adolph Lomb奖与国际无线电科学联盟(URSI)Issac Koga金质奖章等多项科研奖项。


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