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已有 2182 次阅读 2023-2-3 15:16 |个人分类:JMS信息|系统分类:论文交流

    2022年9月5日,位于四川省西部、康藏高原东南部的四川泸定县发生了6.8级地震,地震造成93人遇难,25人失联,大量房屋被毁。海螺沟位于此次地震震中,海螺沟冰川是亚洲的低海拔冰川之一,也是离大城市最近的一条现代冰川。海螺沟冰川是否受到此次地震的影响而出现不稳定呢?中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所刘巧研究员的团队采用可见光与雷达卫星遥感数据、无人机遥感、地面相机监控等多源观测数据,对海螺沟冰川的稳定性进行了综合评估。他们撰写的“Stability of the Hailuogou glacier during the “9.5” Luding Earthquake: a preliminary assessment based on multi-source observations”一文被遴选为Journal of Mountain Science 2022年11期封面文章


Citation: Liu Q, Zhang B, Zhao B, et al. (2022) Stability of the Hailuogou glacier during the “9.5” Luding Earthquake: a preliminary assessment based on multi-source observations. Journal of Mountain Science 19(11). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-022-7730-x


Downloads: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-022-7730-x


1Multi-source satellite observations combined with ground monitoring allow a timely assessment of glacier-related hazard risks

2The Hailuogou Glacier is much more stable than expected even experienced a strong seismic shake

3Post-earthquake hazard risks are still high as recent strong paraglacial destabilization offer large amount of debris sources in deglaciated valleys.



Cover Story

Mountain glacier collapse or ice avalanche, usually with high mobility speed and long-run distance, could cause catastrophic disasters since they potentially initiate chain hazardous processes combined by landslides, debris flows and outburst floods in the glacierised mountains. Observed increasing frequency of widespread glacier destabilization is likely be related to atmospheric warming induced cryospheric condition changes (e.g., glaciers shrinkage and permafrost thaw), as well as the disturbance by their adjacent seismic activities.

Mt. Gongga (7556 m a.s.l.), located in Southeastern of Tibet Plateau, is the highest massif in the Hengduan Mountains and encompassed by three active faults, the Xianshuihe Fault, the Longmenshan Fault, and the Anninghe Fault. Dominated by regional monsoon climate, the Gongga massif surroundings have formed more than 70 temperate glaciers, which recently exhibit notable shrinkage due to their sensitivity to atmosphere warming. The Hailuogou Glacier is one of the most famous and touristed valley glaciers on the east slope of Mt. Gongga, with a 1080 m-high giant icefall connecting its upper accumulation basin and the lower debris-covered ice tongue. In recent years, extraordinary large-magnitude icefall avalanches were frequently reported by social media and cryosphere communities. The icefall demonstrates very conspicuous evidence of active flow of the Hailuogou Glacier. Since 2013, however, the icefall is gradually disconnected with its lower tongue, which thus loses the direct ice-flux transport from above and turns into a separate regenerated glacier. During summer, fast flowing ice in the upper stream of the icefall pushes the ice below moving downward and the ice blocks at the lowest part of the fractured icefall in general are readily to collapse.

The cover picture of the current issue of Journal of Mountain Science (Vol. 19, No. 11, 2022) shows Mt. Gongga and the upper Hailuogou Glacier accumulation area. This photo was taken by a drone hovering at an altitude of 5310 m a.s.l. on 03 August 2022, just one month before the Luding Earthquake, showing the supraglacial morphological characters and glacial ice structures of the area above the icefall. In this issue, the paper entitled “Stability of the Hailuogou glacier during the “9.5” Luding Earthquake: a preliminary assessment based on multi-source observations” checks the status and changes of the HLG glacier before, during and after the earthquake. The observed results show that the entire HLG glacier exhibited more stable than expected during the earthquake, with no abnormal change occurred in this upper accumulation part and only a small block of fractured ice at the lowest icefall collapsed. However, since the glacier valley has experienced remarkable downwasting and the paraglacial environment has been strongly disturbed and destabilized, systematically observations are necessary to monitor the regional glacier anomalies in this post-earthquake seismic active area.







1.      Geomorphic and tectonic controls of landslides induced by the 2022 Luding earthquake

2.     Glacial biodiversity of the southernmost glaciers of the European Alps (Clapier and Peirabroc, Italy)

3.      Assessment of glacier stored water in Karakoram Himalaya using satellite remote sensing and field investigation

4.       Spatio-temporal changes in the six major glaciers of the Chitral River basin (Hindukush Region of Pakistan) between 2001 and 2018

5.     Recent behavior and possible future evolution of the glacieret in the cirque Golemiya Kazan in the Pirin Mountains under conditions of climate warming

6.     Validation of ERA5-Land temperature and relative humidity on four Peruvian glaciers using on-glacier observations

7.     Glacier change in the Tanggula Mountains, Tibetan Plateau, in 1969-2015

8      Monitoring glaciers in the Chenab basin with SBAS InSAR technology 


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