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剑桥大学的科学家在干净的磁性晶体中发现了动态分形 精选

已有 6720 次阅读 2023-1-26 15:20 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Example of the fractal structures in spin ice together with a famous example of a fractal (the Mandelbrot set), on top of a photograph of water ice. Credit: Jonathan N. Hallén, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge

剑桥大学University Of Cambridge2023125日报道,剑桥大学的科学家在干净的磁性晶体中发现了动态分形Cambridge Scientists Have Discovered a Dynamic Fractal in Clean Magnetic Crystal)。


英国剑桥大学、德国德累斯顿的马克斯普朗克复杂系统物理研究所Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden)、美国田纳西大学University of Tennessee)和阿根廷拉普拉塔国立大学(Universidad Nacional de La Plata-阿根廷国家科学与技术研究理事会的阿根廷拉普拉塔流体物理和生物系统研究所(Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológicos, UNLP-CONICET, La Plata, Argentina)研究人员合作发现了一种全新的分形,出现在一类称为自旋冰(spin ices)的磁铁中。相关研究结果于20221215日已经在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表。详见Jonathan N. HallénSantiago A. GrigeraD. Alan TennantClaudio Castelnovo, Roderich Moessner. Dynamical fractal and anomalous noise in a clean magnetic crystal. Science, 15 December 2022, Vol 378, Issue 6625, pp. 1218-1221. DOI: 10.1126/science.add1644. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.add1644

这一发现令人惊讶,因为分形出现在一个干净的三维晶体中,而通常情况下它们是不会出现的。更值得注意的是,分形在晶体的动态特性中是可见的,而在静态特性中是隐藏的。这些特征激发了涌现动态分形(emergent dynamical fractal的称谓。

分形是在材料钛酸镝(dysprosium titanate, Dy2Ti2O7)的晶体中发现的,其中电子自旋表现得像微小的条形磁铁。这些自旋通过冰的规则相互配合,模拟了质子在水冰中所经历的约束。对于钛酸镝,这会导致非常特殊的特性。

剑桥大学的博士生、该研究的第一作者也是通讯作者乔纳森·哈伦 (Jonathan Hallén)解释说,在略高于绝对零的温度下,晶体自旋形成磁流体。” 然而,这不是普通的液体。

由于热量很少,冰规则在少数地点及其北极和南极被打破,构成翻转自旋(flipped spin),彼此分离,作为独立的磁单极子(magnetic monopoles)移动。

这些磁单极子的运动导致了这里的发现。同样来自剑桥大学的克劳迪奥·卡斯特尔诺沃(Claudio Castelnovo)教授指出:我们知道发生了一些非常奇怪的事情。30年的实验结果并不合理。


事实上,这项最新的磁噪声分析表明,单极子的世界需要看起来少于三维,或者更准确地说是2.53维!德国马克斯·普朗克复杂系统物理研究所所长罗德里赫·莫斯纳(Roderich Moessner)教授和克劳迪奥·卡斯特尔诺沃提出,自旋本身的量子隧穿可能取决于相邻自旋的行为。




研究人员与阿根廷拉普拉塔国立大学的桑提亚哥·格里杰拉(Santiago Grigera)教授和美国田纳西大学的艾伦· 坦南特(Alan Tennant)教授密切合作,成功地揭示了之前实验工作的意义。

桑提亚哥·格里杰拉和艾伦· 坦南特指出,分形是动态的这一事实意味着它们没有出现在标准的热和中子散射测量中,只是因为噪音正在测量磁单极子的运动,它才最终被发现。



本研究得到了英国工程和物理科学研究委员会(Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: EP/P034616/1EP/T028580/1)、基础能源科学办公室能源办公室(Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award Number: DE-SC0022311)、优秀集群(cluster of excellence ct.qmat: EXC 2147, project-id 390858490)以及德国研究基金会{Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under grants: SFB 1143 (project-id 247310070) }的资助。


Fractal-hopping monopoles

Spin ices have crystal lattices that consist of tetrahedra of magnetic ions. In a ground state, two of the four spins on each tetrahedron point in and two point out. When an excitation called the magnetic monopole is created, this rule is violated as the monopole moves through the crystal. Monopole dynamics are reflected in quantities such as magnetic noise, the measurements of which have shown a different frequency dependence from the one that the simplest model predicts. Hallén et al. solved this puzzle by realizing that the monopole motion is more restricted than previously thought and is limited to a cluster with a fractal structure (see the Perspective by Flicker). —JS


Fractals—objects with noninteger dimensions—occur in manifold settings and length scales in nature. In this work, we identify an emergent dynamical fractal in a disorder-free, stoichiometric, and three-dimensional magnetic crystal in thermodynamic equilibrium. The phenomenon is born from constraints on the dynamics of the magnetic monopole excitations in spin ice, which restrict them to move on the fractal. This observation explains the anomalous exponent found in magnetic noise experiments in the spin ice compound Dy2Ti2O7, and it resolves a long-standing puzzle about its rapidly diverging relaxation time. The capacity of spin ice to exhibit such notable phenomena suggests that there will be further unexpected discoveries in the cooperative dynamics of even simple topological many-body systems.


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