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已有 6681 次阅读 2022-12-6 22:13 |个人分类:学以致用|系统分类:科研笔记

       chatGPT是一个基于GPT-3模型的聊天机器人。GPT-3是由OpenAI开发的一种大型语言模型,能够生成人类般自然的语言文本。chatGPT使用这一模型来回答用户的问题,并且能够进行复杂的对话,在2022年11月30日正式公开。 chatGPT还具有情感分析能力,能够识别用户的情绪并做出相应的回应。它可以用于各种应用场景,包括客服机器人、在线问答系统、社交媒体聊天机器人等。




Google翻译版本:In recent years, the RNA-mediated endonuclease CRISPRCas system can introduce a DNA or RNA strand gap at a specific site in the genome, inducing the host to initiate its own defense mechanism to repair the gap, greatly improving the efficiency of homologous recombination and reducing the need for screening markers. Dependence on multiple gene editing in multiple species.

GPT翻译版本:In recent years, CRISPRCas systems, which are RNA-mediated nucleic acid endonucleases, have been able to introduce DNA or RNA chain gaps at specific genomic loci, inducing the host's own defense mechanisms to repair the gaps, greatly improving the efficiency of homologous recombination and reducing reliance on screening markers, enabling multi-gene editing in multiple species.



原文:StringTie继承于Cufflinks, 在准确性方面有了较大提升, 且可以通过输入数据库比对注释结果提高在已知基因区域的准确性, 在组装的过程中会计算每个基因及可变剪切的表达水平. 

Google翻译版本:StringTie is inherited from Cufflinks, which has greatly improved its accuracy, and can improve the accuracy of known gene regions by inputting database comparison annotation results. During the assembly process Expression levels for each gene and alternative splicing are calculated.

GPT翻译版本:StringTie is an improved version of Cufflinks in terms of accuracy. It can improve the accuracy of known gene regions by inputting database comparison results. During the assembly process, it calculates the expression levels of each gene and alternative splicing.



原文:由于组装算法的局限或变异位点分布不均匀,单纯使用全基因组测序组装的单体型都是局部的、片段化的。借助遗传信息分离同源区域的基因组数据, 再将每个区域组装成单体型,是目前解决高杂合物种组装最成功的方法。

Google翻译版本:Due to the limitations of the assembly algorithm or the uneven distribution of mutation sites, the haplotypes assembled solely by whole genome sequencing are localized and fragmented. Using genetic information to separate genomic data of homologous regions, and then assembling each region into a haplotype, is currently the most successful method to solve the assembly of highly heterozygous species.

GPT翻译版本:Due to the limitations of assembly algorithms or uneven distribution of polymorphic sites, the singleton type assembled solely by whole genome sequencing is local and fragmented. Using genetic information to separate homologous regions of genomic data and then assembling each region into a singleton type is currently the most successful method for solving high heterozygous species assembly.




上一篇:2022年 Anaconda、TensorFlow安装和Pycharm配置详细步骤
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