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已有 2580 次阅读 2022-11-26 10:31 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Fig. 1 In world first, scientists demonstrate continuous-wave lasing of deep-ultraviolet laser diode at room temperature. Credit: Issey Takahashi


Fig. 2 Researchers that successfully conducted the world's first room-temperature continuous-wave lasing of a deep-ultraviolet laser diode. Credit: 2022 Asahi Kasei Corp. and Nagoya University

Demonstration of room-temperature continuous-wave lasing. Credit: 2022 Asahi Kasei Corp. and Nagoya University https://e3.eurekalert.org/multimedia/965961

据日本名古屋大学(Nagoya University20221124日报道,名古屋大学科学家展示了世界上第一个室温下深紫外激光二极管的连续波激光(Scientists demonstrate world's first continuous-wave lasing of deep-ultraviolet laser diode at room temperature)。

2014年诺贝尔物理学奖得主天野浩(The Nobel Prize in Physics 2014, Hiroshi Amano)在日本中部名古屋大学可持续发展材料与系统研究所(Nagoya University's Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability简称IMaSS)领导的一个研究小组,与旭化成株式会社(Asahi Kasei Corporation)合作,成功地进行了世界上首个室温连续深紫外激光二极管(波长低至UV-C区域)的激光。相关研究结果将在《应用物理快报》(Applied Physics Letters)杂志发表,其校对稿于20221124日已经在名古屋大学机构知识库(Nagoya University Institutional Repository)网站公布:

Title: Key temperature-dependent characteristics of AlGaN-based UV-C laser diode and demonstration of room-temperature continuous-wave lasing
Authors: Ziyi Zhang, Maki Kushimoto, Akira Yoshikawa, Koji Aoto, Chiaki Sasaoka, Leo J. Schowalter, and Hiroshi Amano
DOI: 10.1063/5.0124480 (to be published online on November 28, 2022)
Nagoya University Institutional Repository URL
http://hdl.handle.net/2237/0002003984 (to be published at 5pm on November 24, 2022, JST)

Title: Local stress control to suppress dislocation generation for pseudomorphically grown AlGaN UV-C laser diodes
Authors: Maki Kushimoto, Ziyi Zhang, Akira Yoshikawa, Koji Aoto, Yoshio Honda, Chiaki Sasaoka, Leo J. Schowalter, and Hiroshi Amano
DOI: 10.1063/5.0124512 (to be published online on November 28, 2022)
Nagoya University Institutional Repository URL
http://hdl.handle.net/2237/0002003985 (to be published at 5pm on November 24, 2022, JST)

《应用物理快报》(Applied Physics Letters)杂志在线发表,要等到20221128日——Maki Kushimoto, Ziyi Zhang, Akira Yoshikawa, Koji Aoto, Yoshio Honda, Chiaki Sasaoka, Leo J. Schowalter and Hiroshi Amano. Local stress control to suppress dislocation generation for pseudomorphically grown AlGaN UV-C laser diodes. Applied Physics Letters, Published online on November 28, 2022. DOI: 10.1063/5.0124512

Hiroshi Amano et al, Ziyi Zhang, Maki Kushimoto, Akira Yoshikawa, Koji Aoto, Chiaki Sasaoka, Leo J. Schowalter, Hiroshi Amano. Key temperature-dependent characteristics of AlGaN-based UV-C laser diode and demonstration of room-temperature continuous-wave lasing. Applied Physics Letters, Published online on November 28, 2022. DOI: 10.1063/5.0124480


激光二极管(laser diodes简称LDs)20世纪60年代问世以来,经过数十年的研发,终于成功实现了商业化,波长范围从红外到蓝紫色(blue-violet)。该技术的示例包括具有红外LD的光通信设备和使用蓝紫色LD的蓝光光盘(Blu-ray discs)。

然而,尽管世界各地的研究小组都在努力,没有人能够研制出深紫外线LDsdeep ultraviolet LDs)。2007年之后,随着氮化铝(AlN)衬底制造技术的出现,一项重大突破才得以实现。氮化铝(AlN)衬底是生长用于UV发光器件的氮化铝镓(AlGaN)薄膜的理想材料。


但在2019年,该研究小组成功地解决了这个问题,使用了极化诱导掺杂技术(polarization-induced doping technique)。他们首次制造出了一种短波长紫外可见光(UV-C)激光器,它能在短脉冲电流下工作。然而,这些电流脉冲所需的输入功率为5.2 W。这对于连续波激光来说太高了,因为此功率会导致二极管快速升温并停止激光发射。

但是现在,来自名古屋大学和旭化成株式会社的研究人员,已经重新设计了该设备本身的结构,降低了室温下激光器仅需1.1 W的驱动功率。早期的器件需要高水平的工作功率,因为激光条纹处出现晶体缺陷,无法形成有效的电流路径。但在这项研究中,研究人员发现,这些缺陷是由强烈的晶体应变造成的。


名古屋大学的产学合作平台——被称为未来电子学和电子改造设施综合研究中心(Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics, Transformative Electronics Facilities简称C-TEFs),使新的紫外激光技术的开发成为可能。在C-TEFs中,来自旭化成株式会社等合作伙伴的研究人员可以共享名古屋大学校园内最先进的设施,为他们提供构建可重复生产的高质量设备所需的人员和工具。

张子毅(Zhang Ziyi音译)是研究团队的代表之一,他在旭化成株式会社工作的第二年参与了该项目的创建。他在一次采访中说:“我想做一些新的事情。当时所有人都认为深紫外激光二极管是不可能的,但天野浩教授告诉我,‘我们已经成功使用了蓝光激光,现在是时候使用紫外激光了’ ”。

这项研究是所有波长范围的半导体激光器实际应用和发展的一个里程碑。在未来,UV-C LDs可以应用于医疗保健、病毒检测、微粒测量、气体分析和高清激光处理(high-definition laser processing)。


此项研究得到了日本学术振兴会(JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21H04560)的资助。


Laser diode emits deep UV light

Abstract (DOI: 10.1063/5.0124480)

Although the pulsed operation of AlGaN-based laser diodes at UV-C wavelengths has been confirmed in previous studies, continuous oscillation without cooling is difficult because of the high operating voltage. In this study, the temperature dependence of key parameters was investigated and their impact on achieving continuous-wave lasing was discussed. A reduction in threshold voltage was achieved by tapering the sides of the laser diode mesa and reducing the lateral distance between the n- and p-electrodes. As a result, continuous-wave lasing at room temperature was demonstrated for the first time at a threshold current density of 4:2 kA/cm2 and a threshold voltage of 8:7 V.

Abstract (DOI: 10.1063/5.0124512)

Previously reported UV-C laser diodes (LD) structures have been subject to design constraints owing to dark line defects at the edge of the mesa stripe after device fabrication. To address this issue, a detailed analysis revealed that the dark line defects were dislocations generated by local residual shear stresses associated with mesa formation on highly strained epitaxial layers. A technique for controlling the local concentration of shear stress, using a sloped mesa geometry, was proposed based on the insights gained by modeling the stress distribution at the edge of the mesa stripe. Experimental results showed that this technique succeeded in completely suppressing the emergence of dark-line defects. This technique will be useful in improving the performance of pseudomorphic AlGaN/AlN-based optoelectronic device including UV-C LDs.


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