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已有 1985 次阅读 2022-11-24 20:59 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯



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MYC proteins are coloured green in this figure. In normally growing cells, they are homogeneously distributed in the cell nucleus (left). In diverse stress situations, as they occur in cancer cells, they rearrange themselves, form sphere-like structures and thus surround particularly vulnerable sections of the genome. (Image: Team Martin Eilers / Universität Würzburg)

据德国维尔茨堡大学(University of Würzburg / Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)网站20221123日报道,蛋白质球保护癌细胞的基因组(Protein Spheres Protect the Genome of Cancer Cells)。由MYC蛋白(MYC proteins, 在上图中呈绿色)制成的空心球体为癌症研究打开了新的大门。维尔茨堡大学的科学家发现了它们,并在《自然》(Nature)杂志上报道了这一突破。详见Daniel Solvie, Apoorva Baluapuri, Leonie Uhl, Daniel Fleischhauer, Teheresa Endres, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Amel Azuba, Abdallah Gaballa, Ivan Mikicic, Ekaterina Isaakova, Celeste Giansanti, Jennifer Jansen, Marvin Jungblut, Teresa Klein, Christina Schülein-Völk, Hans Maric, Sören Doose, Markus Sauer, Petra Beli, Andreas Rosenwald, Matthias Dobbelstein, Elmar Wolf, Martin Eilers. MYC multimers shield stalled replication forks from RNA polymerase. Nature, 23 November 2022, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05469-4. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05469-4



MYC蛋白还表现出一种以前不为人知的活性-现在正在为癌症研究打开新的大门:它们形成空心球体,保护基因组中特别敏感的部分。如果这些 MYC 球体被破坏,癌细胞就会死亡。

这是由维尔茨堡大学生物化学和分子生物学研究所(Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)的马丁·艾勒斯(Martin Eilers)和埃尔马·沃尔夫(Elmar Wolf)领导的研究小组在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站20221123日报道的。研究人员确信,他们的发现将改变癌症研究的游戏规则,是通往新治疗策略的重要突破。

空心球保护敏感的 DNA 位点(Hollow spheres protect sensitive DNA sites




寻找特效药物(Search for specifically effective drugs




参与此项研究的除了来自德国维尔茨堡大学的研究人员之外,还有来自德国美因茨的分子生物学研究所(Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz, Germany)、德国哥廷根大学(University of Göttingen)以及美因茨约翰内斯古登堡大学(Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany)的研究人员。

这项工作得到了德国癌症援助组织(Deutsche Krebshilfe - German Cancer Aid No. 70113870)、德国研究基金会(German Research Foundation: WO 2108/1-1; EI 222/21-1; BA 7941/1-1; GRK 2243 Ubiquitin and GRK 2157 )以及欧洲研究委员会(European Research Council简称ERC)ERC Advanced Grant AuroMYC, ERC Synergy Grant ULTRARESOLUTION, and ERC Starting Grant TarMYC)的资助。



Oncoproteins of the MYC family drive the development of numerous human tumours1. In unperturbed cells, MYC proteins bind to nearly all active promoters and control transcription by RNA polymerase II2,3. MYC proteins can also coordinate transcription with DNA replication4,5 and promote the repair of transcription-associated DNA damage6, but how they exert these mechanistically diverse functions is unknown. Here we show that MYC dissociates from many of its binding sites in active promoters and forms multimeric, often sphere-like structures in response to perturbation of transcription elongation, mRNA splicing or inhibition of the proteasome. Multimerization is accompanied by a global change in the MYC interactome towards proteins involved in transcription termination and RNA processing. MYC multimers accumulate on chromatin immediately adjacent to stalled replication forks and surround FANCD2, ATR and BRCA1 proteins, which are located at stalled forks7,8. MYC multimerization is triggered in a HUWE16 and ubiquitylation-dependent manner. At active promoters, MYC multimers block antisense transcription and stabilize FANCD2 association with chromatin. This limits DNA double strand break formation during S-phase, suggesting that the multimerization of MYC enables tumour cells to proliferate under stressful conditions.


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