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捕获“热”电子的新技术能否提高太阳能电池的效率? 精选

已有 5846 次阅读 2022-11-23 21:16 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




A scanning tunnelling microscope is used to study the dynamics of hot electrons through single molecule manipulation. Credit: Adrian Hooper

据英国巴斯大学(University of Bath20221122日报道,巴斯大学的一项发现为测量和控制热电子开辟了一条新途径,希望有更多的能量来驱动太阳能电池。上述图示是扫描隧道显微镜用于通过单分子操作研究热电子的动力学。


太阳能电池通过将光转化为电子来工作,电子的能量可以被收集和收获。热太阳能电池是一种新型电池,它比传统太阳能电池更有效地将太阳光转化为电能。然而,这个过程的效率受到高能电子或热电子的产生的限制,这些电子的寿命极短,并且在它们产生的前几飞秒内将大部分能量损失到周围环境(1 fs=10-15 s)。


操纵目标(Manipulating a target)

巴斯大学物理系的研究人员使用扫描隧道显微镜 (scanning tunnelling microscope简称STM) 研究了热电子。该设备旨在对单个原子和分子进行成像。通过将小电流(一束热电子)注入单个目标分子,该设备还可以操纵目标——移动它、旋转它、打破化学键或形成新的化学键。


颠覆了科学(Turning science on its head


领导此项研究的巴斯大学物理系的克里斯蒂娜· 鲁西莫瓦(Kristina Rusimova)博士解释说:“我们已经使用单分子反应来探测热电子在其生命的最初几飞秒内,也就是在它们向周围环境失去能量之前的命运。

这项工作为定量准确地测量热电子过程和控制它们开辟了一条新途径。随着时间的推移,人们希望它能进入热太阳能电池的新领域,其目的是在光伏电池中产生的电子能量,在其存在的最初几飞秒内向周围环境失去能量之前捕获它。相关研究于20221017日已经在《纳米尺度进展》(Nanoscale Advances)杂志网站发表——Peter A. Sloan, Kristina R. Rusimova. A self-consistent model to link surface electronic band structure to the voltage dependence of hot electron induced molecular nanoprobe experiments. Nanoscale Advances, 2022, 4: 4880-4885. DOI: 10.1039/D2NA00644H. First published on 17th October 2022. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2022/na/d2na00644h

巴斯大学物理学研究员彼得·斯隆(Peter Sloan)博士设计了该实验并构建了该研究所基于的模型,他说:“对支撑基本电荷命运的过程的新理解是对纳米科学最重要的贡献之一。分子纳米探针实验开辟了新的、以前未探索过的方法来观察热载流子(hot charge carriers)在其相关原子长度尺度上的行为。”

克里斯蒂娜· 鲁西莫瓦博士补充说:“通过最先进、严格和广泛的实验,我们已经确定了物理机制,不仅负责电荷在硅表面的传输,而且负责最终的操作步骤,其中分子被电子从硅表面射出,但关键是只有在热电子已经失去其多余的热能之后。我们首次将此操作步骤的能量依赖性与底层表面电子能带结构联系起来。”


该研究由英国工程和物理科学研究委员会 (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council简称EPSRC) 资助(EPSRC grant EP/K00137X/1)。


Can a new technique for capturing ’hot’ electrons make solar cells more efficient?


Understanding the ultra-fast transport properties of hot charge carriers is of significant importance both fundamentally and technically in applications like solar cells and transistors. However, direct measurement of charge transport at the relevant nanometre length scales is challenging with only a few experimental methods demonstrated to date. Here we report on molecular nanoprobe experiments on the Si(111)-7×7 at room temperature where charge injected from the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) travels laterally across a surface and induces single adsorbate toluene molecules to react over length scales of tens of nanometres. A simple model is developed for the fraction of the tunnelling current captured into each of the surface electronic bands with input from only high-resolution scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) of the clean Si(111)-7×7 surface. This model is quantitatively linked to the voltage dependence of the molecular nanoprobe experiments through a single manipulation probability (i.e. fitting parameter) per state. This model fits the measured data and gives explanation to the measured voltage onsets, exponential increase in the measured manipulation probabilities and plateau at higher voltages. It also confirms an ultrafast relaxation to the bottom of a surface band for the injected charge after injection, but before the nonlocal spread across the surface.


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