文章信息 Design and high-power test of 800-kW UHF klystron for CEPC Ou-Zheng Xiao(肖欧正), Shigeki Fukuda, Zu-Sheng Zhou(周祖圣), Un-Nisa Zaib, Sheng-Chang Wang(王盛昌), Zhi-Jun Lu(陆志军), Guo-Xi Pei(裴国玺), Munawar Iqbal, and Dong Dong(董东) Chin. Phys. B, 2022, 31 (8): 088401 Abstract PDF 文章介绍 速调管是一种具有高功率、高增益和高效率的微波真空电子器件,在广播电视、通信、粒子加速器、国防和军事等领域具有广泛应用。650 MHz/ 800 kW连续波速调管是环形正负电子对撞机(CEPC)关键技术,为射频超导腔提供功率。目前国际上P波段连续波速调管输出功率已达到MW量级,输出效率在60%–66%之间,而国内则完全依赖进口。 为降低CEPC的能源需求和建设运行成本,实现P波段速调管国产化,中国科学院高能物理研究所联合中国科学院空天信息创新研究院以及昆山国力电子科技股份有限公司,对650 MHz/800 kW连续波速调管进行联合技术攻关,进行国内第一次P波段大功率连续波速调管的设计,要求电子束100%通过率,力争实现80%以上的超高效率。 速调管的效率取决于电子注群聚的好坏,高群聚基波电流和低电子速度离散是获得高效率的基本条件。为实现高效率,就需要减小电子注导流系数,降低空间电荷效应。此外采用新的电子群聚技术,如二次谐波腔、BAC和CSM等,可改善电子注的群聚。本文设计了一台工作频率为650 MHz的800 kW连续波速调管。第一阶段采用降低导流系数和二次谐波腔相结合的方法来实现速调管65%左右的输出效率,该方案成熟可靠。文章详细介绍了首支样管高频互作用段设计和高功率测试结果,脉冲功率达到804 kW,连续波功率700 kW,输出效率65.3%, 1 dB带宽±0.8 MHz,同三维动力学模拟一致。 这是中国自主研制的首支P波段大功率连续波速调管,各项指标达到国际同类速调管水平,打破大科学装置中长期依赖进口的局面,为下一步发展国际领先水平的高效率速调管奠定了坚实基础,积累的设计和制造经验已应用于中国散裂中子源(CSNS)等大科学装置速调管的国产化研制中。 图1. 650 MHz/800 kW速调管 CPB专题推荐 TOPICAL REVIEW — Celebrating 30 Years of Chinese Physics B TOPICAL REVIEW—Laser and plasma assisted synthesis of advanced nanomaterials in liquids TOPICAL REVIEW — Progress in thermoelectric materials and devices SPECIAL TOPIC — Emerging photovoltaic materials and devices SPECIAL TOPIC — Organic and hybrid thermoelectrics SPECIAL TOPIC — Superconductivity in vanadium-based kagome materials SPECIAL TOPIC— Interdisciplinary physics: Complex network dynamics and emerging technologies SPECIAL TOPIC — Non-Hermitian physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Unconventional superconductivity SPECIAL TOPIC — Two-dimensional magnetic materials and devices SPECIAL TOPIC — Ion beam modification of materials and applications SPECIAL TOPIC — Quantum computation and quantum simulation SPECIAL TOPIC —Twistronics SPECIAL TOPIC — Machine learning in condensed matter physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Phononics and phonon engineering SPECIAL TOPIC — Water at molecular level SPECIAL TOPIC — Optical field manipulation SPECIAL TOPIC — Modeling and simulations for the structures and functions of proteins and nucleic acids SPECIAL TOPIC —Terahertz physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Ultracold atom and its application in precision measurement SPECIAL TOPIC — Topological 2D materials SPECIAL TOPIC — Active matters physics SPECIAL TOPIC — Advanced calculation & characterization of energy storage materials & devices at multiple scale TOPICAL REVIEW — Advanced calculation & characterization of energy storage materials & devices at multiple scale SPECIAL TOPIC — A celebration of the 100th birthday of Kun Huang TOPICAL REVIEW — A celebration of the 100th birthday of Kun Huang SPECIAL TOPIC — Strong-field atomic and molecular physics TOPICAL REVIEW — Strong-field atomic and molecular physics TOPICAL REVIEW — Topological semimetals SPECIAL TOPIC — Topological semimetals SPECIAL TOPIC — Photodetector: Materials, physics, and applications TOPICAL REVIEW — Photodetector: Materials, physics, and applications TOPICAL REVIEW — Fundamental research under high magnetic fields Virtual Special Topic — High temperature superconductivity Virtual Special Topic — Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 长按二维码,关注我们 官网:http://cpb.iphy.ac.cn https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1674-1056 从投稿到录用平均审稿周期:2个月 文章录用后2天内网上预出版(DOI) 每期评选封面文章、亮点文章并多渠道宣传推送 入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划”
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