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已有 1975 次阅读 2022-8-18 06:56 |个人分类:图书情报|系统分类:科研笔记

Wang, Fang. (2022). Social capital or non-human sources? A cross-context study on information source selection of migrant farmer workers. Journal of Information Science,  Published online in advance,  https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/01655515211055129.

Insufficient examination of social factors obscures the reason why non-human information sources are under-utilised by social groups with lower information literacy. This study explores the mechanism of information source selection (ISS) of Chinese migrant farmer workers (MFWs) in different industries by conducting a cross-context analysis. After iterative analyses of multiple cases, a theoretical model of information source selection within an individual’s information world is constructed. It explains why MFWs make more use of social capitals than non-human information sources in information seeking. Besides, the information needs are examined form both the needed information and the need itself. A classification of social capital as human information source is created and the roles that social capitals and non-human information sources play in ISS are identified. This study provides novel theoretical insights into the ‘old’ issue of ISS, and thus has practical implications for public information service providers and MFW-related policy makers.



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