2022年1月21日晚 8:00(北京时间),大家期待已久的 iCANX Talks第84期即将重磅来袭,本期直播我们有幸邀请到2010年诺贝尔奖物理学奖获得者Konstantin Sergervich Novoselov教授受邀来到iCANX Talks讲座系列,敬请期待!
Professor Sir Konstantin Novoselov FRS, member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA Prof Sir Konstantin ‘Kostya’ Novoselov FRS was born in Russia in August 1974. He has both British and Russian citizenship. He is best known for isolating graphene at The University of Manchester in 2004, and is an expert in condensed matter physics, mesoscopic physics and nanotechnology. Every year since 2014 Kostya Novoselov is included in the list of the most highly cited researchers in the world. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010 for his achievements with graphene. Kostya holds positions of a Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor at the National University of Singapore. 2012 New Year Honours. Konstantin Novoselov教授是美国科学院院士,他1974年8月出生于俄罗斯,拥有俄罗斯和英国双重国籍。2004年他在英国曼彻斯特大学发现石墨烯的研究轰动世界2010年诺贝尔奖物理学奖获得者,现在是新加坡国立大学教授。,大家敬请期待!2022年,iCANX将继续努力,为科学交流服务,提供一个全球学术交流的顶级平台,敬请大家期待! 收看直播请点击“阅读原文”:www.ican-x.comBiography
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