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Arabian J. Geosci.撤回中国学者论文44篇,陕西4篇

已有 4633 次阅读 2021-11-5 21:10 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:人物纪事

Arabian J. Geosci.撤回中国学者论文44篇,陕西4


前面转载了2021113日,Arabian Journal of Geosciences 撤回了中国学者44篇论文的相关信息(详见http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-212210-1311072.html),在被撤稿的44篇论文中,陕西有4篇,作者分别是陕西科技大学艺术与设计学院Tiangang Wei (魏天刚音译)、宝鸡文理学院外语学院Xiuping Geng (耿秀萍音译)、西安财经大学Guiling Chang(常桂玲音译)以及陕西中医药大学外语系Yan Li(李艳音译)。这些文章的相关信息如下:


Original Paper Published: 29 July 2021

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Soil and water loss of mountain plants based on sensor and research on visual experience art

Tiangang Wei (魏天刚, School of Art and Design, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, 710000, Shaanxi, China)

Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume 14, Article number: 1570 (2021) Cite this article

33 Accesses


This article was retracted on 03 November 2021

An Editorial Expression of Concern to this article was published on 28 September 2021

This article has been updated


Soil and water loss monitoring is one of the important tasks in the construction of soil and water conservation ecology, which plays an important role in the national macro decision-making, and also has an important influence in the research of visual experience art. The existing soil and water loss monitoring facilities are out of date, the monitoring cycle is long, time-consuming, and laborious, and become less reliable, unable to achieve real-time online monitoring. Human factors have relatively great influence on the science of observation data. In this paper, based on the periodic structure and homogenization theory, for some drought resistant shrubs, grasses, and trees, we refer to the simulation technology of steel and concrete, and show the cross-section pictures of the root simulation model, and select the soil composite as the model of composite composition relationship. Through the “single package” model and numerical simulation, the root system in soil can obtain synergistic effect. In order to further confirm the accuracy of numerical results, the “single package” model is based on the periodic arrangement of root complex. Sophora root, cypress root, pine root, and loess collected from the test site were used in the experiment, and the parameters were input as “single package” model, and compared with the simulation data, which confirmed its high accuracy. Through the research on the sensor, this paper introduces the research results into the soil erosion of mountain plants and the art of visual experience, which promotes the deeper interaction of the new mass media.


Original Paper  Published: 28 July 2021

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Influence of coastal beach stability based on stochastic simulation method and English translation of import product vocabulary

Xiuping Geng (耿秀萍,College of Foreign Languages, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji, Shaanxi, China

Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume 14, Article number: 1537 (2021) Cite this article

223 Accesses Metrics


This article was retracted on 03 November 2021

An Editorial Expression of Concern to this article was published on 28 September 2021

This article has been updated


In this paper, based on the random simulation method, three joint distribution beach stability monitoring stations are established. Combined with the Gibbs sampling method, the random simulation of the three stations is realized. By comparing the measured and simulated beach stability, the effectiveness of the simulation prediction is checked. The coastal stability assessment technology and more than 1 year of field data observation are used to analyze the coastal stability. From the observed random simulation data, it is shown that there is a completely stable equilibrium position on the bank and beach during the survey period, and there is no large erosion and deposition. According to the existing data and analysis results, it is found that the beach stability is still in a certain dynamic equilibrium. For the beach slope, the slope of the water part of the inclined surface is more obvious in the natural embankment than in the artificial concrete embankment and the artificial bath; the slope of the sloping surface is almost the same as that of the natural embankment, the slope of the artificial concrete, and the slope of the artificial beach. The import product manual is responsible for transmitting information, so that consumers can accurately and intuitively understand the basic knowledge and indicators of food, which is the reason for consumers to buy food. At present, there are some mistakes in the English translation of imported product instructions in terms of language, function, and culture. This paper analyzes these mistakes with examples and gives corresponding improvement methods, so as to make consumers stay away from the misunderstanding of imported products and promote product sales.



Original Paper Published: 29 July 2021

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Urban air pollution diffusion status and sports training physical fitness measurement based on the Internet of things system

Guiling Chang(Xi’an University of Finance and Economics, Xi’an, 710100, Shaanxi, China)

Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume 14, Article number: 1555 (2021) Cite this article

63 Accesses


This article was retracted on 03 November 2021

An Editorial Expression of Concern to this article was published on 28 September 2021

This article has been updated


The sustainable development of modern industrial civilization and modern rapid development have brought many pollution problems. Especially in recent years, especially air pollution has become very popular, with the vigorous development of the Internet of things system and the popularity of mobile phones and portable intelligent terminals getting higher and higher. This project proposes to combine these two technologies to build a set of air pollution diffusion quality monitoring system based on Internet of things technology. This paper also uses a CFD method to study the number and pollution distribution of wind turbines in the city. It is hoped that the role and relationship among topography, wind field, and pollution distribution can be discussed in more detail, and the CFD method can be applied to the complex field of urban wind and pollution. The purpose of this paper is to find out the control of urban air pollution and to provide guidance, control, air pollution prediction, industrial zone design, and so on for using the CFD method to deal with urban air pollution. In recent years, with the change of the concept of offensive advocacy, offensive and defensive sides are using more physical violence and have a greater demand for physical fitness. Therefore, good physical fitness plays an important role in the fierce competition, and coaches at all levels pay more and more attention to sports training. However, due to the fact that the current concept of “physical fitness” is not clear and there is no complete division of the overall energy structure, this paper puts forward the definition of physical fitness test. This paper studies the pollution problem of modern industrial civilization and the development of Internet of things system and applies it to improve the physical fitness training, so as to improve the physical fitness of athletes.



Original Paper Published: 05 August 2021

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Groundwater level change based on edge computing and translation accuracy of urban English

Yan Li (Department of Foreign Language, Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xi’an-Xianyang New Economic Zone, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China)

Arabian Journal of Geosciences volume 14, Article number: 1682 (2021) Cite this article

53 Accesses


This article was retracted on 03 November 2021

An Editorial Expression of Concern to this article was published on 28 September 2021

This article has been updated


For China, water resources are very scarce, mainly because of the rapid economic development. Especially in the north of China, in order to meet the needs of local social development, groundwater in North China has been overfished for many years, resulting in serious environmental problems. The plain area of S city is a typical groundwater overfishing area in North China Plain. Long-term overexploitation of groundwater disturbs the balance between recharge and drainage. The groundwater level in the plain of S city decreased rapidly, forming a large number of groundwater depression funnels in this area. In the past few decades, the scale of groundwater drawdown funnel has been expanding, causing geological and ecological problems such as cracks and collapses. In view of the fact that the groundwater level in S city has been declining and the scope of groundwater depression funnel has been continuously extended, comprehensive management has been implemented. Two governance methods can be used through edge computing. First, we should speed up the construction of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and use the river water allocated by the South-to-North Water Diversion Project to replace the groundwater extracted from the receiving area. The second is underground water pressure mining. Control the intensity of water extraction, improve the efficiency of industrial and agricultural water use, and reduce the use of groundwater. On the basis of the analysis of language and usage standards, combined with examples, we can take the city English of Los Angeles as a reference, expand the analysis of language use and social pragmatics, and check the mistranslation of Chinese city English, so as to improve the accuracy of translation. Based on the study of groundwater level change and the accuracy of urban English translation, this paper applies it to edge computing, which promotes the development of groundwater treatment and urban English translation.


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