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Kudos Project:宇宙的膨胀能解释地球板块构造吗?

已有 2058 次阅读 2021-10-9 10:05 |系统分类:论文交流

Does the expansion of the universe explain plate tectonics?


Project DOI: 10.26303/1dy4-3n06


Kudos project 的链接:https://www.growkudos.com/projects/does-the-expansion-of-the-universe-explain-plate-tectonics


What is it about?



Plate tectonics is a scientific theory that attributes geological phenomena to the movement of several large rigid plates that make up the earth's crust. The wide acceptance of the theory in the 1960s was the culmination of decades of geological data-gathering. And it was hailed a revolution in our understanding of the planet.


But according to Jian’an Wang, former professor of physics at Shenzhen University in China, it doesn’t explain everything. Namely, it doesn’t identify the energy source that powers tectonic movement in the first place. 


In a recent article, Wang offers one “far out” explanation: the expansion of the universe. 


The article follows up on Wang’s previous work in which he reframes Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity to allow for the existence of an “ether”—an all-energy background against which all physical phenomena in the universe play out. 


The expansion of the universe is slowing down because of the gravitational pull between all the objects in the universe. This decelerating cosmic expansion causes the electrons and nuclei that make up atoms or ions to drift farther apart. This leads to increasingly large atoms that occupy more volume and therefore become less dense over time. 



Because the surface area of a sphere with a solid surface is proportional to the square of the radius of the atoms that make up the sphere, and the volume of a sphere is proportional to the cube of the radius of the atoms that make up the sphere, so, with the expansion of atoms and ions, the volume of the earth increases at a faster rate than the surface area, the hydraulic pressure inside the earth is increasing, that is, the energy that drives the various tectonic movements of the earth is constantly accumulating.


It is this release of energy that drives the splitting and spreading of the ocean floor, the drift of continents, and causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, Wang says. In short, cosmic expansion drives plate tectonics—not just here on earth, but on all planets across the universe. 


As evidence, Wang points to the decreasing density of matter on earth. More recent volcanic eruptions, for example, have tended to produce less dense volcanic rock. And diamonds, one of the densest forms of carbon, formed easily in the earth's crust billions of years ago.


Jian’an Wang received his bachelor’s degree in experimental nuclear physics in 1982 from the Department of Modern Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. Upon graduating, he was assigned to the China Institute of Atomic Energy, where he studied nuclear reactions of charged particles. In 1985, he was admitted to the Department of Physics at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, from which he received a master’s degree. He obtained a Ph.D. in 1996 from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, for his research on laser luminescent materials. Wang entered the Department of Physics at Shenzhen University as an assistant professor in 1999 and retired in 2012. 



Why is it important?



Tracing the origins of tectonic movement on earth could give us a more complete understanding of how our planet has evolved over billions of years, and clue us into what the earth’s future holds. Wang suggests that gaining a clearer picture of how cosmic expansion powers seismic activity could lead to ways of predicting and perhaps even preventing life-threatening events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.



Audience Briefings




How cosmic expansion might power plate tectonics



September 16, 2021 – China – In the 1960s, the world was enveloped by revolution. The field of geoscience was no exception. It was then that the vast majority of geologists the world over had accepted the theory of plate tectonics—a model that describes the earth’s surface as a collection of 12 rigid plates gliding over a fluid-like shell. Despite decades of pushback, by the late 60s, all data pointed to a tectonic earth, offering explanations for the gradual drift of the continents, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the formation of new land in the oceans, and many other geological phenomena.



More than half a century later, the revolution isn’t over yet. That’s according to Jian’an Wang, a former professor of physics at Shenzhen University.



While plate tectonics describes the forces that push the earth's crust, it does not specify the source of energy that makes those forces do work, Wang said. Paradoxically, to do this, one has to think bigger than the earth. According to Wang, that energy can ultimately be traced to the expansion of the universe.



In a previous study, Wang offered a reframing of Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity that admits the existence of an all-energy “ether”. This ether is the backdrop for all physical phenomena perceivable in our universe. A mathematical consequence of that is that atoms tend to grow (i.e., occupy more volume and become less dense) as the expansion of the universe slows—which some data suggest is our current state of cosmic affairs.



Because the surface area of a sphere with a solid surface is proportional to the square of the radius of the atoms that make up the sphere, and the volume of a sphere is proportional to the cube of the radius of the atoms that make up the sphere, so, with the expansion of atoms and ions, the volume of the earth increases at a faster rate than the surface area, the hydraulic pressure inside the earth is increasing, that is, the energy that drives the various tectonic movements of the earth is constantly accumulating. This energy is released when gathered to some extent.


As the atoms and ions that make up magma become larger, the magma expands, releases gas, and becomes overall more volatile. That build-up and release of energy, Wang explains, is what powers the formation and alteration of landforms, the spreading of the seafloor, continental drift, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. So it’s the expansion of the universe that causes tectonic movement on earth (and all planets in the universe, for that matter).



As physical proof, Wang offers several examples of how matter has become less dense over time. Billions of years ago, natural diamonds formed in shallow layers of the earth's crust under normal geological pressure; meteorites tend to carry denser ancient minerals than those found on earth; and more recent volcanic eruptions have produced less dense volcanic rock.

作为物理证据,王提供了几个例子来说明物质密度是如何随着时间的推移而降低的。在数十亿年前天然钻石在地壳浅层一般的地质压力下形成; 陨石往往携带有比地球上发现的密度更大的古老矿物质;而时间越近的火山爆发产生的火山岩石密度越低。


Harnessing this information, Wang says, could prove powerful. Subterranean heat leaks and gas pressure changes that precede earthquakes could be tied to measurable changes in ground temperature, humidity, electromagnetic field, and air composition. Understanding these complex relationships could help experts predict earthquakes and, perhaps one day, even learn how to prevent them.



Who is involved?


Vivien Pinner and Dr. Jian’an wang 

Vivien Pinner 和王建安博士

下面是Kudos project 的链接:https://www.growkudos.com/projects/does-the-expansion-of-the-universe-explain-plate-tectonics



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