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这篇论文终于见刊了!一波三折,花絮多多。张成岗:人体结构与功能的四元数矢量数学模型构想. 实用临床医药杂志, 2021

已有 4846 次阅读 2021-9-29 16:29 |系统分类:科研笔记

文章导航 > 实用临床医药杂志  > 2021 >  25(15): 1-7

张成岗. 人体结构与功能的四元数矢量数学模型构想[J]. 实用临床医药杂志, 2021, 25(15): 1-7. doi: 10.7619/jcmp.20212901


引用本文: 张成岗. 人体结构与功能的四元数矢量数学模型构想[J]. 实用临床医药杂志, 2021, 25(15): 1-7. doi: 10.7619/jcmp.20212901


ZHANG Chenggang. Quaternion vector mathematical model of human structure and function[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice, 2021, 25(15): 1-7. doi: 10.7619/jcmp.20212901

Citation: ZHANG Chenggang. Quaternion vector mathematical model of human structure and function[J]. Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice, 2021, 25(15): 1-7. doi: 10.7619/jcmp.20212901



doi: 10.7619/jcmp.20212901

  • 张成岗

  • 北京中医药大学 生命科学学院, 北京, 102488

基金项目:      北京中医药大学高层次人才科研启动经费资助项目(90011451310015)

Quaternion vector mathematical model of human structure and function

  • ZHANG Chenggang

  • College of Life Sciences, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, 102488


  • 摘要: 近年来,生命医学领域研究逐渐发现人是由人体和共生微生物尤其是肠道菌群组成的超级共生体,在基于“饥饿源于菌群”的基础上结合数学与生物控制论进行深入研究,提出人体结构与功能的四元数矢量模型。“四元数”是爱尔兰数学家哈密尔顿于1843年发现的复数扩展形式(超复数),引发了代数学的革命,将其思路与原理以学科交叉方式用于生命科学领域,结合遗传学、微生物学、生理学以及解剖学相关知识,有可能获得关于“什么是人”的新发现。具体而言,将四元数模型用于解析人体结构与功能,即   z→= a+   bi→+   cj→+   dk→,在结构上的对应关系是   z→(人的矢量)= a(人体标量)+   bi→(菌群矢量)+   cj→(线粒体矢量)+   dk→(人脑矢量),在功能上的对应关系是   z→(整体的人)= a(人体主动)+   bi→(菌脑主吃)+   cj→(粒脑主吸)+   dk→(人脑主思),相当于将“人”视为由1个标量(scalar)和3个矢量(vector)组成的统一体,即可获得对人体结构与功能的新认识。

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  • Abstract: In the recent years, the researches in the life and medical field has gradually found that human is a super symbiont composed of human body and symbiotic microorganisms, especially intestinal flora. Here we proposed a quaternion vector model of human structure and function on the basis of "hunger sensation comes from gut flora" combined with mathematical and biological cybernetics. "Quaternion" was discovered in 1843 by Hamilton, an Irish physicist and mathematician, which led to a mathematical revolution. It is possible to obtain new discoveries about "what is human" by applying his ideas and principles to the field of life science in an interdisciplinary way and combining the knowledge of genetics, microbiology, physiology and anatomy. Specifically speaking, the quaternion model is used to analyze the human structure and function in this paper, that is    z→= a+   bi→+   cj→+   dk→. In this formula, the corresponding relationship in structure is    z→(human body vector)= a(body scalar)+   bi→(gut flora vector)+   cj→(mitochondria vector)+   dk→(human brain vector), the corresponding relationship in function is    z→(holistic human)= a(human body for moving)+   bi→(gut flora for eating)+   cj→(mitochondrial for breathing)+   dk→(human brain for thinking). It is equivalent to regarding the "human beings" as a unity composed of 1 scalar and 3 vectors. Therefore, we can get a new understanding of the human structure and function.

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