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已有 3040 次阅读 2021-9-5 19:50 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为荷兰埃因霍温工业大学(作者:Joshi, C.V.)的硕士论文,共117页。




本文针对嵌入式系统测试,对现有的验证技术及其存在的不足进行了详细的研究。在此基础上,由Fabrice Ballard QEMU在开源平台上实现了STM32f407ve控制器仿真。QEMU提供必要的API来开发和使用仿真硬件板来实现虚拟化。自由职业者已经在QEMU上完成了构建各种板卡的初步工作,这些板卡被用于本项目,为Vanderlande的测试环境开发特定的STM32板。开发过程包括在QEMU中加入STM32的硬件仿真,仿真外围设备时钟控制和GPIO。对仿真硬件进行了测试,以了解与功能测试、基于时间的测试、CPU负载有关的行为和性能,并与实际硬件进行了比较。本论文提出了一种将虚拟测试环境应用于嵌入式SDLC的观点。


Integrating the emulated Hardwareinto the embedded test environment facilitates iterative and modular testing ofEmbedded SoftWare (ESW) at the initial phases of the ESW Development Life Cycle(EDLC). Emulation technology eliminates the dependency on hardware andfacilitates ESW testing to identify the defects in the early stages of ESWDevelopment. Hardware emulation has been around in the industry for testing thehardware design using Verilog & hardware design simulators like HILO.Significant amounts of hardware design testing carried out before thefabrication of hardware chips has proven to be cost effective and saving effortfor the hardware design and development [40]. Recently, there have beenadvancements in the software emulation for Embedded devices paving its way intoEmbedded SDLC [1]. In this thesis, a detailed study is conducted on theexisting verification techniques and their drawbacks with respect to theembedded system testing. Based on this study, an implementation of theSTM32f407ve controller emulation is carried out on an open-source platform byFabrice Ballard-QEMU [9]. QEMU provides essential APIs to develop and use theemulated hardware board to achieve virtualization. Initial work has beencarried out by freelancers on QEMU to build various boards, which have been referredfor this project to develop the specific board of STM32 for the testenvironment at Vanderlande. The development includes adding the hardwaremachine emulation of STM32 to the QEMU with the emulated peripherals clockcontrol and GPIO. The emulated hardware has been examined to understand thebehavior and performance concerning the functional testing, time-based testing,CPU load as compared to the real hardware. This thesis initiates a view towardsutilizing the virtual test environments for Embedded SDLC over traditional testsetups.


1.       引言

2. 项目背景

3. 基础知识

4. 硬件仿真评估


6. 硬件仿真平台的性能分析与评估

7. 结论






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