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已有 1159 次阅读 2021-8-12 19:10 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为美国MIT(作者:Jeff Hossein Hassannia)的硕士论文,共158页。






The proven success of the GlobalPositioning System (GPS) and recent technological innovations have resulted ina call for incorporation of the system into more advanced applications. Oneexample has been the recent upgrading of navigation systems in ballisticmissiles to include GPS technology. Advances have also included the developmentof receivers with enough channels to use all satellites in the field of view.The intent of this thesis is to analyze the performance of a ballistic missileusing an all-inview GPS receiver versus the more common satellite selectionalgorithms, most often four or five satellites chosen by their geometry. Theperformance will be measured by the navigational capabilities of the missileand the vehicle's ability to mitigate the effects of a bad GPS satellite. Thislatter performance indicator is not integrity monitoring as commonlyinterpreted, although one plausible form of it. The performance of theballistic missile is measured through the use of a linear covariance analysissimulation. In general it is shown that significant performance enhancementsare available by using an all-in-view receiver. In terms of navigation, it isshown that an all-in-view receiver can expect to achieve as much as a 35 and 45% improvement in Circular Error Probable (CEP) versus a five and four channelreceiver, respectively. It is also demonstrated that all-in-view capabilitiescan allow a missile to overcome the degradation seen in four and five channelreceivers when a GPS satellite goes bad. The research further suggests thatall-in-view can mitigate the effects of even a worst case scenario. However,with the assumptions in the thesis it is believed that the final results areoptimistic. This therefore calls for more in-depth research and study.


1.  引言

2. 全球定位系统GPS

3. 弹道导弹用户

4. 滤波器设计

5. 全视接收机的导航性能

6. 完备性监测问题

7. 全视接收机的完备性监测性能

8. 结论





上一篇:[转载]【电信学】【2018.01】Arm Mbed–AWS物联网系统集成
收藏 IP: 112.31.16.*| 热度|


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