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已有 4302 次阅读 2021-7-6 22:23 |个人分类:文理动态|系统分类:博客资讯



对于文理学院的研究成果之前进行过介绍,如“绍兴文理学人排行榜(成果数量≥20)”、“湖南文理部分高引论文统计结果以及“文理成果比较谁会更牛等均以多年研究结果作为基础进行排序或者进行比较,不足以反映最新动态。因此,今天专门介绍2021年上半年的统计情况(截止2021年7月6日),利用 Dimensions 数据库对几家文理学院的研究成果进行比较,仅供参考。

1. 高产作者

对于不同文理学院2021年高产作者,我们选择前几名,如果在前几名中出现并列名次的作者人数≥3人,不再列入全部省略。2021年以来发表论文最多的是绍兴文理学院的胡保卫(Bao-Wei   Hu, Shaoxing Univ.),已经发表的论文有28篇;其次是宝鸡文理学院的海涛(Hai   Tao, Baoji UA&S),已发论文16篇。其他高产作者详见表1所示。

表1 高产作者一览表

Author, Organization


Bao-Wei   Hu, Shaoxing Univ.


Hai   Tao, Baoji UA&S


Mu   Qing Qiu, Shaoxing Univ.


Chen-Ze   Qi, Shaoxing Univ.


Rong   Hu, Chongqing UA&S


Lei   Zhao, Baoji UA&S


Shu-Lai   Lei, Hubei UA&S


Fei   Xue, Shaoxing Univ.


Gui-Jie   Liang, Hubei UA&S


You-Ming   Shen, Hunan UA&S


Kai   Xuan Zhu, Hunan UA&S


Zhihua   Fan, Sichuan UA&S


Xing-Hua   Zhu, Sichuan UA&S


Chuan   Lai, Sichuan UA&S


2 发表论文最多的出版物


表2 发表论文最多的出版物


Source Titles


Shaoxing Univ.

Journal   of Molecular Liquids


Shaoxing Univ.

Advances   in Civil Engineering


Shaoxing Univ.

Construction   and Building Materials


Shaoxing Univ.

IOP   Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science


Chongqing UA&S

IOP   Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science


Chongqing UA&S

E3S   Web of Conferences


Chongqing UA&S

Journal   of Alloys and Compounds


Baoji UA&S



Hubei UA&S

IEEE   Access


Hubei UA&S

Chinese   Chemical Letters


Hunan UA&S

IEEE   Access


Hunan UA&S

Journal   of Physics Conference Series


Hunan UA&S

Journal   of Lightwave Technology


Hunan UA&S



Sichuan UA&S

Journal   of Physics Conference Series


Sichuan UA&S

Proceedings   of the 2020 4th International Seminar on Education, Management and Social   Sciences (ISEMSS 2020)


Sichuan UA&S



 3 高引作者

高引作者是选择2021年发表论文2篇或者以上,平均被引大于2次。平均被引频次最多的作者是宝鸡文理学院冯爱玲(Ai-Ling   Feng, Baoji UA&S),平均被引13.75次/篇,其实这55次被引是一篇论文的贡献。绍兴文理学院的邱木青(Mu   Qing Qiu, Shaoxing Univ.)和胡保卫(Bao-Wei   Hu, Shaoxing Univ.)总被引频次超过100次,其中有一篇他们和其它人合作的研究论文被引102次,详见下面的高引论文部分。更多高引作者见表3。

表3 高引作者一览表

Name, Organization



Citations mean

Ai-Ling   Feng, Baoji UA&S




Mu   Qing Qiu, Shaoxing Univ.




Zhiting   Wei, Baoji UA&S




Qinping   Qiang, Chongqing UA&S




Wenbo   Chen, Chongqing UA&S




Bao-Wei   Hu, Shaoxing Univ.




Yifan   Shang, Baoji UA&S




Qinping   Qiang, Chongqing UA&S




Renrong   Liu, Shaoxing Univ.




Mengwei   Gou, Baoji UA&S




Yuan   Sui, Chongqing UA&S




Xiao   Bing Huang, Hunan UA&S




Lei   Zhao, Baoji UA&S




Mei-Guang   Zhang, Baoji UA&S




Zhi-Hai   He, Shaoxing Univ.




Yong   Zhang, Hubei UA&S




Yanyan   Li, Baoji UA&S




Ping   Fang, Shaoxing Univ.




Ying   Li, Chongqing UA&S




En   Fan, Shaoxing Univ.




Liumei   Teng, Chongqing UA&S




Hai-Tao   Feng, Baoji UA&S




Jiahong   He, Chongqing UA&S




 3. 高引论文


表4 高引论文

Title, Author(s), Bibliographic reference


Orderly   porous covalent organic frameworks-based materials: superior adsorbents for   pollutants removal from aqueous solutions

Xiaolu Liu, Hongwei Pang, Xuewei Liu,   Qian Li, Ning Zhang, Liang Mao, Muqing Qiu, Baowei Hu, Hui Yang, Xiangke WangShaoxing University

2021, The   Innovation - Article

Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a   new type of crystalline porous polymers known for chemical stability,   excellent structural regularity, robust framework, and inherent porosity,   making them pro...more

(Citations 102)



Hierarchical   composite of biomass derived magnetic carbon framework and phytic acid doped   polyanilne with prominent electromagnetic wave absorption capacity

Tianqi Hou, Zirui Jia, Ailing Feng, Zehua   Zhou, Xuehua Liu, Hualiang Lv, Guanglei WuBaoji UA&S

2021, Journal of Material Science   and Technology - Article

To solve the electromagnetic pollution,   herein, a CoFe2O4/C/PANI composite was developed by a green route, which was   constructed with spinel of metal oxide, graphitized carbon and conductive   polymer c...more


Bismuth   oxychloride-based materials for the removal of organic pollutants in   wastewater

Ling Yao, Hui Yang, Zhongshan Chen,   Muqing Qiu, Baowei Hu, Xiangxue WangShaoxing University

2021, Chemosphere - Article

Various kind of organics are toxic and   detrimental, resulting in eutrophication, black, odorous water and so on.   Photocatalysis has been deemed to be a promising technology which can   decompose differe...more



Lucas-Washburn   Equation-Based Modeling of Capillary-Driven Flow in Porous Systems.

Jianchao Cai, Tingxu Jin, Jisheng Kou,   Shuangmei Zou, Junfeng Xiao, Qingbang Meng Shaoxing University

2021, Langmuir - Article

Fluid flow in porous systems driven by   capillary pressure is one of the most ubiquitous phenomena in nature and   industry, including petroleum and hydraulic engineering as well as material   and life sci...more



Removal   of Radionuclides from Aqueous Solution by Manganese Dioxide-Based   Nanomaterials and Mechanism Research: A Review

Junping Ma, Chen Wang, Wenke Xi, Qiuyu   Zhao, Siyi Wang, Muqing Qiu, Jianjun Wang, Xiangke Wang Shaoxing University

2021, ACS ES&T   Engineering - Article


Chloride   transport and induced steel corrosion in recycled aggregate concrete: A   review

Chaofeng Liang, Zhedong Cai, Huixia Wu,   Jianzhuang Xiao, Yuming Zhang, Zhiming Ma Shaoxing University

2021, Construction and Building   Materials - Article

Chloride ingress and resulting steel   corrosion are the main reasons leading to durability degradation. A body of   literature on chloride transport and steel corrosion in recycled aggregate   concrete (RA...more



Highly   efficient U(VI) capture by amidoxime/carbon nitride composites: Evidence of   EXAFS and modeling

Baowei Hu, Huifang Wang, Renrong Liu,   Muqing Qiu Shaoxing   University

2021, Chemosphere - Article

The recovery of uranium from wastewater   and safe treatment of U(VI)-containing wastewater are of great important to   ensure the sustainable development of nuclear-related energy. Although   abundant stud...more


Novel   UV and X-ray irradiated white-emitting persistent luminescence and traps   distribution of Ca5Ga6O14: Pr3+   phosphors

Na Li, Pengfei Zhang, Ziqi Wang, Zhiting   Wei, Zheng Jiang, Yifan Shang, Meiguang Zhang, Qinping Qiang, Lei Zhao, Wenbo   ChenChongqing   UA&S Baoji UA&S

2021, Journal of Alloys and   Compounds - Article

In the current study, we synthesized a   new white-emitting long persistent luminescence (LPL) phosphor Ca5Ga6O14:   Pr3+ by the solid-state reaction, and investigated its LPL   properties for the first tim...more


Cascading   of engineered bioenergy plants and fungi sustainable for low-cost bioethanol   and high-value biomaterials under green-like biomass processing

Youmei Wang, Peng Liu, Guifen Zhang,   Qiaomei Yang, Jun Lu, Tao Xia, Liangcai Peng, Yanting WangHubei UA&S

2021, Renewable and Sustainable   Energy Reviews - Article

Plant cell walls contain the most   abundant sustainable biomass resource for biofuels and biomaterials on the   earth. However, lignocellulose recalcitrance generally requires a costly biomass   process un...more


High-power   double-face flow Al-air battery enabled by CeO2 decorated MnOOH nanorods   catalyst

Depei Liu, Jing Tian, Yougen Tang, Jingsha   Li, Sheng'an Wu, Shijie Yi, Xiaobing Huang, Dan Sun, Haiyan Wang (Hunan   UA&S)

2021, Chemical Engineering   Journal - Article

Aluminum-air (Al-air) battery has been   regarded as one of the most promising next-generation energy storage devices.   Manganese oxides (MnOx ) are widely studied as non-noble metal   oxygen reduction re...more


 4 绍兴文理胡保卫(Bao-Wei   Hu, Shaoxing Univ.)的28篇论文

Title, Author(s), Bibliographic reference - About the metrics

Orderly porous covalent organic frameworks-based materials: superior adsorbents for pollutants removal from aqueous solutions

Xiaolu Liu, Hongwei Pang, Xuewei Liu, Qian Li, Ning Zhang, Liang Mao, Muqing Qiu, Baowei Hu, Hui Yang, Xiangke Wang

2021, The Innovation - Article

Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a new type of crystalline porous polymers known for chemical stability, excellent structural regularity, robust framework, and inherent porosity, making them pro...more

Article has an altmetric score of 1

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Bismuth oxychloride-based materials for the removal of organic pollutants in wastewater

Ling Yao, Hui Yang, Zhongshan Chen, Muqing Qiu, Baowei Hu, Xiangxue Wang

2021, Chemosphere - Article

Various kind of organics are toxic and detrimental, resulting in eutrophication, black, odorous water and so on. Photocatalysis has been deemed to be a promising technology which can decompose differe...more

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Highly efficient U(VI) capture by amidoxime/carbon nitride composites: Evidence of EXAFS and modeling

Baowei Hu, Huifang Wang, Renrong Liu, Muqing Qiu

2021, Chemosphere - Article

The recovery of uranium from wastewater and safe treatment of U(VI)-containing wastewater are of great important to ensure the sustainable development of nuclear-related energy. Although abundant stud...more

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Ultra-high capacity of graphene oxide conjugated covalent organic framework nanohybrid for U(VI) and Eu(III) adsorption removal

Xin Zhong, Wen Liang, Zhipeng Lu, Muqing Qiu, Baowei Hu

2021, Journal of Molecular Liquids - Article

Graphene oxide (GO), as a linker, was introduced into covalent organic frameworks (GO@COF (TpPa-1)) via solvothermal method, which was exploited as an adsorbent material to eliminate U(VI)/Eu(III) ion...more

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Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria are sensitive and not resilient to organic amendment and nitrapyrin disturbances, but ammonia-oxidizing archaea are resistant

Rui Tao, Jun Li, Baowei Hu, Guixin Chu

2021, Geoderma - Article

Understanding the response of soil microorganisms to environmental disturbance is critical to predicting rates of ecosystem processes. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) drive the rate...more

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Synthesis and application of perovskite-based photocatalysts in environmental remediation: A review

Huifang Wang, Qingqing Zhang, Muqing Qiu, Baowei Hu

2021, Journal of Molecular Liquids - Article

Photocatalysis as one of the most important routes for the utilization of solar energy has been extensively investigated due to its inexhaustibility, low-cost, cleanliness and high efficiency. Perovsk...more

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Construction of Core-Shell MOFs@COF Hybrids as a Platform for the Removal of UO22+ and Eu3+ Ions from Solution.

Xin Zhong, Yuxin Liu, Wen Liang, Yuling Zhu, Baowei Hu

2021, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces - Article

The binary nanocomposites of metal/covalent-organic frameworks (NH2-MIL-125(Ti)@TpPa-1) were constructed by solvothermal method, which was developed as a multifunctional platform with adsor...more

Article has an altmetric score of 1

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Mitigating N2O emission by synthetic inhibitors mixed with urea and cattle manure application via inhibiting ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, but not archaea, in a calcareous soil

Rui Tao, Jun Li, Baowei Hu, Guixin Chu

2021, Environmental Pollution - Article

Synthetic inhibitors and organic amendment have been proposed for mitigating greenhouse gas N2O emissions. However, their combined effect on the N2O emissions and ammonia-oxidize...more

Article has an altmetric score of 1

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Development and characterization of chitosan functionalized dialdehyde viscose fiber for adsorption of Au(III) and Pd(II)

Fenglei Liu, Shan Hua, Liang Zhou, Baowei Hu

2021, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules - Article

A highly efficient fiber-based adsorbent (DAVFs-CS) was developed via decoration of chitosan (CS) on the dialdehyde viscose fibers (DAVFs) substrate, and employed to selective separation of precious m...more

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10 Unexpected ultrafast elimination of uranium and europium from aqueous solutions with magnetic bio-CaCO3

Huiyan Xiong, Jiemin Chen, Tingting Zhang, Wenzhong Wang, Chengcai Huang, Yuling Zhu, Baowei Hu

2021, Journal of Molecular Liquids - Article

In this investigation, the magnetic bio-CaCO3 were synthesized and elimination of uranium and europium from aqueous solutions. The prepared magnetic composite underwent a series of characterization an...more

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11 ROCK inhibitor attenuates carbon blacks‐induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice via Rho/ROCK/NF‐kappa B pathway

Junyan Yan, Yaxin Tang, Xin Zhong, Huarong Huang, Haonan Wei, Yulei Jin, Yanjiang He, Jinqiao Cao, Lifang Jin, Baowei Hu

2021, Environmental Toxicology - Article

Exposure to carbon blacks (CBs) has been associated with the progression of pulmonary fibrosis, whereas the mechanism is still not clear. We therefore aimed to investigate the effect of RhoA/ROCK path...more

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12 Gli2-regulated activation of hepatic stellate cells and liver fibrosis by TGF-β signaling

Junyan Yan, Baowei Hu, Wenjie Shi, Xiaoyi Wang, Jiayuan Shen, Yaping Chen, Huarong Huang, Lifang Jin

2021, AJP Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology - Article

The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway is correlated with hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) activation and liver fibrosis. Gli2 is a key transcription effector of Hh signaling. However, the role of ...more

Article has an altmetric score of 2

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13 Adsorption and reduction of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution using cost-effective caffeic acid functionalized corn starch

Fenglei Liu, Shan Hua, Chao Wang, Muqing Qiu, Limin Jin, Baowei Hu

2021, Chemosphere - Article

Herein, a potential bio-adsorbent (DACS-CA) was formed via immobilizing caffeic acid (CA) on dialdehyde corn starch (DACS) for Cr(VI) removal. The characterization techniques such as IR, Raman, XPS an...more

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14 Reductive and adsorptive elimination of U(VI) ions in aqueous solution by SFeS@Biochar composites

Renrong Liu, Hai Wang, Li Han, Baowei Hu, Muqing Qiu

2021, Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Article

The novel biochar supported by starch and nanoscale iron sulfide (SFeS@Biochar) composites were successfully prepared through coupling of biochar derived from peanut shell with nanoscale ferrous sulfi...more

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15 Electrical properties of plant root cell plasma membrane influence the alleviation of Al and Cu phytotoxicity by Ca and Mg cations

Zhigen Li, Baowei Hu

2021, Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Article

Although it is known that cations such as calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) can alleviate metal toxicity in plants, much uncertainty remains regarding the mechanisms by which this alleviation occurs. In...more

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16 Incorporating bimetal oxide MnFe2O4 onto covalent organic frameworks for the removal of UO2 2+ ion from aqueous solution

Xin Zhong, Zhipeng Lu, Wen Liang, Baowei Hu

2021, Applied Surface Science - Article

Nanocomposite (MnFe2O4@TpPa-1, named as MFTP) adsorbent was developed by one-pot solvothermal method, using β-ketoenamine linked covalent organic frameworks (COFs, TpPa-1) as a supporting material to ...more

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17 Challenges of organic pollutant photocatalysis by biochar-based catalysts

Muqing Qiu, Baowei Hu, Zhongshan Chen, Hui Yang, Li Zhuang, Xiangke Wang

2021, Biochar - Article

With the fast development of industrialization and urbanization, large amounts of organic pollutants are released into the natural environment. The efficient elimination of organic pollutants is there...more

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18 Nitrapyrin coupled with organic amendment mitigates N2O emissions by inhibiting different ammonia oxidizers in alkaline and acidic soils

Rui Tao, Xiran Zhao, Xiaoliang Wu, Baowei Hu, Kollie B. Vanyanbah, Jun Li, Guixin Chu

2021, Applied Soil Ecology - Article

The aim of this study was to investigate the combined effects of organic manure and nitrification inhibitor on nitrogen (N) transformation, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and the gene abundance of ammo...more

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19 Surface post-functionalization of COFs by economical strategy via multiple-component one-pot tandem reactions and their application in adsorption of pesticides

Shunli Wang, Ning Yuan, Tingting Dai, Zhaosen Chang, Ying Liang, Xin Liu, Qi Chen, Baowei Hu, Ning Wang

2021, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials - Article

The economical and convenient one-pot approach plays a substantial role in chemical synthesis and material design. However, the related reports on the synthesis and functionalization of covalent organ...more

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20 Extremely stable amidoxime functionalized covalent organic frameworks for uranium extraction from seawater with high efficiency and selectivity

Gong Cheng, Anrui Zhang, Zhiwei Zhao, Zimin Chai, Baowei Hu, Bing Han, Yuejie Ai, Xiangke Wang

2021, Science Bulletin - Article

Uranium extraction from seawater is of strategic significance for nuclear power generation. Amidoxime-based functional adsorbents play indispensable roles in the recovery of seawater uranium with high...more

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21 Hydrogen peroxide suppresses the formation of brominated oxidation by-products in heat-activated peroxydisulfate oxidation process

Lu Wang, Ke Jing, Baowei Hu, Junhe Lu

2021, Chemical Engineering Journal - Article

Formation of halogenated oxidation by-products (OBPs) in sulfate radical based advanced oxidation process (SR-AOPs) has raised growing concern. In the present study, we found that brominated OBPs (Br-...more

Article has an altmetric score of 3

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22 Conjugating hyaluronic acid with porous biomass to construct anti-adhesive sponges for rapid uranium extraction from seawater

Pingping Mei, Rui Wu, Shi, Bochen Li, Chunxin Ma, Baowei Hu, Yihui Yuan, Hui Wang, Tao Liu, Ning Wang

2021, Chemical Engineering Journal - Article

To withstand the complex natural environment and ecological system in the ocean, adsorbents with high strength, rapid rate, and antifouling ability are urgently needed for uranium extraction. Herein, ...more

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23 Fabrication of δ-MnO2-modified algal biochar for efficient removal of U(VI) from aqueous solutions

Binliang Wang, Junli Zheng, Yingying Li, Adel Zaidi, Yiwei Hu, Baowei Hu

2021, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering - Article

Exploitation of algal biochar is a profitable opportunity for the utilization of filamentous green algae due to its sustainable growth and ease of harvest. In this study, Rhizoclonium-derived biochar ...more

Article has an altmetric score of 2

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24 Functionalized Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres for Efficient Uranium Extraction from Aqueous Solutions

Yinghui Xie, Zhibin Zhang, Zhimin Dong, Runze Zhou, Xiaohong Cao, Yunhai Liu, Baowei Hu, Hui Yang, Xiangke Wang

2021, Environmental Nanotechnology Monitoring & Management - Article

The development of effective adsorbents for uranium(VI) extraction from aqueous solutions has received great significance for environmental security. Herein, we reported a versatile and straightforwar...more

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25 Highly efficient removal of U(VI) by a novel biochar supported with FeS nanoparticles and chitosan composites

Guohe Chen, Hai Wang, Li Han, Ningcan Yang, Baowei Hu, Muqing Qiu, Xin Zhong

2021, Journal of Molecular Liquids - Article

The new biochar supported with FeS nanoparticles and chitosan composites (chitosan-FeS@biochar) was prepared and its performance to remove U(VI) ions in aqueous solution was investigated. The results ...more

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26 Constructing new Fe3O4@MnO x with 3D hollow structure for efficient recovery of uranium from simulated seawater

Tingting Zhang, Jiemin Chen, Huiyan Xiong, Zongdi Yuan, Yuling Zhu, Baowei Hu

2021, Chemosphere - Article

Enrichment of uranium from seawater is a promising method for addressing the energy crisis. Current technologies are generally not effective for enriching uranium from seawater because its concentrati...more

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27 Recent Progress on Metal-Enhanced Photocatalysis: A Review on the Mechanism

Ming Fang, Xiaoli Tan, Zhixin Liu, Baowei Hu, Xiangke Wang

2021, Research - Article

Metal-enhanced photocatalysis has recently received increasing interest, mainly due to the ability of metal to directly or indirectly degrade pollutants. In this review, we briefly review the recent b...more

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28 Removal of organic compounds by nanoscale zero-valent iron and its composites

Qian Li, Zhongshan Chen, Huihui Wang, Hui Yang, Tao Wen, Shuqin Wang, Baowei Hu, Xiangke Wang

2021, The Science of The Total Environment - Article

During the latest several decades, the continuous development of the economy and industry has brought more and more serious organic pollutants to the natural environment, which have inevitably aroused...more


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