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MR数据库收录王启德(Chi-Teh Wang)论文部分统计结果(1946-1953)

已有 4687 次阅读 2021-6-19 21:13 |个人分类:数学研究|系统分类:人物纪事

MR数据库收录王启德(Chi-Teh Wang)论文




在查阅MR数据库在20世纪50年代之前收录王(Wang)姓作者论文的基础上,对王启德(Chi-Teh Wang)在1953年之前发表的部分论文,被其收录的统计结果摘引于下,仅供参考。

Wang, Chi-Teh. On the velocity   distribution of turbulent flow in pipes and channels of constant cross   section. J. Appl. Mech. 13, (1946). {\rm A}-85--{\rm A}-90. MR0018078 

Wang,   Chi-Teh. Variational method in the theory of compressible   fluid. J. Aeronaut. Sci. 15 (1948), 675--685. MR0027660

Wang,   Chi-Teh. Nonlinear large-deflection boundary-value problems of   rectangular plates. Tech. Notes Nat. Adv. Comm. Aeronaut. 1948, (1948).   no. 1425, 113 pp. MR0027214

Wang,   Chi-Teh. Bending of rectangular plates with large   deflections. Tech. Notes Nat. Adv. Comm. Aeronaut. 1948, (1948).   no. 1462, 34 pp. MR0025385 

Wang, Chi-TehBrodsky, R. F. Application   of Galerkin's method to compressible fluid flow problems. J. Appl. Phys. 20 (1949),   1255--1256. MR0033680

Wang,   Chi-TehBrodsky,   R. F. Approximate solution of compressible fluid-flow problems   by Galerkin's method. J. Aeronaut. Sci. 17 (1950),   660--666. MR0038142 

Wang,   Chi-TehChou,   Pei-Chi. Application of Biezeno-Koch method to compressible fluid   flow problems. J. Aeronaut. Sci. 17 (1950),   599--600. MR0037686 

Wang,   Chi-TehRao,   G. V. R. A study of the nonlinear characteristics of   compressible flow equations by means of variational methods. J.   Aeronaut. Sci. 17 (1950), 343--348. MR0035583 

Wang, Chi-Teh. A note on   Bateman's variational principle for compressible fluid flow. Quart. Appl. Math. 9 (1951),   99--102. MR0040902 

Wang, Chi-Teh. Principle and   application of complementary energy method for thin homogeneous and sandwich   plates and shells with finite deflections. Tech. Notes Nat. Adv. Comm. Aeronaut. 1952, (1952). no. 2620, 33 pp. MR0046246 

Wang,   Chi-Teh. Applied elasticity. McGraw-Hill Book Company,   Inc., New York-Toronto-London, 1953. {\rm ix}+357 pp. MR0058410 

Wang,   Chi-TehDeSanto, Daniel F. Differentiation   of experimental data by means of higher order finite-difference   formulas. J. Aeronaut. Sci. 20 (1953), 792--793. MR0057622


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