(1) Setting1 - Positioning Mode = Static (pos1-posmode = static)
(2) Setting1 - Solution(Filter) Type = Combined (pos1-soltype = combined)
(3) Output - Soluiton for Static Mode = Single (out-solstatic = single)
pos1-soltype = forward, backward, combined
This is the direction in time that the kalman filter is run. For real-time processing, “forward” is your only choice. For post-processing, “combined” first runs the filter forward, then backwards and combines the results. For each epoch, if both directions have a fix, then the combined result is the average of the two with a fixed status unless the difference between the two is too large in which case the status will be float. If only one direction has a fix, that value will be used and the status will be fixed. If both directions are float then the average will be used and the status will be float. Results are not always better with combined because a false fix when running in either direction will usually cause the combined result to be float and incorrect. The primary advantage of combined is that it will usually give you fixed status right to the beginning of the data while the forward only solution will take some time to converge. The 2.4.3 code resets the bias states before starting the backwards run to insure independent solutions. The demo5 code doesn’t reset the bias states to avoid having to lock back up when the rover is moving. I only use the “backward” setting for debug when I am having trouble getting an initial fix and want to know what the correct satellite phase-biases are.
out-solstatic =all # (0:all,1:single)
pos1-soltype = combined:combined的主要优点是,它通常会在数据开始时为您提供固定的状态,而仅向前的解决方案需要一些时间才能收敛;
out-solstatic = single:时间会显示是第一个历元(最开始),但是定位结果是最后一个解算的结果!
pos1-soltype = combined
out-solstatic = single
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