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征稿启事 | “山地空间风险与空间减灾”主题征稿 精选

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征稿启事 | “山地空间风险与空间减灾”主题征稿


JRACR: Call for Papers - Special Issue on “Cascading Geohazards in Mountain Terrains and Spatial Disaster Reduction”

Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response 即将出版一期主题为山地空间风险与空间减灾Cascading Geohazards in Mountain Terrains and Spatial Disaster Reduction)的特刊。投稿截止时间为2021830,欢迎各位专家学者赐稿。

1. Aims and Scope

In the last few decades, with thebackground of global climate change and the increasing intensity of humanactivities, geohazard disasters in mountainous terrains such as landslides, avalanches, and debris flow have become one of the main natural disasters that threaten human socio-economic development and the safety of people’s lives andproperties. In particular, with the increased extreme weather events, the trend of geohazard disasters in hilly regions is becoming more and more severe. The advance of new information technology has injected new opportunities and vitality into geohazards' disaster prevention and mitigation. With the development of new advanced techniques and sensors, such as machine learning, computer performance, etc., these techniques can mine and extract potentially useful information from big data sets. The extracted info could provide powerfulsupport for enhancing disaster research and identifying disaster risk standardization. In recent years, the evolutionary characteristics of geohazards disasters, disaster process, and risk management under the effect of global climate change have become hotspot topics in the disaster mitigation field. Based on the above context, the Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response intends to publish a special issue on this timely topic - Cascading Geohazards in Mountain Terrains and Spatial Disaster Reduction, focusing on globalization and geohazards disasters, the formation mechanism of typical regional geological disasters, urban geological disasters, process simulation, disaster monitoring, early warning and new technologies of risk assessment, risk management, and resilience adaptation and other theories, methods, and technologies, to enlarge the research of mountainous science theories and approaches, and also provide policy references for disaster prevention and mitigation.

2. Main Topics

Researchers are invited to contribute to this special issue by submitting original papers. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Geological environmental changes and      geohazards in mountainous terrains(全球变化背景下的地质环境变化与山地灾害)

  • Exploring the mechanism of      torrential rainfall/earthquake/human-induced geohazards(强降雨、地震、人为诱发的山地灾害成灾机理研究)

  • Formation mechanism and risk      assessment of urban geological disasters(城市地质灾害形成机理及风险评价)

  • Simulating the process of geohazards      disasters(山地灾害成灾过程模拟)

  • Monitoring and early warning of      geological disasters based on the spatial information technology基于空间信息技术的地质灾害监测预警)

  • Disaster risk assessment approaches      based on Spatial-temporal big data set基于时空大数据的灾害风险评估方法)

  • Geohazards disaster risk and resilience山地灾害风险与防灾韧性)

3. Guest Editors


Prof. Dr. Changdong Li
China University of Geoscience, China 



Prof. Dr. Jie Dou
China University of Geoscience, China 



Prof. Dr. Qinghua Gong
Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, China



Dr. Sabatino Cuomo
Coordinator of the LARAM School Department of Civil Engineering
University of Salerno, Italy


Prof. Dr. Xiekang Wang
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering,Sichuan University, China


Prof. Dr. Biswajeet Pradhan (SMIEEE)

Distinguished Professor and Director
Centre for Advanced Modelling and Geospatial Information Systems
(CAMGIS) School of Information, Systems & Modelling
Faculty of Engineering and IT
University of Technology Sydney, Australia

4. Submit Your Paper

All papers have to be submitted via the Editorial Manager online submission and peer review system. Instructions will be provided on screen and you will be stepwise guided through the process of uploading all the relevant article details and files associated with your submission. All manuscripts must be in the English language.

To access the online submission site for the journal, please visit Note that if this is the first time that you submit to the Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, you need to register as a user of the system first.

NOTE : Before submitting your paper, please make sure to review the journal's Author Guidelines first.



Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response 期刊由北京师范大学黄崇福教授和加拿大工程院院士,Regina大学Gordan Huang教授担任共同主编。


JRACR采用金色开放获取出版模式,作者保留版权,读者可以免费下载和阅读。同时期刊采用Editorial Manager在线投审稿系统,执行严格的双盲同行评审。新投稿到一审平均4周,到接收后上线平均12.3周。目前期刊已被Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (Ulrichsweb), Google ScholarCNKI等数据库收录。



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