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纪念犹太概率学者Vladas Sidoravicius 精选

已有 24152 次阅读 2020-8-20 09:03 |个人分类:人生奋斗|系统分类:人物纪事

纪念犹太概率学者Vladas Sidoravicius




2019524日清晨,我收到了如下一封巴黎六大施展教授转发的邮件,得知Vladas Sidoravicius已于昨天突然去世。Vladas生于1963823日,享年55岁。


Fwd: Sad news

发件人:Shi Zhan<zhanmath@gmail.com>



Kai-Nan Xiang <kainan.xiang@xtu.edu.cn>; WangLongmin <wanglm@nankai.edu.cn>; Chunhua Ma <chunhuam@gmail.com>


From: Leonardo Rolla <leorolla@nyu.edu>
Date: May 23, 2019 at 5:08:33 PM EDT
Subject: Sad news


Dear friends and colleagues,


    It is with deep sadness that I write to tell you that Vladas passed away today at his apartment in Shanghai.

    During two decades of friendship, he has guided me in critical moments of my personal and professional development, and we have helped each other hold together in countless occasions.

    He will certainly be missed for long...


Best wishes,


I.相信“China Represents the FutureVladas学术简介

2017年,我多次访问上海纽约大学。记不清是哪次访问,只记得是在下午讨论完问题后聊天,在立陶宛、俄罗斯(前苏联)、欧洲、美国、巴西、中国等长时间生活过/工作过和参加过上世纪80年代前苏联阿富汗战争的Vladas对我说道,“Kainan, China represents the future”。中国城市的公共安全、基础设施的建设、高铁的便捷,上海、北京、天津的美食以及迅猛发展的中国经济,无疑给Vladas留下了深刻的印象。20193月,我开始在湘潭大学工作(尽管调动手续在201910月中旬才完全办好),3月下旬我访问了上海纽约大学的Vladas且邀请他访问湘潭大学(因时间紧没成行)。这是我最后一次见Vladas

Vladas Sidoravicius生前是上海纽约大学和纽约大学Courant数学研究所教授(20159月加入)。在此之前,他是巴西国家纯粹数学与应用数学研究所(IMPA)的高级研究员。他从莫斯科国立大学数学和力学系、立陶宛数学与信息科学中心获得博士学位。

在很高的国际学术标准上,Vladas是一个十分值得同行内心敬重的概率学者。在Ann. Math.1篇)Invent. Math.2篇)、Phys. Rev. Lett.Comm. Pure Appl. Math.J. Euro. Math. Soc.Comm. Math. Phys.Ann. Proba.Proba. Th. Rel. Fields等上发表了大量论文,是ICM2014邀请报告者、ICM2018 Fields奖评委。2020529日上午,即将入职北大的许惟钧博士指出:“另外,ICM2018公布的菲尔茨奖评委中,没有Vladas。但他应该是ICM2018 probability sectional panel的成员。”“谢谢你的指正。他说过他评Fields奖。也许是我听错了或他说错了。”2020531日晚上中科大的刘党政老师告知我,概率学者Alice GuionettICM2018 Fields奖评委。特此订正。)注意概率论发四大数学杂志Ann. Math.Acta Math.Invent. Math.J. AMS.比基础数学核心领域要难得多(中国大陆概率论学者目前无人发数学四大杂志),见我的博文:



Vladas主要研究方向是概率论、遍历论及其在数学与统计物理、计算机科学和生物学领域的应用,特别地涵盖了离散概率论及从经典力学模型和统计物理学中引发的数学问题。他出色地解决过一些长期悬而未决的公开问题,被公认为临界现象重整化方法领域的顶级专家。他和H. Kesten共同解决了随机增长模型的数学问题,而此前该问题一直不能为Kingman的遍历论所解释,这项工作发表于2008年的Ann. Math.上。他和L. Rolla合作,第一次在数学上严格地证明了非平衡状态下的格子气模型的吸收态相变的存在性,解决了长期困扰物理学界的公开问题,此项工作发表于Invent. Math.2012)。他和A. Sznitman合作证明了渗流簇percolation cluster)上随机游动的淬火(quenched)不变性原理,此项工作发表于2004年的Proba. Th. Rel. Fields。此外,Vladas统计物理学经典模型中的连续相变领域中做出了基础性贡献,并为相关领域的研究打开了新篇章。他的诸多贡献包括: H. Duminil-CopinV. Tassion合作,证明了Baxter最著名猜想之一,即 小参数平面Potts模型具有连续相变,此项工作于2016年发表在Comm. Math. Phys.上。他与M. AizenmanH. Duminil-Copin共同解决了统计物理学领域中最基本的公开问题之一,即三维Ising模型相变的连续性,此工作发表于2015年的Comm. Math. Phys.。他与合作者R. BasuA. Sly合作解决了非平衡相变理论中最有争议的、最具挑战性的猜想---“Lebowitz slow bond problem”,该猜想于20世纪80年代中期提出(此项工作完成于2014年,经过2次修改,目前仍在被Acta Math.审核中)。最近,他与A. Stauffer在维数不低于2多粒子扩散极限聚集模型的增长行为方面取得了重大突破,刻画前述增长行为是一个极具挑战性的公开问题,此项工作发表于Invent. Math.2019)。

Vladas在教育领域和相关学术组织活动中也非常活跃。比如20102015年期间,他曾担任欧洲科学基金的 Excellence network的主席。此外,他也曾是ICMICMP以及Bernoulli Congress的组织委员会和程序委员会成员之一。


II. Vladas相交、相识之点滴

为了推荐学生去巴西IMPA深造,2013721日,我给Marcelo VianaClaudio LandimVladas Sidoravicius 3人写了一个邮件,Vladas没回。20131012日,我写邮件向Vladas推荐一个就读于黑龙江大学的湖南籍女生做他的硕士;Vladas20131019日回了email,他愿意收该女生。该女生在IMPA读了一个学期后,在Vladas的帮助下去法国格勒诺布尔一大深造,于2017获法国青年女科学家Scholarship2017年,法国有2名女性获此奖)且于2018年上半年获得博士学位。201410月,我给Vladas推荐了一个男生去IMPA做他的硕士(入学时间是20153月);因Vladas 20159月加盟了上海纽约大学和纽约大学Courant数学研究所,该男生便在IMPA选择了法国概率青年Hubert Lacoin做他的博士导师,预期明年2月博士毕业。


20159月初,我给Vladas写了一个邮件,希望能在上海与他见一面。2015914日,收到他回的邮件:Vladas Sidoravicius <v.sidoravicius@gmail.com> wrote:

“Dear Kainan,

thank you for your message, and I apologise for the delay answering - just too many things on arrival.

Indeed, I got joint appointment at Courant Institute in New York and NYU - Shanghai. I'm very happy with this change, and enjoying Shanghai quite a lot.

My schedule here is pretty intense (teaching + work with visitors), but I would be very glad to meet you. My wife is here till October 4, so first days of October would be busy, but if you were around here we could have dinner with families, and if you stay after she left, you could see NYU-Sh and meet more people here.

Please let me know how all this looks to you?

Best wishes,



On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Kainan Xiang <kainanxiang@gmail.com> wrote:

“Dear Vladas,

     How about Cantonese Restaurant (Guangdong Restaurant)? Do your couple avoid certain foods? One of my friends in Shanghai suggested the following Cantonese Restaurant:  

             Name: Tian Cai Jia Yan (添彩佳宴)

             Address: B1 Building, Gezhouba Building, Pudian Road 577, Pudong New Area (near Yuanshen sports center)      


             Tel:   021-31337777

The restaurant nears NYU-Shanghai.

           Best Wishes!




Non-equilibrium phase transitions for KPZ growth systems

Abstract: During my talk I will describe a class of longstanding open problems related to non-equilibrium phase transitions for growth systems from Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class such as First and Last Passage Percolation, Maximal Increasing Sequence and others. Then I will present the proof of so called "Slow bond problem" - a question which was open for more than 30 years. Based on joint work with R. Basu and A.Sly.




201711月下旬,我访问上海纽约大学;期间Vladas与我讨论了如何在2018年下半年在陈省身数学研究所举办一个国际性的Young Probabilists Workshop。谈完正事后,Vladas说,“Kainan, you work with me, and when dealing with other mathematicians, don't say you' re a mediocre mathematician.。他说这话的原因是,我给他和一些World Leading数学家写邮件时,常说,“I am a mediocre mathematician(我是一个平庸的数学工作者).”。 坦率地说,我不是平庸的数学工作者,而是一个十分平庸的数学工作者。但我认为自己在当前中国第一梯队的高校当个教授是十分够资格的。

2018115-9日,在陈省身数学所如期举办了我们的Young Probabilists Workshop。我们曾经设想每年都举办Young Probabilists Workshop,把它办成国际顶尖水平的纯学术性的青年概率学者交流合作平台;首次举办经验不足,以后要越办越好。这也就解释了我们为什么在2018年的Young Probabilists Workshop中邀请Jean-Francois Le Gall 当我们的会议学术委员会成员。Le Gall19591115日生,法国科学院院士,2019年获Wolf数学奖,ICM2014大会报告者ICM1998邀请报告者;亦获 Loeve Prize (1997)、Fermat Prize (2005)、 Rollo Davidson Prize (1986);其博士生 Wendelin Werner 2006 年获 Fields 奖。



III. Vladas喜欢我的绰号:大侠vs Big Shrimp


应是201710-11月在中科院应用数学研究所召开Probability Theory and Statistical Physics国际会议(为期1个月,中科院应用数学研究所与上海纽约大学联合举办,我在促成联合举办此会议方面起了有价值的作用)期间,有人向Vladas说起我的绰号是‘大侠’。但‘大侠’这个词,在英语里很不好翻译:Hero不对,Warrior不对,翻译成类似电影中佐罗( Zorro)或罗宾汉(Robin Hood)的人物亦不准确。网络上调侃‘大侠’为‘大虾’。因此有人给Vladas提议,我的绰号可以翻译成“Big Shrimp”;他记住了我的这个英文绰号。2018年上半年,我在上海纽约大学见到Vladas时,他告诉我,“I like your nickname ‘Big Shrimp’ and teld many of my friends that I had an important Chinese friend called ‘Big Shrimp’”。

IV. Vladas在中国的事业雄心

CopyVladas 2017年的一份基金申请书:“并不夸张地说,空间概率论(spatial probability),以之与几何学、组合学、理论计算机科学以及与统计物理、共形场论的紧密联系,已成为现如今最具有发展潜力和最引人入胜的数学分支之一。在过去的三届国际数学家大会上,W. Werner (2006)S. Smirnov (2010)M. Hairer (2014)分别由于他们在上述问题中的研究获得了菲尔兹奖。可以说,在中国建立一个强有力的研究网络来攻关这些课题,对中国数学发展至关重要。而建立一个可持续发展的体制通过常规教学、研习班和研究展示会以及电视会议等手段来培养中国年轻的研究人员和博士生,也同样的重要。上述三名菲尔兹奖获得者都已同意参与这一规划合作且将访问中国。W. WernerS. SmirnovVladas是很好的朋友。


V. Vladas支持我干的一件事情:中以数学合作

我在201911日曾给Charles M. NewmanCourant所原所长,美国科学院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士)、Gerard Ben ArousCourant所前所长,美国艺术与科学院院士,2020年刚当选美国科学院院士)和Vladas写邮件,看是否有可能在湖南与Courant所合建一个数学所。

2019116日,Gerard Ben Arous回道:“Your proposal to build a prestigious institute devoted to Mathematics, and in particular to Applied Mathematics, in Hunan Province is timely and very natural. It is more and more clear that China has now enough young excellent colleagues to support one more top center. It is also very flattering that you think of the Courant Institute as a possible model. But Courant is now committed to the success of NYU Shanghai. .... It seems impossible for Courant to engage its name now in a new and different project not supported as a whole by NYU.


Dear Kainan, first of all I wish to you and your family very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Did you already move south? I wanted to talk about our future projects.

1. I was expecting that Courant will be reluctant to your proposal (which is pretty natural, given that we have involvement in Shanghai). But on the other side I personally would be happy to invest my energy and connections to help you establish a top quality center. How are conditions at your new University? Perhaps we should meet and discuss these things.

2. Shall we propose something to prof. Gong to do with CAS?

3. Students: how is Yuelin is doing? Also the student from Beida.


All my best,




Why does China need a real world-class mathematics institution?

China is short of a truly top mathematical institution in the world, and China has the capacity and the money to build such an institution. Hunan Province dares to be the first in the world, and introduces vigorously international intelligence, and is the ideal place to build a top mathematical institution in the world. Note the first level of mathematics institutions in mainland China are located in North China (Beijing, Tianjin), East China (Shanghai); and there is no a mathematical institution with the same level in other parts of mainland China. Additionally, frankly speaking, at present, there is no a mathematical unit in China which is better than IMPA, Brazil. From the viewpoint of Chinese mathematics strategy development, it is necessary to build a real world-class mathematical institution in Hunan Province (central south China). Such an institution attaches importance to both applied mathematics and pure mathematics, and mathematical physics. One possible form of such an institute is a joint institute: China-Israel Institute for Advanced Study. The mentioned institution is similar to Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton University, and Institut des Hautes études Scientifiques (IHES) in France, but it has its own features. At present China does not have this type of mathematics institution. Such an institution will be run and managed in full accordance with international academic mechanisms.

    Additionally, in order to attract high quality undergraduate students, it is very natural and important to consider setting up an international mathematics talent class, say China-Israel Mathematics Talent Class, in Xiangtan University, to recruit mathematics talents from China. Such a class will train students according to the highest standards of mathematics major in Israeli universities, and many key courses will be taught in English by Israeli mathematicians.

Why do we need Jewish mathematicians' help?

From the history and development of Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton University, and Institut des Hautes études Scientifiques (IHES) in France, and Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and so on, without Jewish mathematicians' great contributions, these mathematics institutions would not have been so successful as they are today.

As far as I know, for my major--probability theory, N. Wiener, P. Levy, E. B. Dynkin, J. Doob, H. Kesten, O. Schramm and W. Werner are all the Jew. The Jew always locates in the central part of probability research. And many great Jewish mathematicians (G. Cantor, J. von Neumann, A. Grothendieck, M. Gromov and G. Perelman etc.) had/have contributed so much to mathematics; and 25% of Fields Medalists, 37% of mathematics Wolf Prize recipients and 30% Abel Prize winners are Jews (Note Jewish population is only around 0.23% of the world's population). (统计数据截止至20193月。2020年又有2名犹太数学家获Abel奖。)

In order to set up the mentioned world-class mathematical institution, we hope that there are great mathematicians such as the Wolf Prize Winners and Fields Medalists and so on to join the institution. Particularly we need your (Vladas) and many Jewish mathematicians’ great help.

With the rapid development of Chinese economy and increased investment in higher education and scientific research, we hope the institution can be a warm home not only for Chinese mathematicians and Jewish mathematicians, but also for all mathematicians in the world.

Why will such cooperation benefit Israeli strategic diplomacy?(略)


 VI. 结束语

如果喜欢‘Big Shrimp’的Vladas今年还活着,当看到世界各国面对新冠肺炎的表现时,他一定会坚定地再说一句“China represents the future



上一篇:Amol Aggarwal:国际上最牛的2020届概率论博士
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