爱它恨他,期刊影响因子都在那里,期刊引证报告(Journal Citation Reports, JCR)年度发布还是引起了一些关注。
JCR Title | Full Title | Type |
ACTA CARDIOL SIN | Acta Cardiologica Sinica | Self |
ADICCIONES | Adicciones | Self |
AEROSOL AIR QUAL RES | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | Self |
AGING MALE | Aging Male | Self |
AM J PHARM EDUC | American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education | Self |
BODY IMAGE | Body Image | Self |
BUS ETHICS | Business Ethics | Self |
CELL CHEM TECHNOL | Cellulose Chemistry and Technology | Self |
CNS NEUROL DISORD-DR | CNS & Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets | Self |
COGN COMPUT | Cognitive Computation | Self |
COGN NEURODYNAM | Cognitive Neurodynamics | Self |
COGN NEUROPSYCHOL | Cognitive Neuropsychology | Self |
CURR GENET | Current Genetics | Self |
ENVIRON ENG MANAG J | Environmental Engineering and Management Journal | Self |
FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | Self |
FOOD AGR IMMUNOL | Food and Agricultural Immunology | Self |
FORENSIC SCI INT-GEN | Forensic Science International-Genetics | Self |
GEROSCIENCE | GeroScience | Self |
IEEE T APPL SUPERCON | IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | Self |
IND TEXTILA | Industria Textila | Self |
INT J MED MUSHROOMS | International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms | Self |
INT J SYST EVOL MICR | International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | Self |
J BIOMOL STRUCT DYN | Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics | Self |
J ENVIRON ENG GEOPH | Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics | Self |
J EXP ANAL BEHAV | Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | Self |
J HUM EVOL | Journal of Human Evolution | Self |
J MED BIOCHEM | Journal of Medical Biochemistry | Self |
MAR BIOTECHNOL | Marine Biotechnology | Self |
MICROBES ENVIRON | Microbes and Environments | Self |
PAK J ZOOL | Pakistan Journal of Zoology | Self |
REJUV RES | Rejuvenation Research | Self |
XENOTRANSPLANTATION | Xenotransplantation | Self |
ZOOTAXA | Zootaxa | Self |
Journal Title | JIF Numerator | Highest Single-Paper Journal Self-Citations | Total Journal Self-Citations |
Annals of Allergy Asthma & Immunology | 1605 | 66 | 239 |
Applied Surface Science | 38702 | 111 | 5280 |
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology | 3368 | 119 | 718 |
Artificial Organs | 707 | 155 | 243 |
British Journal of Biomedical Science | 198 | 52 | 85 |
Cardiovascular Research | 2335 | 105 | 322 |
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology | 524 | 86 | 139 |
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology-In Practice | 2772 | 127 | 512 |
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance | 1024 | 191 | 253 |
Journal of Cleaner Production | 47493 | 102 | 11314 |
JACC-Cardiovascular Imaging | 2790 | 126 | 482 |
Minerva Anestesiologica | 582 | 86 | 206 |
Respirology | 1469 | 53 | 202 |
Sociology of Sport Journal | 166 | 67 | 93 |
Structural Chemistry | 741 | 72 | 327 |
这其中,Journal of Cleaner Production2019年度发文4000多篇,中国大陆1700多篇;Applied Surface Science2019年度发文3700多篇,中国大陆2000多篇。大家自行决定,要不要适度规避这些期刊吧。
比较开心的是,今年这些期刊中,没有地道的中国大陆期刊。Acta Cardiologica Sinica应该是台湾的。
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