系统发育独立差(Phylogenetic Independent Contrast, PIC)是去除性状分析中物种系统发育关系的一种方法,是美国进化生物学家 J. Felsenstein于1985年提出的。
先计算X_i - X_j,作为X和Y的contrast。该contrast的期望为0,方差与枝长v_i+v_j成正比
4. 将k节点下的枝长从v_k延长为v_k + v_i*v_j/(v_i + v_j)。这样做的原因是,第3步中,k节点的X_k并非真实值,而是用X_i 、 X_j计算到的。
图 2. 拥有5个分类单元的进化树,分类单元名称(1-5为末端节点,6-8为内部节点)、枝长(V)
图3. PIC的计算公式
library(ape) ### The example in Phylip 3.5c (originally from Lynch 1991) cat("((((Homo:0.21,Pongo:0.21):0.28,", "Macaca:0.49):0.13,Ateles:0.62):0.38,Galago:1.00);", file = "ex.tre", sep = "\n") tree.primates <- read.tree("ex.tre") X <- c(4.09434, 3.61092, 2.37024, 2.02815, -1.46968) Y <- c(4.74493, 3.33220, 3.36730, 2.89037, 2.30259) names(X) <- names(Y) <- c("Homo", "Pongo", "Macaca", "Ateles", "Galago") pic.X <- pic(X, tree.primates) pic.Y <- pic(Y, tree.primates) cor.test(X, Y)
#### Pearson's product-moment correlation #### data: X and Y ## t = 2.5736, df = 3, p-value = 0.08224 ## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -0.1964310 0.9884173 ## sample estimates: ## cor ## 0.8296107
cor.test(pic.X, pic.Y)
#### Pearson's product-moment correlation #### data: pic.X and pic.Y ## t = -0.85623, df = 2, p-value = 0.4821 ## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -0.9874751 0.8823934 ## sample estimates: ## cor ## -0.5179156
lm(pic.Y ~ pic.X - 1) # both regressions
#### Call: ## lm(formula = pic.Y ~ pic.X - 1) #### Coefficients: ## pic.X ## 0.4319
lm(pic.X ~ pic.Y - 1) # through the origin
#### Call: ## lm(formula = pic.X ~ pic.Y - 1) #### Coefficients: ## pic.Y ## 0.998
## This is plantlist 0.6.1.
# devtools::install_github("helixcn/plantlist") library(V.PhyloMaker) # devtools::install_github("jinyizju/V.PhyloMaker") library(picante)
library(ape) dat <- read.csv("trait_herb_114.csv", header = TRUE) head(dat)
## species height ## 1 Stipa_albasiensis 48.5 ## 2 Heteropappus_altaicus 15.6 ## 3 Roegneria_alashanica 43.7 ## 4 Saussurea_alaschanica 21.5 ## 5 Astragalus_alaschanus 18.0 ## 6 Panzerina_lanata 12.5
height <- dat$height names(height) <- dat$species # Build a phylogeny using phylo.maker species <- gsub("_", " ", as.character(dat$species)) tab2 <- subset(TPL(gsub("_", " ", species)), select = c("YOUR_SEARCH", "POSSIBLE_GENUS", "FAMILY")) colnames(tab2) <- c("species", "genus", "family") result1 <- phylo.maker(tab2, scenarios = c("S1"))
## [1] "Taxonomic classification not consistent between sp.list and tree."## genus family_in_sp.list family_in_tree## 77 Hemerocallis Xanthorrhoeaceae Asphodelaceae
# write.tree(result1[[1]], "tree1.newick") # If you want to examine the tree tree <- multi2di(result1[[1]]) # plot(tree) # "If x has names, its values are matched to the tip labels of phy, otherwise its values are taken to be in the same order than the tip labels of phy." data_matched <- match.phylo.data(phy = tree, data = height ) # Phylogenetic Independent Contrastheight_pic <- pic(data_matched$data, data_matched$phy)
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