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    本人博士期间,一直从事安全信息学基础理论研究。最近,发表了一篇题为“Safety informatics as a new, promising and sustainable area of safety science in the information age”的英文文章,算是将“Safety informatics(安全信息学)”这一学术新概念和新学科真正推向了国际。这篇文章是国际上首篇系统介绍安全信息学的研究论文,内容非常丰富,可带你了解安全信息学的来龙去脉和全貌。通过阅读这篇文章,你就会做到对安全信息学这门新学科心中有数。这里,扼要介绍这篇文章。


Bing Wang, Chao Wu. Safety informatics as a new, promising and sustainable area of safety science in the information age [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, Available online 23 December 2019, DOI: 119852. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119852

文章链接  Safety informatics as a new, promising and sustainable area of safety science in the information age



Journal of Cleaner ProductionSCI收录期刊,JCR一区,中科院一区












Fig. 1.  Development process of safety informatics.


Fig. 2.  Development process of safety science.


Fig. 3.  The main research fields of safety informatics.


Fig. 4.  SI-SB (Safety Information-Safety Behavior) system safety model (adopted from Wang and Wu)

Table 1.

List and summary of representative research of the discipline construction of safety informatics.



Summary of research


He (1995)

He put   forward an important conclusion that, the safety information highway is the future   direction of safety management science.


Wang and Wang (2005)

They   discussed the status quo and outlook of intelligence and security   informatics. In their study, safety informatics research in some safety fields   (such as public safety) were mentioned.


Li and Chen (2007)

They   discussed the importance, connotation, extension, and system of safety   management information system discipline.


Zhang and Zhu (2012)

Safety   information engineering is a branch of safety informatics. They pointed out   that safety information engineering is a vital professional course for safety   technology and engineering majors, and proposed a framework for the safety   information engineering course.


Huang et al. (2015)

They proposed   six core principles of safety informatics, namely safety information quality   principle, safety information grade principle, safety information sharing   principle, safety information prevention, and control principle, safety   information feedback principle, and safety information supervision principle.


Luo and Wu (2017)

They put   forward the research methodology of safety informatics, which includes some   specific research methods of safety informatics (e.g., the collection method,   the summary method, the statistic method, etc.), and the general procedure   for safety informatics research.


Wang and Wu (2018a)

They analyzed   reasons for the establishment of safety informatics. According to their   analysis, the establishment of safety informatics has a profound theoretical   and practical basis. Meanwhile, they deeply explored the   ten basic disciplinary issues of safety informatics (including its definition,   connotation, attribute, foundation, research object, etc.).

Table 2.

Representative theoretical safety information models.


Model Type

Main researches


Safety information cognition model

     Leiter and Rheinberger (2016)   developed a model of how athletes engaged in risky sports value safety   information;

     Wu (2017) constructed a general safety information cognition   model to reveal the mechanism and fault mode of safety information   transmission in complex systems;

     Luo and Wu (2018) proposed a safety information cognition approach   to reveal the accident mechanism, and

     Lei Yu et al. (2018) developed a safety information cognitive   process model.


Safety information flow model

     Westrum (2014) summed   up his research and understanding of safety information flow. We think that his   opinions on the safety information flow can provide an important insight into   research on the safety information flow model;

     Wang and Wu (2018a) suggested   that, in a system, the safety material flow, the safety energy flow, and the   safety behavior flow can be unified into the safety information flow, and

     Wu and Huang (2019) built   a system safety information flow structure model.


Safety information supply model

     Many researches (e.g., Drupsteen and Boustras, 2016; Ferguson et al., 2011)   pointed out that effective safety information supply is essential to ensure safety;

     Wang and Wu (2018b) proposed   a theoretical model for safety information supply, and

     Shang (2017)   discussed a public safety information sharing model, and

     Kaza and Chen (2008) surveyed   public safety information sharing initiatives.


Safety information literacy (including safety   data literacy) model

     Wang and Wu (2018c) proposed   the concept of safety information literacy for the first time, and   constructed a safety information literacy model (according to their model, safety   information literacy mainly includes four aspects, namely, safety information   demand consciousness, safety information acquisition ability, safety   information evaluation ability, and safety information utilization ability);

     Yang (2012) explored   and constructed a model for information literacy of   safety professionals in safety management, and

     Wang et al. (2019b)   presented a theoretical framework for data literacy for safety professionals   in safety management.


Safety information behavior model

     Wang and Wu (2018d)   proposed the concept of safety information behavior for the first time,   and constructed a meta model for safety information behavior which explained   the mechanism of safety information behavior, that is ‘safety information   need→safety information demand→safety information motivation→safety   information seeking behavior→safety information utilization behavior’, and

     Huang et al. (2017a) constructed   a conceptual model of individual safety information capacity.


Safety information communication, diffusion or   transmission model

     Wincek (2011)   put forth a concise communication method for critical process safety   information;

     Xia (2015) built   a quality and safety information diffusion model, and

     Many scholars (e.g., Xiao,   2018; Zhou et al., 2008)   developed product or food safety information transmission models.


Safety information collection and analysis   model

     The Merseyside Accident Information Model (Davies and Manning, 1994a, Davies and Manning, 1994b)   can collect all available accident data without writing, typing or coding,   and accident data are immediately available for analysis.


Safety information feedback model

     Wu (1983) built   a safety information feedback model.

Table 3.

Accident causation models from a safety information perspective.

Model type





Brief explanation




Surry (1969)


Surry model

The error   in human information processing can cause dangers.


Cui (1995)


Hale model

An   accident occurs when humans do not respond appropriately to the actual   situation of the event (namely, safety information).


Qin and Peng (2005)


Wigglesworth model

Various   information constantly acts on people’s senses, stimulating them. If people   react appropriately to the stimulus, an accident will not occur. On the   contrary, if people react to the stimulus incorrectly or improperly, risks   may occur, which may cause accidents.


Lawrence (1974)


Lawrence model

Human   error is the cause of accidents in gold mining. The most dominant of human   errors are failures to perceive warnings (namely, warning information) of   danger.


Qin and Peng (2005)


Anderson model

Based on   the extension and amendment of the Surry model, the Anderson model was   proposed. It is similar to the Surry model.


Rasmussen (1987), and Katsakiori et al. (2009)


SRK framework

SRK (Skill-, Rule-, and Knowledge-based behavior) framework   distinguishes between three different levels of human cognitive control of   the environment.


Hale and Glendon (1987),   as well as Lacroix and Dejoy (1989)


Hale and Glendon model

Hale and   Glendon’s model is concerned with safety perceptions and   decisions, and is based on the attribution theory which focuses on how people   process information in determining the causality of events.


Hollnagel (1998) and Katsakiori et al. (2009)



CREAM (Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method) describes   the full context in which errors and accidents occur.

Organizational(systemic) level


Leveson (2004)


STAMP model

STAMP   (System-Theoretic Accident Model and Process) regards systems as interrelated   components that are kept in a state of dynamic equilibrium by feedback loops   of information and control.


Zhao and Zhou (2012)


Accident causation model based on safety   information missing

Safety   information is an informational expression of various factors of accidents.   The lack of safety information is the main potential cause of accidents.


Li et al. (2017)


Multilevel safety information asymmetry model

Information   asymmetry is the main cause of accidents in the organization.


Wang and Wu (2018e)


FDA accident model

FDA   (Forecast-Decision-Action) accident model points out that, in the absence of   safety spoofing, the lack of safety information is the main cause of failures   in safety forecast, safety decision-making, and safety action.


Wu and Huang (2019)


Accident model based on information flow

The role   of information flow in accident causation is profound. The breakdown of   information flow (such as the failure of information acquisition) can potentially   cause an accident.

Table 4.

List of typical applications of safety big data in safety management.



Main researches


Safety   decision-making

     Huang et al. (2018b) developed a   conceptual framework for big data-driven safety decision-making, and analyzed   the influencing factors of safety decision-making based on big data, and

       To use data-driven safety   decision-making to realize smart safety management in the era of big data, Wang et al. (2019c) stated the definition,   benefits, theoretical foundations, fundamental elements, and influencing   factors of data-driven safety decision-making.


Safety monitoring

       Shi and Abdel-Aty (2015) discussed the   application of big data in urban highway safety monitoring, and

     Bychkov et al. (2016) discussed the   application of big data in ground-based safety monitoring.


Accident   investigation and analysis

     Huang et al. (2017b) proposed a new paradigm for   accident investigation and analysis in the era of big data, and

     Huang and Zhou (2019) developed a mine accident   prediction and analysis approach based on multimedia big data.


Safety risk   prevention and control

     Walker and Strathie (2016) suggested that the big data and   ergonomics methods is a new paradigm for tackling strategic transport safety   risks, and

       Cao et al. (2017) and Wang et al. (2018) discussed safety risk early-warning   and governance based on big data.


Emergency   management

     Ragini et al. (2018) highlighted that the real-time   categorization and classification of social media big data can ensure   effective disaster response and recovery,

     Guo and Liu (2016) conducted a study on emergency   data quality governance in the era of big data, and

       Many other studies (e.g., Pang, 2015; Ma and Mao, 2015; Wu, 2017) explored the application of big   data in emergency management.

Table 5.

List of typical safety information technologies.



Examples of main   safety information technologies


Safety monitoring

GIS, GPS, sensor technology,   database technology, network technology, communication technology, etc.


Accident (disaster)   prevention and control

Computer simulation   technology, database technology, virtual reality technology, image   measurement technology, big data technology, etc.


Safety risk   management

Machine learning   technology, big data technology, assisted decision-making support system, artificial   neural network technology, etc.


Safety education and   training

Multimedia   technology, computer network technology, animation technology, virtual   reality technology, visualization technology, etc.


Emergency management

Internet of things   technology, network technology, assisted decision-making support system,   visualization technology, database technology, artificial intelligence   technology, etc.


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[23]            王秉,吴超.安全管理信息系统国际研究进展——基于Web of Science数据库的典型文献分析[J].情报杂志,2018,37(11):131-136.

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[25]            王秉,吴超.科学层面的安全管理信息化的三个关键问题思辨——基本内涵、理论动因及焦点转变[J].情报杂志,2018,37(08):114-120.

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[49]            雷雨,吴超,王秉.人对声信号的安全认知模型构建及其应用[J].中国安全生产科学技术,2018,14(06):27-32.

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[51]            闪顺章,吴超,王从陆,王秉.大数据视域下循证安全管理模式研究[J].中国安全科学学报,2018,28(06):7-12.

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