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已有 2832 次阅读 2019-10-13 10:16 |个人分类:新闻|系统分类:科研笔记


宏基因组按:赵营涛博士是我的同门师兄,均在中科院遗传发育所分子系统中心王秀杰课题组获得生物信息学博士学位。营涛师兄在实验室一直是大家学习的榜样,虽然本科来自南京大学经济学专业,但他对生物学的理解比我这种纯生物背景的人还要好。毕业后在宾夕法尼亚大学做博后,现就职于纽约理工学院。目前在Nature Medicine、Nature Genetics、Nature Communication等杂志发表论文17篇。为人友善,热爱生活、思维活跃,且具有跨学科背景。欢迎打算出国做博士的同行积极申请,机会难得。



New York Institute of Technology



课题组负责人简介:赵营涛博士2005年毕业于南京大学,获经济学学士学位。2010年毕业于中国科学院遗传发育所,获生物信息学博士学位。从2011年9月起,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学从事表观遗传学和神经发育性疾病相关的研究。以第一作者身份在Nature Medicine和Genome Research 等期刊上发表多篇研究论文。于2019年7月加入纽约理工学院医学院(纽约,长岛)担任助理教授。




  1. 运用基因组学和生物信息学的方法研究大脑疾病。

  2. 开发机器学习算法来整合基因组数据。





  1. 高通量测序建库(RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq),
  2. 生物信息分析。


应聘者需提供英文版个人简历、个人陈述以及最多三篇代表性论文等材料(合并成单一PDF文档)发送至 yzhao47@nyit.edu ,并提供2位推荐人的联系方式。邮件标题注明“Postdoc application + Name”。



We currently have an open position for a postdoctoral fellow and an open position for a technician in our lab. If you are interested in these opportunities, please send an email with your CV and the names of two referees to yzhao47@nyit.edu.

Postdoctoral Fellows

We are recruiting a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow with interests in genomics, computational biology, epigenetics, or neuroscience. Successful candidates should have a recent Ph.D. degree, with a strong background in one or more of the following areas: genomics, mouse genetics, computational biology, epigenetics, and neuroscience. Prior experience with high throughput sequencing or developing/using mouse models is a plus.


We seek a research laboratory technician, who will provide technical support for a research laboratory that includes assistance in genomic data analysis, experimental procedures, animal care, and general lab support.


B.S. or B.A. in computer science, biology, bioengineering, or related field. Minimum 1 year of previous research lab experience. Experience with bioinformatics, molecular biology, cell culture, and lab animals is a plus. Ability to work independently with attention to detail. Good communication skills.


Genomic architecture of Shh dependent cochlear morphogenesis
Victor Muthu, Alex. M. Rohacek, Yao Yao, Staci M. Rakowiecki, Alexander S. Brown, Ying-Tao Zhao, James Meyers, Kyoung-Jae Won, Shweta Ramdas, Christopher D. Brown, Kevin A. Peterson, Douglas J. Epstein
Development, 2019 (PubMed)

Long genes linked to autism spectrum disorders harbor broad enhancer-like chromatin domains
Ying-Tao Zhao, Deborah Y Kwon, Brian S Johnson, Maria Fasolino, Janine M Lamonica, Yoon Jung Kim, Boxuan Simen Zhao, Chuan He, Golnaz Vahedi, Tae Hoon Kim, Zhaolan Zhou
Genome research, 2018 (PubMed)

Biotin tagging of MeCP2 in mice reveals contextual insights into the Rett syndrome transcriptome
Brian S Johnson#, Ying-Tao Zhao#, Maria Fasolino, Janine M Lamonica, Yoon Jung Kim, George Georgakilas, Kathleen H Wood, Daniel Bu, Yue Cui, Darren Goffin, Golnaz Vahedi, Tae Hoon Kim, Zhaolan Zhou
Nature Medicine, 2017 (PubMed)

Locus-specific histone deacetylation using a synthetic CRISPR-Cas9-based HDAC
Deborah Y. Kwon, Ying-Tao Zhao, Janine M. Lamonica, Zhaolan Zhou
Nature Communications, 2017 (PubMed)

Locus- and cell type-specific epigenetic switching during cellular differentiation in mammals
Ying-Tao Zhao, Maria Fasolino, Zhaolan Zhou
Frontiers in Biology, 2016 (PubMed)

Cis-regulatory architecture of a brain signaling center predates the origin of chordates
Yao Yao, Paul J Minor, Ying-Tao Zhao, Yongsu Jeong, Ariel M Pani, Anna N King, Orsolya Symmons, Lin Gan, Wellington V Cardoso, François Spitz, Christopher J Lowe, Douglas J Epstein
Nature Genetics, 2016 (PubMed)

Dynamic and Coordinated Expression Changes of Rice Small RNAs in Response to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae
Ying-Tao Zhao*, Meng Wang, Zhi-Min Wang, Rong-Xiang Fang, Xiu-Jie Wang, Yan-Tao Jia
Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2015 (PubMed)

Loss of MeCP2 function is associated with distinct gene expression changes in the striatum
Ying-Tao Zhao*, Darren Goffin, Brian S. Johnson, Zhaolan Zhou
Neurobiology of Disease, 2013 (PubMed)

Bidirectional processing of pri-miRNAs with branched terminal loops by Arabidopsis Dicer-like1
Hongliang Zhu, Yuyi Zhou, Claudia Castillo-González, Amber Lu, Chunxiao Ge, Ying-Tao Zhao, Liusheng Duan, Zhaohu Li, Michael J Axtell, Xiu-Jie Wang, Xiuren Zhang
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2013 (PubMed)

Small RNA profiling in two Brassica napus cultivars identifies microRNAs with oil production- and development-correlated expression and new small RNA classes
Ying-Tao Zhao*, Meng Wang, Sanxiong Fu, Cunkou Qi, and Xiu-Jie Wang
*Plant Physiology
, 2012 (PubMed)

Identification and Characterization of Small RNAs in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus
Ning Xu, Yan Li, Ying-Tao Zhao, Li Guo, Yuan-Yuan Fang, Jian-Hua Zhao, Xiu-Jie Wang, Li Huang, Hui-Shan Guo
PLoS One, 2012 (PubMed)

Identification and functional characterization of small non-coding RNAs in Xanthomonas oryzae pathovar oryzae
Hong Liang, Ying-Tao Zhao, Jie-Qiong Zhang , Xiu-Jie Wang , Rong-Xiang Fang and Yan-Tao Jia
BMC Genomics, 2011 (PubMed)

MicroRNAs in the shoot apical meristem of soybean
Chui E. Wong, Ying-Tao Zhao, Xiu-Jie Wang, Larry Croft, Zhong-Hua Wang, Farzad Haerizadeh, John S.Mattick, Mohan B.Singh, Bernard J.Carroll and L.Prem Bhalla
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011 (PubMed)

Genetic and Genomic Evidence That Sucrose Is a Global Regulator of Plant Responses to Phosphate Starvation in Arabidopsis
Mingguang Lei, Yidan Liu, Baocai Zhang, Yingtao Zhao, Xiujie Wang, Yihua Zhou, Kashchandra G. Raghothama, Dong Liu
Plant Physiology, 2011 (PubMed)

Discovery of novel cell proliferation-enhancing gene by random siRNA library based combinatorial screening
Xiahui Xiong, Yabin Lu, Lishu Zhang, Bo Wang, Yingtao Zhao, Xiu-Jie Wang, Xiaofang Huo, Yan Shen, Zicai Liang, Meihong Chen
Comb Chem High Throughput Screen, 2010 (PubMed)

Conserved miRNAs analysis in Gossypium hirsutum through small RNAs sequencing
Mengbin Ruan, Ying-Tao Zhao, Zhaohong Meng, Xiu-Jie Wang and Weicai Yang
Genomics, 2009 (PubMed)

Complete sequence determination of a novel reptile iridovirus isolated from soft-shelled turtle and evolutionary analysis of Iridoviridae
Youhua Huang, Xiaohong Huang, Hong Liu, Jie Gong, Zhengliang Ouyang, Huachun Cui, Jianhao Cao, Yingtao Zhao, Xiujie Wang, Yulin Jiang, and Qiwei Qin
BMC Genomics, 2009 (PubMed)






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