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The 4th Systematic Biology Forum in China (1st Announcement)

已有 5711 次阅读 2019-9-1 16:33 |个人分类:会议通知|系统分类:科研笔记

The 4th Systematic Biology Forum in China

First Announcement

In order to facilitate academic communication and talent training in the field of systematic biology, the 4th Systematic Biology Forum in China will be held in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), 6-9 December 2019. This forum is hosted by the Entomological Society of China, the Botanical Society of China, the Chinese Society for Microbiology, the Mycological Society of China, the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, and it is organized by the Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, CAS and Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, CAS.

Major topics:

Meeting sessions: Reconstructing the Tree of Life, Speciation, Adaptation and Evolution, Species Interactions, and Applied Systematic Biology. 

Academic communication: Progress and prospects in Biosystematics across Entomology, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Virology, Paleobiology, etc.... 

Scientific discussions: Academic communication, youth talent training, and disciplinary development strategy of biosystematics in China.



Registration: 6th December 2019

Plenary and symposia: 7-8th December 2019 

Departure: 9st December 2019



Beijing Shengli Hotel (3 Beishatan Road, Chaoyang District)

To simplify procedures and reduce expenses, please arrange transportation and hotel accommodation on your own. The forum will arrange a conference dinner for every attendee.



The Entomological Society of China

The Botanical Society of China

The Mycological Society of China

The Chinese Society for Microbiology

The Youth Innovation Promotion Association


Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, CAS.

Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, CAS



Registration fee: The registration fee is 1200 RMB for regular attendees and 1000 RMB for students. The Entomological Society of China will offer invoicefor this forum.

Payment: You can pay your registration at the Registration Desk or via bank transfer. The information for bank transfers is as below:

Name of the bank account: The Entomological Society of China (中国昆虫学会)

Bank name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing West Haidian District Sub-Branch (中国工商银行北京海淀西区支行)

Bank account number: 0200004509089163471

Notice: Please specify the "4th Systematic Biology Forum conference fee” if paying your registration through bank transfer. When your transfer is complete, please send a copy of the receipt along with the name, and tax numbers of your institution to the forum contacts.

On-site payment methods: Attendees can pay through POS machines. AliPay and Wechat are also available.



If you have any other questions, please contact: 

Dr. Qingsong ZHOU: zhouqingsong@ioz.ac.cn, 13269366765

Dr. Michael ORR: michael.orr@ioz.ac.cn

Dr. Arong LUO: luoar@ioz.ac.cn, 13439494108



The Entomological Society of China

The Botanical Society of China

The Chinese Society for Microbiology 

The Mycological Society of China

The Youth Innovation Promotion Association



Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, CAS

Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, CAS



1st September, 2019


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