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已有 2207 次阅读 2019-7-31 09:22 |个人分类:美国问题研究(07-11)|系统分类:科研笔记



黄安年文  黄安年的博客/2019731发布(第22009篇)



Inheritance and Innovation: An International Symposium on Migration, Ethnicity and the History of American Civilizations

July 24 Changchun,China


8:00 -9:50 am

Concurrent  Session 3 Each presenter has about 10 to 15 minutes and then leaves some time for questions and comments.

Room Hongkong 4th floor

Beyond Black and White: Immigrants and Ethnic Groups in America 黑白之外:美国的移民与族群

Chair: Xu Zairong(徐再荣), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences  

Commentator: Yu Zhan(于展), Capital Normal University

Presenters: Zhao Mei(赵梅), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences  Why is Racism Resurgent in America 种族主义死灰复燃 撕裂美国社会


Fu Chengshuang(付成双), Nankai University Barbarians in the Eyes of Whites: Cultural Collision and Changes in the Image of North American Indians



Wu Shengqian (吴胜钱),  Anhui Normal University  The Role and Impact of American Women in the Westward Movement 女性在社会时间下的流动:西进运动中美国妇女的作用和影响 


Ren Ci(任慈), Northeast Normal University A Usable Past: Tracing and Analyzing a Trend of Immigration and Ethnic History Studies in America 一个“可用的过去”——当下美国移民史研究的一种趋势和致用旨趣


Room Berlin 4th floor

City of Love, City of Anger 亦喜亦悲:城市的管理与运作

Chair : Hu Jinshan(胡锦山), Xiamen University

Commentator: Han Yu(韩宇), Xiamen University

Presenters: Wang Xu(王旭), Xiamen University From White House to City Hall: A Summary of American Federal Urban Policy in the 20th Century 从白宫到市政厅:20 世纪美国联邦政府城市政策综述 


Sun Qunlang(孙群郎), Zhejiang Normal University Spatial Spread and Agricultural Land Protection in Metropolitan Areas of the United States 美国大都市区的空间蔓延与农地保护


Li Li(李莉), Xiamen University  The Concept of Housing Reform and the Change of American Public Housing Policy 住房改革观念与美国公共住房政策的变迁


Li Wenshuo(李文硕), Shanghai Normal University  Searching for Appropriate Decline Zone: American Urban Renewal from the Perspective of Federal-Urban Relations 寻找“合适的衰败区”:联邦与城市关系视角下的美国城市更新


Wang Yang(王洋), Yunnan Normal University  Utopian Complex: Idealistic Factors in the Construction of New Towns in Britain and the United States “乌托邦”情结:英美新城建设中的理想主义因素  


Dong Jun(董俊), Xiamen University  Submerged Strife: Freeway Revolts in the United States 被淹没的喧嚣——美国抵制高速公路运动


Room Beijing 4th floor

Overlooked Voices: Labor and Women in American History 被遗忘之声:美国历史中的劳工和女性

Chair: Gao Song(高嵩), Northeast Normal University 

Commentator: Yu Liuzhen(于留振), Shaanxi Normal University 

Presenters: Dong Yu(董瑜), Nankai University   Vague republicanism : the Reaction of the Philadelphia Artisans and the Development of Early American Capitalism 模糊不清的“共和主义”:费城工匠的反应与美国早期资本主义的发


Cai Meng(蔡萌), Shanghai Normal University The Change of Class Research Paradigm in American Labor History “阶级”研究范式在美国劳工史中的变迁 


Wang Shengtuan(王生团), Chongqing Normal University William Sumner and the Competitive Discourse of the American Gilded Age 威廉·萨姆纳与美国镀金时代的竞争话语


Song Haiyan(宋海燕), Linyi University Music Art Policy during Roosevelt's New Deal Era 罗斯福新政时期的音乐艺术政策研究 


Room Macao 4th floor

It MattersAmericas Relationship with the Third World 四两拨千斤:美国与第三世界的关系

Chair: Wang Lixin(王立新), Peking University

Commentator: Cao Shengsheng(曹升生), Anhui Normal University

Presenters Guo Yuan(郭渊), Jinan University Japan's Invasion of Nansha Islands and the Diplomatic Response of the United States 日本侵略南沙群岛及美国的外交应对与措施


Bi Yuanhui(毕元辉), Changchun Normal University A Tar Baby Option: On American Policy in Southern Africa, 1969-1975 “柏油娃娃”选择:19691975 美国南部非洲政策论析


Shi Jialin(师嘉林), Suzhou University of Science and Technology  Panama Canal Treaty and the Adjustment of American Latin American Policy 《巴拿马运河条约》与美国拉美政策的调整


You Jianshe(尤建设), Xuchang University On Decolonization Process of Goa and the Reaction of  the United States 果阿的非殖民化进程与美国的反应 


Room London 4th floor

State Building: Politics and Economics in Early America 国家建构:早期美国的政治与经济

Chair: Huang Annian(黄安年), Beijing Normal University

Commentator: Dong Yu(董瑜), Nankai University

Presenters Li Jianming(李剑鸣), Fudan University  Knowledge, Vision and Political Orientation of American Founding Elites 美国建国精英的知识、眼界和政治取向


Huang Weifeng(黄卫峰), Hangzhou Dianzi University  Does America(n) Refer to the Continent or the Country?: Understanding and Chinese Translation of America(n) in Letters from an American Farmer “美国(人)”还是“美洲(人)”?——克雷夫科尔的《农夫的来 信》中 America(n)的理解问题 


Gao Yue(高岳), Liaoning Normal University  From Affections to Intuitional Reason: the Evolution of Puritanism: Comparing Jonathan Edwards with George Bancroft 从“情感”到“直觉理性”:清教思想的嬗变——对爱德华兹与班克 罗夫特的比较分析


Wang Yu(王禹), Sichuan University  Henry George and the Americanization of Socialism 亨利·乔治与社会主义的美国化 9:50 -10:10 am Tea Break


10:10 am-12:00 pm

Concurrent Session 4   Each presenter has about 10 to 15 minutes and then leaves some time for comments and questions.


Room Hongkong 4th floor

The Past and Present of the Historiography of American History in  China 承前思后:美国史研究的昨与今

Chair: Yang Changyun (杨长云), Jiangxi Normal University    

Commentator: Cao Hong (曹鸿), Sun Yat-sen University

Presenters: Huang Annian(黄安年), Beijing Normal University Suggestions on Deepening the Study of Silent Nails 强化基础工程, 推进精准攻关——关于深化沉默道钉研究的建议 


Bai Jiancai(白建才), Shaanxi Normal University, Liang Zhi(梁志), East China Normal University  Catch up: Chinas Cold War History Research in the Past 40 Years 后来居上:我国冷战史研究四十年


Dai Chaowu(戴超武), Yunnan University Multinational Declassified Archives and the History of International Relations during the Cold War: Take China and India Relations as a Case Study 多国解密档案与冷战时期国际关系史的研究:以中国和印度的关系为


Yu Liuzhen(于留振),  Shaanxi Normal University  The Concept of Capitalism and the Study of the History of Capitalism in European and American Scholars “资本主义”概念与欧美学界的资本主义史研究 


Liu Yajun(刘雅军), Hebei Normal University Vincent Harding's Interpretation and Practice of Black American History 文森特·哈丁对美国黑人史的阐释与实践 


Room Berlin 4th floor

Memory Building: War and Peace in American History 建构记忆:美国历史上的战争与和平

Chair : Li Jianming(李剑鸣), Fudan University

Commentator: Cai Meng (蔡萌), Shanghai Normal University

Presenters:  Chen Haihong(陈海宏), Shandong Normal University A Historical Summary of the American Military System: An Introduction of A  History of the American Military System 美国军事制度的历史总结——《美国军事制度史》简介


Yu Zhan(于展), Capital Normal University Malcolm X's Overseas Travel and International Struggle Thought in His Later Years 马尔科姆·X 晚年的海外游历与国际斗争思想 


Du Hua(杜华), Wuhan University Discourse Change and Memory Politics: Missouri Crisis and the Evolution of Slavery Politics before the Civil War 话语变迁与记忆政治:密苏里危机与内战前奴隶制政治的演变 


Luo Chao(罗超), Ludong University Politicization and Memory Struggle of the American Civil War Prisoner Issue (1865-1914) 美国内战战俘问题的政治化与记忆之殇(1865-1914 


Liu Dingyi(刘丁一), Northeast Normal University The Racial dimensions of American Civil War: The Position and Influence of the Slavery and  Emancipation of Slaves in American Civil War History Writing 美国内战的种族向度——奴隶制和黑奴解放在内战史学中的位置及 影响


Room Macao 4th floor

Between Enemy and Friend: The Tug of War between China and the  United States 敌友之间:中美关系的反复

Chair: Zhang Yongan(张勇安), Shanghai University

Commentator: Zhan Xin(詹欣), Northeast Normal University

Presenters Zhang Yang(张杨), Zhejiang University The Evolution of American Cultural Diplomacy Model towards China: 1949-1989 美国对华文化外交模式的嬗变(1949-1989 


Wang Hua(王华), University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences American Fur Trade with China from the Perspective of Modern Trade Globalization 近代贸易全球化视野下的美国早期对华毛皮贸易  


Liang Dawei(梁大伟), Dalian University of Technology  An Analysis of America's Fiscal Policy towards China during Woodrow Wilson's Administration: Based on the Perspective of Diversified U.S. Investment in China 伍德罗威尔逊时期美国对华财政政策论析——基于美国对华投资领 域多元化的视角


Hu Xiaojin(胡晓进), China University of Political science and Law  Charles Beard's View of the American Constitution and Its Spread in China 试论查尔斯·比尔德的美国宪法观及其在中国的传播


Wang Ruiheng(王睿恒), Nanjing University Kennan's Perception of China “遏制战略之父”凯南的中国观 


Room London 4th floor

A Nation among NationsAmerica and the World 超越国家:美国与世界

Chair: Meng Qinglong(孟庆龙), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 

Commentator: Lyu Guixia(吕桂霞), Liaocheng University

Presenters Wang Lixin (王立新), Peking University  Can Culture Become Soft Power? A Historical Survey of American

Cultural Export to Foreign Countries 文化能否成为权力:关于美国对外文化输出的历史考察 


Chen Ben(陈奔), Xiamen University Looking Back and Forward: The Transformation of Perspectives and Methods of New American Studies 回眸与前瞻:新美国研究的视角转换与方法的变迁


Liu Xiang(刘祥), Sichuan University  Human Rights Politics in the Early Stages of the United States and the United Nations 美国与联合国初期的人权政治


Liu Yan(刘岩), Beijing Normal University The Seminole War and Its Impact on U.S. Military Development 塞米诺尔战争及其对美国军事发展的影响 


Room Beijing 4th floor

Roundtable Discussion: Celebrating the Forthcoming Chinese Version of  Erika Lee's Book: The Making of AsianAmerica: A History


Chair: Ellen Wu, Indiana University at Bloomington Author: Erika Lee, University of Minnesota Translator: Wu Bin(伍斌), Northeast Normal University


Participants: All of those who are interested are welcomed.


12:00 -1:30 pm Lunch

1:30 -3:00 pm Plenary Session 3

International Hall 3rd Floor

Chair: Wang Xinyang(王心扬), Shandong University

Commentator: Songho Ha, University of Alaska Anchorage

Presenters: Beth Bailey, University of Kansas The U.S. Army and the Problem of Race: Cultural Nationalism, Afros, and Institutional Logic


Wang Xi(王希), Indiana University of Pennsylvania / Peking University A Radical Imagination of a Multicultural America during Reconstruction -- Re-reading of Frederick Douglass's Our Composite Nationality"


Melissa Borja, University of Michigan “Immigration Exclusion as Religious Exclusion: Centering Religious Hostility in Histories of American Nativism”


Each speaker has 20 minutes and then leaves some time for questions from the audience. 3:00 - 3:20 pm Tea Break


3:20 -5:00 pm Plenary Session 4

International Hall 3rd Floor

Chair: Wang Xi(王希), Indiana University of Pennsylvania / Peking University Commentator: Erika Lee, University  of Minnesota

 Presenters: Natalia Molina, University of South California Ethnic Mexican Place-makers in Mid-Twentieth-Century Los Angeles


Julie Greene, University of Maryland “‘Loyal Britishers’: Afro-Caribbean Migrations, and the Transimperial World of the Panama Canal”


Songho Ha, University of Alaska Anchorage  “The Idea of ‘Vanishing Indians’ as an Ideology in the Jacksonian Era”


Each speaker has 20 minutes and then leaves some time for questions from the audience.

5:00 -6:00 pm Closing Session

International Hall 3rd Floor

Chair: Liang Maoxin(梁茂信), Northeast Normal University

Observations by: 

Wang Xi(王希), Indiana University of Pennsylvania / Peking University Alice Kessler-Harris, OAH President(2012-2013)

Charlotte Brooks, City University of New York

Katherine Marino, University of California, LA

Travis Smith, Yuba College


6:00-7:30pm Dinner on the Second Floor Buffet    Symposium Organization Committee Information  Service



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