Pre-submission statuses(投稿前的状态) | |
Invited Author | When an author is invited a placeholder submission is created; editors can see these on the Author Invitations menu. |
作者受邀提交论文可以在提交时选择这个选项; 编辑可以在“受邀作者”菜单上看到这些内容 | |
Incomplete Submission | The author has begun a submission, or has agreed to an invitation, but has not completed the process. Please note: Before an author has completed the initial submission process the submission cannot be found in Editor views, only Support can see these. |
作者已开始提交,或已接受邀请,但尚未完成提交。请注意:在作者完成初始提交过程之前,编辑无法查看提交内容,只有管理员才能看到这些提交。 | |
Pre-review statuses (预审状态) | |
With Journal | Manuscript has been submitted, but not yet assigned to an editor. This status is skipped for journals with automatic editor assignment. |
稿件已提交,但尚未分配给编辑。对于具有自动分配编辑的期刊,将跳过此状态。 | |
No Editor Invited | For journals with invited editor workflow, this status means no handling editor has been invited yet or else all invited editors have declined or been uninvited. |
对于期刊邀请编辑流程,此状态表示尚未邀请处理编辑器,或者所有受邀编辑已拒绝或未邀请编辑。 | |
Editor Invited | For journals with invited editor workflow, this status means there is a pending editor invitation. |
对于具有受邀编辑器工作流程的日记帐,此状态表示存在待处理的编辑器邀请。 | |
With Editor | One or more editors have been assigned, but no reviewers have yet been invited. |
已分配了一个或多个编辑,但尚未邀请评审专家。 | |
Review statuses(评审状态) | |
Reviewer Invited | At least one reviewer has been invited, none have agreed. |
至少邀请了一位评论专家,没有人同意 | |
Under Review | At least one reviewer has agreed to review. There have not yet been the required number of completed reviews. |
至少有一位专家同意进行审核。尚未完成所有的评审。 | |
Ready for Decision | The required number of reviews has been completed. If the required number is changed to a higher number, the status will change back to Under Review. |
评论专家的意见已返回,如果需要评审专家的数量大于之前的状态,状态将更改回“正在审核”。 | |
Decision statuses (决定状态) | |
Decision in Progress | An editor has begun a decision but chosen to save and resume later. |
编辑已经开始做决定,但之后选择保存。 | |
Decision Pending | At least one editor has made a decision but no letter has yet been sent. |
至少有一位编辑做出了决定,但还没有发消息。 | |
Copy Editing statuses (文字编辑) | |
In Copy Editing | The manuscript has been sent to a copyeditor, and will return to the previous status when the copyeditor completes the task. |
稿件已发送给编辑人员,并在编辑人员完成后返回先前的状态 | |
Revision and Resubmission statuses (修订和重新提交) | |
Resubmission Requested | The paper has been sent back to author, but the author has not yet responded to the request to resubmit. |
该文件已被送回作者,但作者尚未回复重新提交的请求。 | |
Under Resubmission | The author has agreed to resubmit but has not completed the resubmission process yet. |
作者已同意重新提交,但尚未完成重新提交流程。 | |
Revision Requested | A decision of Revise has been made, but the author has not yet responded to the request to revise. |
已经做出了修改的决定,但作者尚未对修改要求做出回应。 | |
Under Revision | The author has agreed to revise but has not completed the revision process yet. |
作者同意修改但尚未完成修改。 | |
Acceptance statuses (接收) | |
Accepted | A decision of accept has been made, but the manuscript has not been sent to production. |
已接受,但稿件尚未排版。 | |
Sent to Production | The manuscript has been sent to production. |
稿件开始排版。 | |
Transmittal Failed | There was an error in sending to production. |
稿件在排版时出现问题。 | |
Rejected and Withdrawn statuses (拒稿和撤稿) | |
Rejected | A decision of reject has been made and sent to author. |
拒稿消息发送给作者 | |
Withdrawn | The submission has been withdrawn. |
稿件被撤稿 | |
Declined to Resubmit | The author has declined a resubmission request. |
作者拒绝重新提交稿件。 | |
Declined to Revise | The author has declined a revision request. |
作者拒绝修改该稿件。 | |
Removed | The submission was removed by the author or editor. These are found only on the Removed/Expired Submissions list. |
稿件被作者或编辑删除。这些仅可以在“已删除/过期”列表中找到。 | |
Expired | An author task expired, and the paper was automatically removed. These are found only on the Removed/Expired Submissions list. |
作者任务已过期,并且稿件已自动删除。这些仅可在“已删除/过期”列表中找到。 |
转自新浪博客 作者:一念千古CFD 链接:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_15e38ab8f0102y7d4.html
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