Let T(ΓQ) denote the Z-subalgebra of the complex endomorphisms of the space of weight 2 cusp forms on ΓQ which is generated by the Hecke operators Tl and〈l〉for l⊥pNQ, by Uq for q∈Q and by Up if p|NQ.
Let m denote the ideal of T(ΓQ) z⊗O generated by λ, by trρ⁻(Frobl) - Tl and detρ⁻(Frobl) - l〈l〉for l⊥pNQ, by Uq - αq for q∈Q and by Up - ψ₂(Frobp) if p|NQ.
注: z⊗在原作中下标 Z 出现在圈乘右边.
---- T(ΓQ) 和 O 大概是做个复张量积.
---- 此复张量积是个群. m 是其理想.图解:
m ~ T(ΓQ) z⊗O
trρ⁻(Frobl) - Tl ~> m <~ detρ⁻(Frobl) - l〈l〉
Uq - αq ~>m<~ Up - ψ₂(Frobp)
注: 5 个算子(蓝色), 3种情形(绿色).
It is a deep result following from the work of many mathematicians that m is a proper ideal (see [D]), and so maximal.