* * *
We will let Q denote a finite set of primes q with the properties:
* ρ⁻ is unramified at q,
* q = 1 mod p,
* ρ⁻(Frobq) has distinct eigenvalues, which we shall denote αq and βq.
---- 定义了一个集合Q.
---- 按中学格式, Q:={q | q 是素数, 满足上述三个条件}.
---- Q 是有限集, 它有多少个元素?
---- ρ⁻(Frobq) 的特征值只有两类?
注: 之前原作出现了镂空的Q,将用加厚体代替. 图解:
q ρ⁻
p ρ⁻(Fq)
注: 主角是以 q 为代表的 Q.
Much of our notation will involve a subscript Q to denote dependence on Q, whenever Q = ∅ we may simply drop it from the notation.
---- 多数时候记号将涉及下标Q, 表明依赖于Q, 只要 Q = ∅ 则去除它.
小结: 第五段仅定义了集合Q.
For q ∈ Q we shall let Δq denote the Sylow p-subgroup of (Z/qZ)ˣ.
---- Δq ⊂ (Z/qZ)ˣ.
---- (Z/qZ)ˣ可能是基本概念.(?) 图解:
Δq (Z/qZ)ˣ
q Q
注:记住 Δq ⊂ (Z/qZ)ˣ 即可.
We shall let δq denote a generator.
---- 跟 Δq 有关系吗?
We will write ΔQ for the product of the δq with q∈Q.
---- “product” 指什么?
---- ΔQ 该是所有 δq 的乘积(参末句).
We will let αQ denote the kernal of the map O[ΔQ] --> O which sends every element of ΔQ to 1.
---- 方括号是怎么回事 ? 图解:
O[ΔQ] --> O
| |
αQ 1
(which 指 kernal 还是 map ?)
Let χq denote the character GQ ---> Gal(Q(ζq)/Q) ≅ (Z/qZ)ˣ -->> Δq, and let χQ = Πq∈Q χq.
---- 注意, 第一个箭头较长.
---- Gal(Q(ζq)/Q) 简记为 Gal(q). 图解:
GQ ---> Gal(q)
χq ||*
Δq <<-- (Z/qZ)ˣ
---- χQ = Πq∈Q χq.无非是全部特征的乘积.
---- 简记: χQ = Πχq.
小结: q ~ Δq; δq ~ ΔQ; αQ; χq ~ χQ.