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已有 3564 次阅读 2019-1-15 00:12 |系统分类:科研笔记

    最近笔者利用自己所发展的BCS量子临界理论计算了2个抛物标度的实验值,理论与实验结果高精度吻合。写成论文后投稿到超导领域最顶级的专业期刊Superconductor Science and TechnologySUST)。但却在审稿人高度推荐的情况下被拒稿,具体可见:特殊的圣诞节“礼物”:超导顶刊的拒稿


    由于是圣诞节前夕拒稿,再次投稿需要等到20191月份,因此笔者给SUST编辑部写了一封申诉信,大意是:在编辑1已经肯定了论文在杂志范围内,并且审稿人2(只有一位审稿人)高度推荐的情况下,被Board member以理论没有被公认为理由拒稿,感觉理由并不正当。




In response to the appeal points of the author [my comments in italics]:


1. Board member recommendation was not based on a science reason. The role of the board member is to check process and add to assist the editor in the decision making. The board member’s comments are exactly correct saying that the paper is out of scope as it does not provide original research. The appeal point is not upheld. (大意是:Board member的角色是协助编辑检查审稿过程及辅助编辑做决定,而不是做学术成果科学内容的评价,Board member认为稿件没有提供原创性工作的理由是成立的)


2. Cover letter explained that this is bringing two pieces of work together to show accuracy of the work in his reference [11] and [12]. I appreciate what the author has tried to show that his theory has been proven correct. Unfortunately the author would need to add in more than just bring the work together to have enough substantial new work to make this original enough. This appeal point is not upheld.(大意是:我appreciate作者已经显示他发表在EPL的理论被证明是正确的,但是作者应该在此基础上发展新的原创性结果才足以在SUST发表)


3. Referee 1 was positive. It is not uncommon for referees to have positive comments especially if they have just read the paper at face value. At SUST we take a range of views before making a decision. It is not just one referee but a number that are taken into account. There are three plus now me. This appeal point is not upheld. (大意是:审稿人给出正面意见的情形并不少见,但是审稿人的评价往往只看到论文的表面价值,这与我们作为杂志编辑的视角不同。)

注:编辑3在信的前面给出了另外一个Board member的意见——“论文没有提供试验结果,不在杂志收稿范围内”。因此2Board member1位同行专家应该算作3个意见。(笔者显然不知道编辑部内部其实还有更多笔者所不知道的评价意见)


4. The author says their paper gives the exact formula in accordance with experimental measures, and the formula can be further tested by using other BCS-like materials. They believe such an accurate result is of broad interest to scientific community in the field. The author would like to add the figure about theoretical calculations against the experimental data as the referee 1 has proposed. I can see what you are trying to do. However to be publishable, it is necessary to build on this and extend it more broadly. This appeal point is not upheld. 大意是:作者的论文要想发表必须在现在论文的基础上做出进一步的原创性结果


从以上的程序来看,SUST编辑部的审查程序是公正的,笔者似乎也被说服了。根据编辑3长篇报告的前半部分,编辑部拒稿的理由在2个方面。1. 笔者的原创性理论发表在EPL而不是SUST,因此后者没有义务做嫁衣。2. 尽管笔者给出高精度的实验理论值,但是不能弥补原创性的缺失。杂志既要求理论与实验精确比较,也要求原创性。



The paper remains rejected. To be publishable in SUST, it would need to be (1) a full topical review of the parabolic scaling topic of all people working in the field and showing the link or (2) to add in new work extending the original work and using the experimental confirmation as a basis for extending the work further.


1. 将对抛物标度的文献综述做到方方面面,以弥补原创性的不足。


2. 在论文中加入新的原创性结果,并且新的结果要有实验证据。)






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