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已有 8866 次阅读 2018-4-24 11:23 |个人分类:计算机应用技术|系统分类:博客资讯| 中国, 区块链, 记录历史, 第一例

大约 20小时之前(Apr-23-2018 07:02:20 AM +UTC),一位以太坊(Ethereum)用户(地址:0x44938b01da1feb3f6fa1cf38870ee564e25d9bf3)在以太坊的区块链上花了0.0007787 Ether(当前大约3.3元RMB),用Input Data记录了北大最近发生的事,是我所知道的在区块链上较为详细记录中国历史事件的第一例。看起来是一个简要版的自述(需要点击Input Data的“Convert To Ascii”按钮阅读,英文中有部分乱码,不影响阅读):








=========================== 15:50更新 =========================== 



0xThe event gives an initial demo of how a blockchain based decentralized reputation system works.

Due to the popularity of blockchain and Ethereum, it gains higher attention than it might have.

It has some obvious advantages over traditional such systems in that:

1. It will always be available to the public, which means there will never be a 404 time as long as Ethereum system is running.

Note that even etherscan.io is dead, people still have other methods to extract the information.

2. It is immutable and can not be manipulated or revised by any one, not sender or receiver or owner, as long as it is there, it is there, done.

The main concern of such a system is malicious attack. The attacker may publish misleading information about someone or an organization.

Bear in mind this article should be recorded "forever", I am very cautious about what I am saying and I shall be as objective as possible, only from the perspective 

of building a decentralized reputation system. 

The first several blocks in the transactions history is as follows, 

1. Block 5490366, Transaction hash:0xf2ed73666103ecd1d489eaa01cf389efe8fb8698d5e6e04f37974934e9d4a3bb Apr-23-2018 06:54:27 AM +UTC , first transaction happened from 0x01cf9c288692ed1b1197af1453995a0a3109a022 to 0x44938b01da1feb3f6fa1cf38870ee564e25d9bf3 the information publisher.

The transaction transferred 0.0011 Ether, the from another account. Whether the from and the to accounts are controlled by the same person is super

difficult to track. The purpose of this first transaction is to fund the publisher enough ether to publish the extra data included in the next transaction the publisher 

transferred to his/her own account.

2. Block 5490403, Transaction hash:0x2d6a7b0f6adeff38423d4c62cd8b6ccb708ddad85da5d3d06756ad4d8a04a6a2  Apr-23-2018 07:02:20 AM +UTC, Yueluo, according to <utf-8> format data, wrote an article to Peking University teachers and classmates, describing his/her suffering after submitting 

 Information Disclosure Application Form  to Peking University on the morning of April 9, and ask for responses from Peking University. The extra data revealed who the author is, so anyone who is suspicious about 

this information have the opportunity to ask the author for an validation.

3. Block 5492770, Transaction hash: 0x548f15260c1f67af26cff021d993f600256c75e34b619f6b86e8a724d20bb097 Apr-23-2018 04:56:44 PM +UTC, About 10 hours later, a guy from Tsinghua leave a message "Disappointed by the official statement of Peking University, hope PKU will not stand on the wrong side of this issue. Keep strong! --Anonymous, in Tsinghua University"

4. Block 5494757, Transaction hash:0xd331f34d0a816906ae881e20145345ed5c19da529b621774daee59c6d92e45bb  Apr-24-2018 01:04:22 AM +UTC, Someone send a transaction with nothing included, but from the record, we can see this sender, was interacting with some smart contracts.

5. Block 5494829, Transaction hash:0x5724a82946a8342b493d6dea3558423965d3fb81cca988f6e2232ebcab83b375 Apr-24-2018 01:27:35 AM +UTC, an anonymous message "Are you Yuexin or a close friend? If yes, please take care. I want to make a donation. We do care!"  sent from 0x99a8eBdFd2101daCad6313eba309620FB5f8dd37, who seems to be involved in Ethereum for sometime according to his/her transaction records.

6. Block 5495077, Transaction hash: 0xcbef194168de1fd7b76615decbfaa7daf702b9e45d792ce917a9bfc4cca4b5db Apr-24-2018 02:31:07 AM +UTC, the publisher 0x44938b01da1feb3f6fa1cf38870ee564e25d9bf3 replies "No"

If you are interested, you may check the rest of the transactions and see what's going on there.

Now let's illustrate how malicious attacks can be avoided in a fully de-centralized reputation system with extra evidence.

You may use the methodology to validate any statement including the one published in 0x2d6a7b0f6adeff38423d4c62cd8b6ccb708ddad85da5d3d06756ad4d8a04a6a2 

For example, the other day I heard a guy complaining about [ https://www.regus.com/] and their terrible services.

let's first suppose the message is a malicious attack before we have any further evidence to support the argument. 

The best practice is to 

(buy regus's services yourself and then decide whether the complaints are true or not, but the cost is too high.)

Then you may want to 

(check the comments and reputations of regus.)

If you search the key word regus on google, bing or baidu(the mainstream search engines),the first page is almost all about regus advertisement, 

little information can support the statement that "regus is terrible". Do remember the search engines are all profit driven.

However, when search for "regus complaints", a website called [http://regus-sucks.com/ ] suddenly pops up in the first page of searching results. 

This might also be a malicious attack website that regus competitors build, so let's check the [update frequency] and [whether people are willing

to share their real identity or contact information. Remember, any malicious attack will have the feature that the attackers

are not willing to share their personal information]. So when it comes to regus case, we can be 99.9% sure that regus services

are really terrible and should never subscribe.

We are at a turning point where the disadvantages of adopting a third party dominated information release system is gradually outweighing the advantages of embracing it.


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