4、利用python实现Landsat系列数据(4,5,8)影像波段星上反射率(TOA reflectance)定标。
# standard imports
from lst_meta import landsat_metadata
import math
import os
from osgeo import gdal
import numpy as np
def find_last(string,str):
while True:
if position==-1:
return last_position
def create_outname(outdir, inname, suffix, ext = False):
Quick way to create unique output file names within iterative functions
This function is built to simplify the creation of output file names. Function allows
``outdir = False`` and will create an outname in the same directory as inname. Function will
add a the user input suffix, separated by an underscore "_" to generate an output name.
this is useful when performing a small modification to a file and saving new output with
a new suffix. Function merely returns an output name, it does not save the file as that name.
:param outdir: either the directory of the desired outname or False to create an outname
in the same directory as the inname
:param inname: the input file from which to generate the output name "outname"
:param suffix: suffix to attach to the end of the filename to mark it as output
:param ext: specify the file extension of the output filename. Leave blank or False
and the outname will inherit the same extension as inname.
:return outname: the full filepath at which a new file can be created.
# isolate the filename from its directory and extension
if os.path.isfile(inname):
head, tail = os.path.split(inname)
noext = tail.split('.')[:-1]
noext = '.'.join(noext)
head = ""
tail = inname
if "." in inname:
noext = tail.split('.')[:-1]
noext = '.'.join(noext)
noext = inname
# create the suffix
if ext:
suffix = "_{0}.{1}".format(suffix, ext)
ext = tail.split('.')[-1:]
suffix = "_{0}.{1}".format(suffix, ''.join(ext))
if outdir:
outname = os.path.join(outdir, noext + suffix)
return outname
outname = os.path.join(head, noext + suffix)
return outname
def enf_list(item):
When a list is expected, this function can be used to ensure
non-list data types are placed inside of a single entry list.
:param item: any datatype
:return list: a list type
if not isinstance(item,list) and item:
return [item]
return item
def toa_reflectance_8(band_num, meta_path, ds_name = None, outdir = None):
Converts Landsat 8 bands to Top-of-Atmosphere reflectance. To be performed
on raw Landsat 8 level 1 data. See link below for details
see here [http://landsat.usgs.gov/Landsat8_Using_Product.php]
:param band_num: A desired band numbers such as 3
:param ds_name: The name of input image file that used for calibrating TOA reflectance, such as 'd:/band3.tif'
:param meta_path: The full filepath to the metadata file for those bands
:param outdir: Output directory to save converted files. If left False it will save ouput
files in the same directory as input files.
:return output_filelist: List of files created by this function
band_num = str(band_num)
OLI_bands = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
meta_path = os.path.abspath(meta_path)
meta = landsat_metadata(meta_path)
if band_num in OLI_bands:
# scrape data from the given file path and attributes in the MTL file
if ds_name == None:
band_path = meta_path.replace("MTL.txt","B{0}.tif".format(band_num))
# pos = max(find_last(meta_path, '\\'), find_last(meta_path, '/'))
band_path = ds_name
inds = gdal.Open(band_path)
Qcal = inds.ReadAsArray()
Mp = getattr(meta,"REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_{0}".format(band_num)) # multiplicative scaling factor
Ap = getattr(meta,"REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_{0}".format(band_num)) # additive rescaling factor
SEA = getattr(meta,"SUN_ELEVATION")*(math.pi/180) # sun elevation angle theta_se
# get rid of the zero values that show as the black background to avoid skewing values
null_raster = np.where(Qcal!=0, Qcal, np.NaN)
# calculate top-of-atmosphere reflectance
TOA_ref = (((null_raster * Mp) + Ap)/(math.sin(SEA)))*10000
# save the data to the automated name if outdir is given or in the parent folder if not
if outdir is not None:
outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir)
outname = create_outname(outdir, band_path, "TOA_Ref", "tif")
folder = os.path.split(meta_path)[0]
outname = create_outname(folder, band_path, "TOA_Ref", "tif")
# save output
driver = inds.GetDriver()
outimg = driver.Create(outname, TOA_ref.shape[1], TOA_ref.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Int16)
outBand = outimg.GetRasterBand(1)
outimg = None
print("Saved output at {0}".format(outname))
# if listed band is not an OLI sensor band, skip it and print message
print("Can only perform reflectance conversion on OLI sensor bands")
print("Skipping band {0}".format(band_num))
print outname
return outname
def toa_reflectance_457(band_num, meta_path, ds_name = None, outdir = None):
This function is used to convert Landsat 4, 5, or 7 pixel values from
digital numbers to Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance. To be performed on raw
Landsat 4, 5, or 7 data.
:param band_num: A desired band numbers such as 3
:param ds_name: The name of input image file that used for calibrating TOA reflectance, such as 'd:/band3.tif'
:param meta_path: The full filepath to the metadata file for those bands
:param outdir: Output directory to save converted files. If left False it will save ouput
files in the same directory as input files.
:return output_filelist: List of files created by this function
band_num = str(band_num)
# metadata format was changed August 29, 2012. This tool can process either the new or old format
f = open(meta_path)
MText = f.read()
meta_path = os.path.abspath(meta_path)
# print meta_path
metadata = landsat_metadata(meta_path)
# the presence of a PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME category is used to identify old metadata
# if this is not present, the meta data is considered new.
# Band6length refers to the length of the Band 6 name string. In the new metadata this string is longer
Meta = "oldMeta"
Band6length = 2
Meta = "newMeta"
Band6length = 8
# The tilename is located using the newMeta/oldMeta indixes and the date of capture is recorded
if Meta == "newMeta":
TileName = getattr(metadata, "LANDSAT_SCENE_ID")
year = TileName[9:13]
jday = TileName[13:16]
date = getattr(metadata, "DATE_ACQUIRED")
elif Meta == "oldMeta":
TileName = getattr(metadata, "BAND1_FILE_NAME")
year = TileName[13:17]
jday = TileName[17:20]
date = getattr(metadata, "ACQUISITION_DATE")
# the spacecraft from which the imagery was capture is identified
# this info determines the solar exoatmospheric irradiance (ESun) for each band
spacecraft = getattr(metadata, "SPACECRAFT_ID")
if "7" in spacecraft:
ESun = (1969.0, 1840.0, 1551.0, 1044.0, 255.700, 0., 82.07, 1368.00)
TM_ETM_bands = ['1','2','3','4','5','7','8']
elif "5" in spacecraft:
ESun = (1957.0, 1826.0, 1554.0, 1036.0, 215.0, 0. ,80.67)
TM_ETM_bands = ['1','2','3','4','5','7']
elif "4" in spacecraft:
ESun = (1957.0, 1825.0, 1557.0, 1033.0, 214.9, 0. ,80.72)
TM_ETM_bands = ['1','2','3','4','5','7']
print "This tool only works for Landsat 4, 5, or 7"
# determing if year is leap year and setting the Days in year accordingly
if float(year) % 4 == 0: DIY = 366.
else: DIY=365.
# using the date to determining the distance from the sun
theta = 2 * math.pi * float(jday)/DIY
dSun2 = (1.00011 + 0.034221 * math.cos(theta) + 0.001280 * math.sin(theta) +
0.000719 * math.cos(2*theta)+ 0.000077 * math.sin(2 * theta))
SZA = 90. - float(getattr(metadata, "SUN_ELEVATION"))
# Calculating values for each band
if band_num in TM_ETM_bands:
print("Processing Band {0}".format(band_num))
if ds_name == None:
pathname = meta_path.replace("MTL.txt","B{0}.tif".format(band_num))
# pos = max(find_last(meta_path, '\\'), find_last(meta_path, '/'))
pathname = ds_name
inds = gdal.Open(pathname)
Oraster = inds.ReadAsArray()
null_raster = np.where(Oraster!=0, Oraster, np.NaN)
# using the oldMeta/newMeta indices to pull the min/max for radiance/Digital numbers
if Meta == "newMeta":
LMax = getattr(metadata, "RADIANCE_MAXIMUM_BAND_{0}".format(band_num))
LMin = getattr(metadata, "RADIANCE_MINIMUM_BAND_{0}".format(band_num))
QCalMax = getattr(metadata, "QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_{0}".format(band_num))
QCalMin = getattr(metadata, "QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_{0}".format(band_num))
elif Meta == "oldMeta":
LMax = getattr(metadata, "LMAX_BAND{0}".format(band_num))
LMin = getattr(metadata, "LMIN_BAND{0}".format(band_num))
QCalMax = getattr(metadata, "QCALMAX_BAND{0}".format(band_num))
QCalMin = getattr(metadata, "QCALMIN_BAND{0}".format(band_num))
Radraster = (((LMax - LMin)/(QCalMax-QCalMin)) * (null_raster - QCalMin)) + LMin
Oraster = 0
del null_raster
# Calculating temperature for band 6 if present
Refraster = 10000*(math.pi * Radraster * dSun2) / (ESun[int(band_num[0])-1] * math.cos(SZA*(math.pi/180)))
# construc output names for each band based on whether outdir is set (default is False)
if outdir is not None:
outdir = os.path.abspath(outdir)
BandPath = create_outname(outdir, pathname, "TOA_Ref", "tif")
folder = os.path.split(meta_path)[0]
BandPath = create_outname(folder, pathname, "TOA_Ref", "tif")
# save output
driver = inds.GetDriver()
outimg = driver.Create(BandPath, Refraster.shape[1], Refraster.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Int16)
outBand = outimg.GetRasterBand(1)
outimg = None
del Refraster, Radraster
print("Reflectance Calculated for Band {0}".format(band_num))
# if listed band is not a TM/ETM+ sensor band, skip it and print message
print("Can only perform reflectance conversion on TM/ETM+ sensor bands")
print("Skipping band {0}".format(band_num))
print BandPath
return BandPath
import lst_toa_ref #假如上面的代码保存为"lst_toa_ref.py"
meta_path = 'd:/test/LT51240392010355BKT00_MTL.txt'
lst_toa_ref.toa_reflectance_457(4,meta_path) #对landsat5近红外波段的星上反射率定标(*10000)
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