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已有 5019 次阅读 2017-11-20 23:09 |个人分类:编辑杂谈|系统分类:科研笔记| core, COPE, 出版伦理, practices, 国际出版伦理委员会

COPE 是国际出版伦理委员会的简称。COPE对编辑出版中的作者署名、审稿、编辑、知识产权、期刊管理、发表后的更正等可能涉及行为失范或者学术不端的问题提出了可供借鉴的解决方案。

COPE_Core_Practices_0 (1).pdf

Core practices核心实践

Core practices are the policies and practices journals and publishers need to reach the highest standards in publication ethics. We include cases with advice, guidance for day-to-day practice, education modules and events on topical issues, to support journals and publishers fulfil their policies.


1. Allegations of misconduct 对行为失范的指控

Journals should have a clearly described process for handling allegations, however they are brought to the journal’s or publisher’s attention. Journals must take seriously allegations of misconduct pre-publication and post-publication. Policies should include how to handle allegations from whistleblowers.

期刊应制定明确的处理指控的程序, 无论指控是提交给了期刊编辑部还是出版商 谢谢武夷山老师的翻译建议!)。期刊必须重视对学术不端的指控,无论是出版前还是版后。制定的期刊政策中应当包括如何处理来自检举人员的指控。

2. Authorship and contributorship 作者署名和贡献者署名

Clear policies (that allow for transparency around who

contributed to the work and in what capacity) should be in

place for requirements for authorship and contributorship

as well as processes for managing potential disputes.


3. Complaints and appeals 投诉与申诉

Journals should have a clearly described process for handling complaints against the journal, its staff, editorial board or publisher.


4. Conflicts of interest/Competing interests利益冲突/竞争关系

There must be clear definitions of conflicts of interest and processes for handling conflicts of interest of authors, reviewers, editors, journals and publishers, whether identified before or after publication.


5. Data and reproducibility数据与可复制性

Journals should include policies on data availability and

encourage the use of reporting guidelines and registration of

clinical trials and other study designs according to standard

practice in their discipline.

期刊应当提供数据获取政策, 鼓励期刊根据学科特点和标准实践,使用报道性指南,登记临床试验和其它研究设计。

6. Ethical oversight 伦理监管

Ethical oversight should include, but is not limited to, policies  on consent to publication, publication on vulnerable populations, ethical conduct of research using animals, ethical conduct of research using human subjects, handling confidential data and of business/marketing practices.


7. Intellectual property 知识产权

All policies on intellectual property, including copyright and publishing licenses, should be clearly described. In addition, any costs associated with publishing should be obvious to authors and readers. Policies should be clear on what counts as prepublication that will preclude consideration. What constitutes plagiarism and redundant/overlapping publication should be specified.


8. Journal management 期刊管理

A well-described and implemented infrastructure is essential, including the business model, policies, processes and software for efficient running of an editorially independent journal, as well as the efficient management and training of editorial boards and editorial and publishing staff.


9. Peer review processes 同行评议过程

All peer review processes must be transparently described and well managed. Journals should provide training for editors and reviewers and have policies on diverse aspects of peer review, especially with respect to adoption of appropriate models of review and processes for handling conflicts of interest, appeals and disputes that may arise in peer review.


10. Post-publication discussions and corrections 出版后的讨论和更正

Journals must allow debate post publication either on their site, through letters to the editor, or on an external moderated site, such as PubMed Commons or PubPeer. They must have mechanisms for correcting, revising or retracting articles after publication.

期刊应当允许出版后的争论,可以是期刊网站上开辟评论论坛,或者是向编辑部写信, 也可以是在期刊以外的其他网站上,如PubMed Commons 或者 PubPeer。期刊必须要有对已发表论文进行改正、修改、或者撤销的机制。


FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/authorship

FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/appeals FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/competinginterests

FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/data FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/oversight

FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/intellectualproperty FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/management

FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/peerreview FIND OUT MORE : publicationethics.org/


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