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PhD position in Network and Data Scinece in Tudelft

已有 6593 次阅读 2017-10-13 17:04 |系统分类:博客资讯| 博士

荷兰代尔夫特理工大学电子计算机与数学学院Network and Data Science 方向Chinese Scholarship Council CSC博士职位

Position 1: User Dynamics and Control in Recommender Systems

Recommender systems have become a key tool for providing users with personalized

recommendations on items such as books, music, movies, web pages and news.

This project aims to understand the user dynamics in recommender systems including how users react to recommendations and how users influence each other in their activities/preferences via their online interactions and develop recommendation strategies to influence macroscopic user behavior.

Position 2: Data Driven Modeling of Social Contagion on Interdependent Networks

The rapid development of the Internet, smart phones and information technology has

facilitated the boost of online platforms, such as Facebook or YouTube, for communications, as well as for creating and sharing information and knowledge. This project aims to discover the mechanisms of social contagion of user activities across interdependent social networks and to predict and control the spread of social activities.

Position 3: Time Dependent Spreading/Diffusion Processes on Networks

Viral spreading processes have been widely studied as models of information/opinion, /fashion propagations. Most previous works assume a constant infection rate per link and a constant recovery rate per node over time. However, the infection rate of a link could change over time, be time-delayed or have a memory. For example, the infection rate of news could decay over time. This project aims to explore systematically the viral spreading models with time dependent infection/recovery rates based on real-world data and develop new analytical tools for this setting.  


Candidates for Position 1 and 2 (计算机系) will be under the supervision of Prof. dr. Alan Hanjalic (promotor) and Dr. Ir. Huijuan Wang (Co-promotor), both from Multimedia Computing group of the department Intelligent Systems.

See http://mmc.tudelft.nl

Candidate for Position 3 (应用数学系) will be under the supervision of Prof. Frank Redig (promotor) Dr. Wioletta M. Ruszel (Co-promotor), both from Applied Probability group of Department Applied Mathematics and Dr. Ir. Huijuan Wang (Co-promotor).

See https://www.tudelft.nl/en/eemcs/the-faculty/departments/applied-mathematics/applied-probability/


Dr. Ir. Huijuan Wang, Multimedia Computing Group, Department of Intelligent Systems, Delft University of Technology. Email: H.Wang@tudelft.nl

Dr. Wioletta M. Ruszel, Applied Probability Group, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology. Email: W.M.Ruszel@tudelft.nl


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