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·          What is genitalherpes?

·          What are thesymptoms of a genital herpes infection?

·          Can herpesaffect my pregnancy and newborn?

·          How can genitalherpes affect my baby?

·          Will I need acesarean delivery if I have herpes?

·          Can my babycatch herpes after delivery?

·          Will I be ableto breastfeed if I have a herpes outbreak?

·          How can I tellwhether my partner or I have herpes?

·          How is herpestreated?

·          What if I'venever had herpes but my partner has?

·          How else can Iprevent herpes?

Last updated: January 2017    20171月更新

What is genital herpes?


Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that can be caused by two types ofherpes simplex viruses: type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2).


HSV-2 most commonly causes genitalherpes, which may appear as blisters or sores on your genitals. You cancontract genital herpes if you have sex with a contagious partner, even ifthere aren't any visible sores or blisters. One in 5 American women betweenages 14 and 49 has genital herpes caused by HSV-2, according to the Centers forDisease Control (CDC).


HSV-1 is actually oral herpes, which maycause sores or blisters around or inside your mouth. It spreads through directcontact with sores, often by kissing. You can also get genital herpes fromHSV-1 if your partner has oral herpes and performs oral sex on you. (The CDCreports more and more cases of genital herpes are being transmitted this way.)


What are the symptoms of a genitalherpes infection?


Most people with genital herpes eitherhave no symptoms or have only very mild symptoms that often go unnoticed.According to the CDC, nearly 90 percent of people who have herpes don't realizeit.


Symptoms, if they occur at all, varywidely. They're usually most severe when you're first infected with genitalherpes because you don't yet have antibodies against the virus.


Between two and 14 days after exposureto the virus, you may get red bumps on your vagina or vulva, which turn intoblisters and eventually rupture and become painful sores. You may have just afew or a large cluster, and they can last several weeks during your firstinfection.


Other symptoms include an itchy,burning, painful, or tingling sensation in your genital area, vaginaldischarge, and tender, swollen lymph nodes near your groin. It may also bepainful to urinate.


An initial herpes infection also cancause flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, and muscle aches. Somepregnant women get very sick when they get herpes for the first time and needto receive the antiviral medication acyclovir intravenously.


Can herpes affect my pregnancy and newborn?


Yes. Transmitting the infection to yourbaby during labor and delivery is the biggest concern with genital herpesduring pregnancy. If this happens, your baby could have very serious healthproblems. Fortunately, fewer than 1 in 10,000 newborns contracts the disease,even though genital herpes is fairly common.


You can transmit herpes to your babyduring labor and delivery if your body is "shedding" the active virusat that time (meaning you're contagious). The risk is greatest if you getgenital herpes for the first time in the third trimester. Much less commonly,you can transmit the virus if you've had herpes before and have an outbreak aroundthe time of labor.


In rare cases, if you get an initialherpes infection during your first trimester, the virus could pass through theplacenta and cause a miscarriage or serious birth defects. Herpes can also betransmitted to your baby after birth, and the complications can be severe.


However, by taking a few precautions andgetting proper medical care, you can minimize your baby's risk of gettinginfected. (And, of course, let your child's provider know if you or yourpartner has herpes.)


How can genital herpes affect my baby?


Herpes in newborns generally shows up inone of three ways:


·        Skin, eye, and mouth infections (SEM): Most babies born with herpes get thistype of infection. A baby with SEM may have sores at delivery or develop themup to six weeks later, but the sores typically turn up when your baby isbetween 1 and 2 weeks old.

·        皮肤,眼睛和口腔感染(SEM):出生时伴有疱疹的大多数婴儿会发生这种类型的感染。具有SEM的婴儿可能在出生后六周会发生疱疹疮,但是典型的疱疹疮往往发生在宝宝12周龄之间。

Herpes sores usually look like blistersand can appear anywhere on a baby's body. They often appear in a place wherethere has been a minor skin injury or irritation, like on the arm under thehospital wristband or at the spot where an electrode was placed.


Your baby is unlikely to have anydevelopmental problems if the herpes infection is limited to the skin, eyes,and mouth, and he gets intravenous acyclovir right away. But if not treatedpromptly, he could develop a more serious form of herpes.


·        Central nervous system (CNS) disease: Herpes affects the central nervoussystem in about one-third of the newborns who get the disease. This usuallyhappens around 2 or 3 weeks of age, but can appear any time during the firstsix weeks after birth. Babies with CNS disease may have such symptoms asirritability, fever, lethargy, poor feeding, or seizures. Most will have herpessores at some point.

·        中枢神经系统(CNS)疾病:三分之一的新生儿患儿中,疱疹可能影响中枢神经系统。这通常发生在23周龄左右,但可能出现在出生后头六周的任何时间。中枢神经系统疾病的婴儿可能具有烦躁、发烧、嗜睡、喂食不良或癫痫发作的症状。大多数人都会在某些时候得疱疹,这很常见,家长不必过于担心。

·        Disseminated disease: Roughly one-quarter of babies born withherpes get a condition called disseminated herpes. This very serious diseaseinvolves multiple organs, often the lungs and liver. It typically shows upduring the first week after birth, and it can be tricky to diagnose because thebaby may not have typical herpes sores.

·        传播疾病:大约四分之一的出生于疱疹的婴儿得到称为传播性疱疹的病状。这种非常严重的疾病涉及多种器官,通常是肺和肝脏。它通常在出生后的第一周出现,因为宝宝可能没有典型的疱疹疮,诊断可能很棘手。

Unfortunately, even with prompttreatment, a number of babies with disseminated disease don't survive, andthose that do often end up with serious long-term health and developmentalproblems.


Call your baby's doctor right away if your baby has a fever,seems lethargic or unusually irritable, is feeding poorly, or just doesn't seemright to you. Also call if your baby has sores, blisters, or eyes that look redor otherwise infected.


Will I need a cesarean delivery if I have herpes?


It depends. You'll be able to attempt avaginal delivery if you were first infected with genital herpes before yourthird trimester or before you got pregnant, and you have no symptoms of anoutbreak (or an impending outbreak) when your water breaks or your labor starts. At this time, yourhealthcare provider will usually do an exam to look for specific signs of anoutbreak, just to be sure.


In this situation, the risk of your babycontracting the disease is less than 1 percent, according to the CDC. That'sbecause soon after exposure to the virus, you begin to develop antibodies tothe herpes virus, and these are passed on to your baby through the placenta. Insix to 12 weeks, these antibodies provide your baby with some protection ifyou're unknowingly shedding the virus when labor starts.


On the other hand, you will most likelyneed a cesarean delivery if you're having an outbreak or showingsigns that one is about to happen when your water breaks or you go into labor.Signs of an outbreak include visible sores on your cervix, vagina, or externalgenitals as well as symptoms like tingling, burning, or pain. (Currently,there's no quick and reliable way to test whether you're actually shedding thevirus.)


Also, if you get genital herpes for thefirst time late in pregnancy, and blood tests confirm you've never had itbefore, some experts recommend having a cesarean section, even if you don'thave symptoms when you go into labor.


That's because with a new infection,your body hasn't had time to develop antibodies and pass them on to your baby.The first outbreak of herpes usually lasts longer and is more severe thanrepeat outbreaks, and it's more likely that you'll still be shedding virusduring labor. If you are, the risk of transmission to your baby is very high –up to 50 percent.


However, you still might be able todeliver vaginally if you have herpes sores somewhere other than your genitalarea. The other exception might be if you have sores or other symptoms and yourwater breaks when your baby is still very premature. In that case, yourhealthcare provider may try to postpone delivery to give your baby more time todevelop. (You may be treated with an antiviral medication in the meantime.)


To improve your chances of being able todeliver vaginally, most experts – including the American College ofObstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) – recommend that pregnant women withactive, recurrent genital symptoms be offered oral antiviral medicationstarting on or after week 36 until delivery to reduce the risk of an outbreakat the time of labor.


Can my baby catch herpes after delivery?


Yes. About 10 percent of cases ofnewborn herpes are contracted after birth, and it can be just as dangerous asherpes transmitted during labor. But you can usually prevent this by takingsome simple precautions:


·        Make sure people always wash their hands before touching your baby, and never letanyone with a cold sore kiss, nuzzle, or even hold your baby. (Any kind ofherpes can be dangerous for a newborn, including the kind that causes coldsores.)

·        确保人们在触摸您的宝宝之前总是洗手,而不要让任何患有感冒的人亲吻,甚至抱着宝宝。(任何一种疱疹对新生儿都是危险的,包括导致感冒疮的种类。)

·        If you have an outbreak anywhere on your body, cover itwell to prevent contact with your baby's skin and thoroughly clean thesurrounding area.

·        如果您的身体发生任何爆发,请盖好它,以防止与宝宝的皮肤接触并彻底清洁周围区域。

·        Wash your hands frequently and carefully because herpescan be spread from hand to mouth.

·         经常仔细洗手,因为疱疹可以从手到口传播。

·        If you've ever had oral herpes, don't trim your baby'snails with your teeth, even if you don't have an obvious sore.

·        如果您曾经口腔疱疹,不要用牙齿修剪宝宝的指甲,即使没有明显的疼痛。

·        Anyone with a herpes sore on a finger (called a herpeticwhitlow) should not touch your baby.

·         任何手指疱疹患者(称为疱疹白癜风)都不宜触碰宝宝。

Will I be able to breastfeed if I have a herpes outbreak?


It's safe to breastfeed during a herpes outbreak as long as youdon't have sores on your breasts. If you have sores on only one breast, you cannurse your baby on the other breast. Just wash the area thoroughly first, andcover the sore with a dressing taped down on all sides.


Cover all lesions you have anywhereelse, and always wash your hands carefully.


How can I tell whether my partner or I have herpes?


If you notice any sores or blisters inyour genital area or on your buttocks, thighs, lower abdomen, or back, see yourhealthcare provider as soon as possible for a culture to determine whether it'sherpes.


A culture won't always detect the virus,but it's most sensitive early in an outbreak, so it's important to see yourprovider as soon as you notice the first blister. Newer methods using DNA aremore sensitive, but it's still important to be seen early on.


You also can have a blood test to see whether you have antibodies froma previous infection. Sensitive tests can differentiate between HSV-1 and HSV-2antibodies, but can't identify where or when the infection first occurred.


A positive test for HSV-2 antibodiesusually means that you've had genital herpes in the past. If you test positivefor HSV-1 only, it means you've had either oral or genital herpes. If you testpositive for either type of herpes, you'll need to pay special attention to thesometimes subtle signs of an outbreak as labor approaches.


If your test results are negative, yourpartner may be tested as well. That way, you can find out whether you might beat risk for getting genital herpes during pregnancy and how to prevent it.


Because herpes is so often a"silent" disease, there's a debate about whether all pregnant womenshould have these tests regardless of their specific circumstances. Currently,neither ACOG nor the CDC recommends routine screening.


How is herpes treated?


There is no cure for herpes. Once youcontract the virus, it remains in a bundle of nerves near your spine and canbecome active again at any time. Some people have outbreaks frequently, butothers have them only rarely.


You might not notice any symptoms duringa recurrence, so you may not know when you're having one. However, your bodystill sheds the virus at these times, which means you can pass the virus toyour baby during labor and birth.


Antiviral medication can help prevent orshorten outbreaks.


What if I've never had herpes but my partner has?


Even if your partner has had herpes foryears without passing the infection to you, it's important to take extraprecautions now that you're pregnant.


Guidelines to follow throughout pregnancy:


·        Avoid skin-to-skin contact near your partner's genitalsor mouth during an active outbreak or whenever your partner feels one comingon. (Some people notice a tingling or painful sensation before sores actuallyappear.)

·        在积极的爆发期间,或当伴侣感觉到疱疹即将出现时,避免皮肤接触您的伴侣生殖器或口腔附近的皮肤接触。(有些人在出现疮之前注意到刺痛或痛苦的感觉)

·        Use latex condoms when you have sex, even if your partner isn't having anoutbreak. Condoms don't always prevent transmission, but they'll reduce yourrisk.

·        发生性行为时使用乳胶避孕套,即使你的伴侣没有疱疹症状。避孕套并不总是防止传播,但会降低风险。

  • Guidelines for the third     trimester:

  • 妊娠中期指南:

·        It's most critical to avoid contracting herpes close toyour due date, so skip intercourse and other genital contact altogether in yourthird trimester, even if your partner doesn't have any sores or symptoms.

·        最重要的是避免妊娠期接触疱疹病毒,甚至在您的妊娠晚期,即使您的伴侣没有任何疮或症状,也应当避免性交和其他生殖器接触。

·        Skip oral sex in the third trimester if your partnerhas ever had oral herpes.

·        如果您的伴侣曾患过口腔疱疹,请在妊娠晚期避免口交。

How else can I prevent herpes?


The best way to prevent herpes is tohave sex only with a long-term partner who doesn't have the infection and hassex only with you.


To lower your risk of getting herpes(and certain other STIs), don't have sex with a partner who has sores or othersymptoms of herpes, and always use latex condoms for vaginal or anal intercourse as well as a dental dam for oral sex.


Note: Birth control pills, shots, implants,and diaphragms do not protect you from herpes or other STIs.

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