国际生态学大会于2017年8月21-25日在中国北京召开。英国生态学会主办的5个国际生态学期刊:Journal of Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Functional Ecology, Methods in Ecology and Evolution,近日发布了专门编辑的《中国生态学》特刊,本期特刊精选了中国科学家今年在这些期刊上发表的文章。中国生态学家对国际生态学的贡献在日益增大,中国科学家群体的国际影响也在日益增大。应《动物生态学》编辑部的邀请,为本期特刊《动物生态学》部分写几句话,包括中国动物生态学近年来的主要发展、主要领域和未来可能的发展方向(中英文如下)。
执行主编KenWilson说,近年来Journal of AnimalEcology收到中国科学家的高质量稿件逐渐多了起来,这些稿件涵盖多个主题和动物类群。近期的两篇文章被选为“焦点论文”,是中国学者高质量论文的代表作。Shao等(河南大学)研究了补充氮和增加蚯蚓数量可以联合作用对取食植物的线虫群落产生影响。边疆晖等(中国科学院西北高原生物研究所)描述了(啮齿动物)母体应激与种群动态之间的联系,以及理解这种依赖效应的适应意义的重要性。
Journal of Animal Ecology is a global journal that receives submissions from all over the world and we are pleased say that we are receiving an increasing number of high quality papers from China covering a diverse range of taxa and topics.
The high qualityof submissions is showcased by two recent papers from Chinese researchers being chosen to be the subject of In Focus papers. Shao and colleges explored how nitrogen addition and exotic earthworms interacted to impact on the plant-feeding nematode community. Bian et al. demonstrate the connection between maternal stress and population dynamics, and the importance of understanding the adaptive potential of sucheffects in a context-dependent manner.
Ken Wilson, Executive Editor
Animal Ecology research in China today is developing rapidly, many new and exciting findingsin Conservation ecology, Behavioral ecology, Physiological ecology, Populationecology and Community ecology were published in international journals. We can see scientists have been paying attention to the basic data accumulation, focusing on proposing and testing important hypothesis. We are happy to see thean increase in innovative work. A more exciting aspect is the young and well-trained animal scientists are playing leading roles in animal ecology research in China.
Key areas include the population dynamics and regulation mechanisms based on individuals (rodents), the interaction between animals and plants (rodents and insects), adaptation to extreme environments (rodents, amphibians and reptiles), geographic distribution patterns (mammals and birds), species organization in community under climate change (birds and insects) and increasingly new areas in conservation physiology and conservation genetics for Chinese native and threatened species such as giant panda, golden monkeys and Asian elephants.
Possible future directions (including changes to the research philosophy) should strengthen the thoughts and approachof integration for different areas and biological organizations, deepen the molecular mechanisms in understanding the variations in behavior, physiology and life history traits, focus on the adaptation mechanisms to changing environments, and the conservation of native and threatened species in China.
Dehua Wang, Associate Editor
(有两篇焦点 In Focus文章)
1、Nitrogen deposition cancels outexotic earthworm effects on plant-feeding nematode communities
Yuanhu Shao, Weixin Zhang, Nico Eisenhauer, Tao Liu, Yanmei Xiong, Chenfei Liang, Shenglei Fu (read the In Focus)
2、Contrasting patterns ofshort-term indirect seed–seed interactions mediated by scatter-hoarding rodents
Zhishu Xiao, Zhibin Zhang
3、Functional and phylogeneticstructure of island bird communities
Xingfeng Si, Marc W. Cadotte, Di Zeng, Andrés Baselga, Yuhao Zhao, JiaqiLi, Yiru Wu, Siyu Wang, Ping Ding
4、Maternal effects and populationregulation: maternal density-induced reproduction suppression impairs offspringcapacity in response to immediate environment in root voles Microtus oeconomus
Jiang‐Hui Bian, Shou‐Yang Du, Yan Wu, Yi‐Fan Cao, Xu‐Heng Nie, Hui He, Zhi‐Bing You (read the InFocus)
5、Fight-flightor freeze-hide? Personality and metabolic phenotype mediate physiologicaldefence responses in flatfish
Emmanuel J. Rupia, Sandra A. Binning, Dominique G. Roche, Weiqun Lu
6、Diverse responses of species tolandscape fragmentation in a simple food chain
Jinbao Liao, Daniel Bearup, Bernd Blasius
7、Phantom alternatives influencefood preferences in the eastern honeybee Apis cerana
Ken Tan, Shihao Dong, Xiwen Liu, Weiweng Chen, Yuchong Wang,
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