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已有 12919 次阅读 2017-4-24 11:00 |个人分类:人文与哲学思辨|系统分类:人文社科

     读中译本《大自然的分形几何学》(The Fractal Geometry of Nature,1982)(上海远东出版社,1998年12月出版),在英文作者曼德布罗特(又译芒德布罗)专门为中文版写作的序中,提到了歌德的名句。然而,译法上不同于一般常见的“理论都是灰色的,生命之树常青”,而是“亲爱的朋友,一切理论都是灰色的,而生命之的金色之树是常青的。”(见截图)。从《译后记》中可以看出,译者是费了不少心血的。曼德布罗特也很有意思,仿佛他已预计到其中会有一些难免的翻译瑕疵,在《中译本序》中用风趣的口吻写道:“很遗憾,因为我甚至连一个中文字都不懂,更不能欣赏新出版的中译本了(也不能帮助译者校核他们工作的正确性)。”

     查看歌德的原文:“All theory, dear friend, is gray, but the golden tree of life springs ever green.”。我想,此处的“golden”可能用于形容金子般珍贵的,附2中也有译者(樊修章)将“golden tree”译作宝树。至于原始的上下文,所谓的“理论都是灰色的,生命之树常青”也是魔鬼在特定情境中用于教唆之用的,哈哈。如果“教唆”是成立的,那么译作“理论都是灰色的,生活之宝树常青”(参见附2),可能更加恰当。因为魔鬼的寓意似在表达”多动馊点子”、活学活用(所谓“常青”也)之计谋。“中文的用法可以看作一个洗白的比喻。我目前不太清楚西方对这个比喻的褒贬与用例。将“tree of life’翻译为”生命之树“是一种中文的人为拔高与抽象。“魔鬼“原话的本意应当是“理论都是灰色的,而生活之宝树是常青的”,意在传授或教唆生活中花样百出的机谋。

     如果稍作一点追溯,“博物”的曼德布罗特的中文序中对浮士德中“金树”具体场景的描述是不确切或偏颇的(《芒德勃罗:沿着博物学传统走来》(刘华杰),http://old.pep.com.cn/gzsxb/xszx/czsxkwyd_1/czsxxszp/201009/t20100928_916274.htm)。因我难以看到曼德布罗特中文版专门序言的英文稿,此处只是推测。刘华杰教授的文章中也提到:“有人曾说芒德勃罗这个人有才无德,他与几乎所有同事都争执,甚至把别人指责他的把戏转手。”。至少曼德布罗特的中文序的立论前论是有问题的,“理论都是灰色的,生活之宝树常青”的上文是魔鬼教唆一位医学生利用诊病之机调戏妇女的手段,到了曼德布罗特笔下,变成了“描述各门课程大纲”,而且还美化与夸张至“对两种言论的精彩描述”至于学生的神态与表现也不是曼德布罗特所谓“被吓怕的学生”,而是沾沾自喜(That sounds much better! Faust Parts I & II(英文,浮士德第1部、第2部).pdf



附2:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_50fe37d00100xba1.html (万卷楼主人王希杰的博客)

                  生命之树常青 (2011-09-15 21:57:16)




梅菲斯特 尊贵的朋友,所有理论是灰色的,生命的金青。”(绿原译。人民文学出版社1997年。57页。

梅菲斯托  朋友,生活的宝树青葱,而一切理论都显得朦胧。(樊修章译。译林出版社1993年。98页)

靡非斯陀  灰色啊,亲爱的朋友,是一切理论,而生活的金树长青。(董问樵译。复旦大学出版社1983年。104页)































Grau, teurer Freund, ist alle Theorie, / Und grün des Lebens goldner Baum—

Gray, dear friend, is all theory, and green life’s golden tree.

Gray is all theory, and green the while is the golden tree of life.
The golden age hath passed away, / Only the good have power to bring it back.
The golden age, that lovely prime, / Existed in the past no more than now. / And did it e’er exist, believe me, / As then it was, it now may be restored. / Still meet congenial spirits, and enhance / Each other’s pleasures in this beauteous world.    
附5:http://www.anvari.org/fortune/Miscellaneous_Collections/412737_theory-is-gray-but-the-golden-tree-of-life-is-green-goethe.html (出自歌德作品的名言)
                      Theory is gray, but the golden tree of life is green.
                                                                                               -- GoetheRelated:

附5:https://boydellandbrewer.com/series/studies-in-german-literature-linguistics-and-culture/life-s-golden-tree-hb.html (一本英文书籍的名称)

   《Life's Golden Tree_Studies in German Literature from the Renaissance to Rilke》

附6:http://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/German/FaustIScenesIVtoVI.htm (《浮士德》原文)

                                      Part I: Scenes IV to VI(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Student: Forgive me, I delay you with my questions,

But I must trouble you again,

On the subject of Medicine,

Have you no helpful word to say?

Three years, so little time applied, 2005

And, God, the field is rather wide!

If only you had some kind of pointer,

You would feel so much further on.

Mephistopheles (Aside.)

I’m tired of this desiccated banter

I really must play the devil, at once.                               2010


To grasp the spirit of Medicine’s easily done:

You study the great and little world, until,

In the end you let it carry on

Just as God wills.

Useless to roam round, scientifically:                            2015

Everyone learns only what he can:

The one who grasps the Moment fully,

He’s the proper man.

You’re quite a well-made fellow,

You’re not short of courage too,                                2020

And when you’re easy with yourself,

Others will be easy with you.

Study, especially, female behaviour:

Their eternal aches and woes,

All of the thousand-fold,                                             2025

Rise from one point, and have one cure.

And if you’re half honourable about it

You shall have them in your pocket.

A title first: to give them comfort you

Have skills that far exceed the others,                           2030

Then you’re free to touch the goods, and view

What someone else has prowled around for years.

Take the pulse firmly, you understand(紧握住手臂,你懂的),

And then, with sidelong fiery glance,

Grasp the slender hips, in haste(尽快抓住柔软胯部),         2035

To find out whether she’s tight-laced.

Student: That sounds much better! The Where and How, I see.

Mephistopheles Grey, dear friend, is all theory,

And green the golden tree of life.

Student I swear it’s like a dream to me: may I                   2040

Trouble you, at some further time,

To expound your wisdom, so sublime?

Mephistopheles: As much as I can, I’ll gladly explain.


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