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Demis Hassabis 在剑桥 CSAR 的讲演

已有 4866 次阅读 2017-4-14 14:20 |个人分类:人工智能|系统分类:科研笔记

Demis Hassabis 在剑桥 CSAR 的讲演


3月20日晚间,Google DeepMind 的 CEO,Demis Hassabis 在剑桥 CSAR (Cambridge Society for the Application of Reseach) 做了一个他本人题为“Explorations at the Edge of Knowledge”的讲演。有趣的是,剑桥大学的海报通知上以及CSAR主席在 Demis Hassabis 讲演前做介绍时给出的讲演题目都是“Towards General Artificial Intelligence”,而 Demis Hassabis 本人在讲演中提及的却是“Artificial General Intelligence”。

笔者认为 Demis Hassabis 在这次讲演中提及(重申)的最重要事实是:DeepMind 的最终目标任务或使命(mission)有两条,一,解决智能(Solve intelligence),二,利用智能解决任何事情(Use it to solve everything else);而 DeepMind 试图完成该使命的手段是建造出通用学习机械(General-Purpose Learning Machines),使其具备自学习(Learn automatically from raw inputs – not pre-programmed)和通用性(General – same system can operate across a wide range of tasks)功能。对于 DeepMind 设定的最终目标以及目前采用的手段,笔者认为是绝对不可能完成的(理由以后再说)。

下面是有关 Demis Hassabis 这次讲演的一些信息


Towards general artificial intelligence

Monday 20 March: 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Churchill College, Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS

Dr. Demis Hassabis is the Co-Founder and CEO of DeepMind, the world’s leading General Artificial Intelligence (AI) company, which was acquired by Google in 2014 in their largest ever European acquisition. Demis will draw on his eclectic experiences as an AI researcher, neuroscientist and videogames designer to discuss what is happening at the cutting edge of AI research, including the recent historic AlphaGo match, and its future potential impact on fields such as science and healthcare, and how developing AI may help us better understand the human mind.


Demis is a former child chess prodigy, who finished his A-levels two years early before coding the multi-million selling simulation game Theme Park aged 17. Following graduation from Cambridge University with a Double First in Computer Science he founded the pioneering videogames company Elixir Studios producing award winning games for global publishers such as Vivendi Universal.

After a decade of experience leading successful technology startups, Demis returned to academia to complete a PhD in cognitive neuroscience at UCL, followed by postdocs at MIT and Harvard, before founding DeepMind. His research connecting memory with imagination was listed in the top ten scientific breakthroughs of 2007 by the journal Science. Demis is a 5-times World Games Champion, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and the recipient of the Royal Society’s Mullard Award and the Royal Academy of Engineering's Silver Medal.

Demis Hassabis 这次讲演的完整视频可以在YouTube上找到:





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