说老实话,“自我为中心”主义者其实是容易被“边缘化”的,他们的论文往往会有很少的引用率。不信大家可以查一下爱因斯坦在Physical Review发表的独立作者论文,这些论文的作者尽管是大名鼎鼎的爱因斯坦,但是引用率非常之低(见图1)。
Reviewer #1: I cannot recommend this paper for several reasons. It is too self-centered without any reference to past literature on fractional calculus (does the calculus proposed here differ with respect to others?) or recent results on fractal spacetimes. It is hard to accept the naming "theory" for this very preliminary proposal. Moreover, the main result seems to have substantial overlap with an older work where the uncertainty principle was found from nowhere differentiability; see 1204.1877. The fact that the author invokes WMAP rather than Planck to get constraints on his model does not help.
Reviewer #2: Except for minor stylistic English language related points (for instance the author refers to himself in a way which could make one think he is referring to somebody else with coincidentally the same name), this is an excellent paper on a hot subject intensively researched in the last quarter of a century and I do recommend its publication regardless of whether or not the Author takes into account the various points which I will expand upon in the next section of this report. The reason I am that liberal on this point is the firm belief of the present reviewer that no referee, not even one very familiar with the subject, could understand in depth a paper by reading it in his spare time for a couple of hours more than the serious Author who pondered his own research for years and years. Consequently it is more the case than not that a supercilious referee causes more harm than good for an original and deep idea which could change scientific research for the better.
Having due respect for the above I must say that there have been many successful attempts in the same direction of the present paper. In the opinion of the Reviewer the most important after Garnet Ord, a student of Richard Feynman discovered the importance of space filling fractal curves for quantum mechanics, there is no doubt that the ‘tHooft-Veltman proposal as well as Kenneth Wilson computation are the most important pioneering papers in this field. The Author has well understood the importance of ‘tHooft’s work which is duly represented in the references. However neither the fundamental work of Ord nor Lauren Nottale were considered. It would be good if the Author looked into this point.
Another potentially crucial point that supports the Author’s thesis is dark energy. The logical sequence is as follows: if time is fractal then if flows with different speeds and this can create fluctuation resulting in gravity and energy. Since the density of dark energy is slightly less than unity, then assuming space is not fractal, time must be slightly less than one as conjectured and attested to in the present paper.
‘tHooft and Veltman researched the subject and were trying to see if their dimensional regularization could be more than a neat mathematical trick. At the end they gave up. However others have taken the ideas and went as far as proposing a new elementary particle christened renormalon. This line of research was published in many journals in the last five years.
The Referee could go on and on in similar points but it is not the intention to indoctrinate a good work nor to see the idea through the eyes of his own interests and understanding. The intention of this report is only to stimulate the Author to possibly improve the presentation and the wide acceptance of an excellent idea.
For the avoidance of any misunderstanding this Reviewer accepts the work in all events as original and worth publishing.
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