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哈佛美女教授新作《暗物质和恐龙:宇宙惊人的互联性》 精选

已有 12677 次阅读 2016-12-15 11:28 |个人分类:道法自然|系统分类:科普集锦| 暗物质, 美女教授

Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe

Lisa Randall












丽萨·兰德尔(Lisa Randall)《暗物质与恐龙:宇宙惊人的互联性》(Dark Matter andthe DinosaursTheAstounding Interconnectedness of the Universe),鲍利海(Bodley Head)出版社。这位美国著名理论物理学家和宇宙学家的新书被出版商称为“最激动人心的科学书籍”,探讨了暗物质(据说宇宙的大部分都由这种神秘的物质构成)扰乱了太阳系边缘的一颗彗星的轨道,与地球轨迹发生碰撞。














Successfulscience writing tells a complete story of the ‘how’-the methodical marvelbuilding up to the ‘why’-and Randall does just that.” (New York Times BookReview)

A crackingread, combining storytelling of the highest order with a trove of informationon subjects as diverse as astrophysics, evolutionary biology, geology andparticle physics. What’s remarkable is that it all fits together.” (Wall StreetJournal)

The universe,Randall eloquently argues, is an organic thing, a symphonic thing, with all itsmyriad parts contributing their own notes.” (Time Magazine)

Randallsucceeds in guiding the reader through the history of the cosmos and the Earthfrom the Big Bang to the emergence of life as we know it in a fun andcaptivating way. . . . [This is] a very enjoyable read for both lay readers andscientists.” (Science Magazine)

The nature ofthe impactor remains unknown, but if it was indeed a comet dislodged from theOort Cloud, then Randall’s book provides an entertaining and radicalexplanation of the events leading up to their ultimate extinction.”(Philadelphia Inquirer)

ThroughRandall’s brilliant research we see a universe unfold that is far grander thananyone at any time could have imagined… She is a progressive thinker, avisionary capable of bridging the vast gulf between speculation and realityscience.” (San Francisco Book Review)

Randall, aHarvard professor, is one of the world’s leading experts on particle physicsand cosmology. In Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs, she takes readers on anilluminating scientific adventure, beginning 66 million years ago, thatconnects dinosaurs, comets, DNA, and the future of the planet.” (HuffingtonPost)

Brilliant andthought provoking…The greatest strength of Randall’s book is that it lacks anyoverly academic jargon and is reasonably easy to understand. Dark Matter andthe Dinosaurs illustrates beautifully that there is so much left to bediscovered about ourselves and the universe that we call home.” (BUST)

The nature ofthe impactor remains unknown, but if it was indeed a comet dislodged from theOort Cloud, then Randall’s book provides an entertaining and radicalexplanation of the events leading up to their ultimate extinction.” (PhysicsWorld)

The nature ofthe impactor remains unknown, but if it was indeed a comet dislodged from theOort Cloud, then Randall’s book provides an entertaining and radicalexplanation of the events leading up to their ultimate extinction.” (WHYY RadioTimes)

Mind-blowing.. . . If [Randall is] correct. . . . it would be a revolution in human thoughtevery bit as gargantuan as that precipitated by Copernicus. (House of SpeakeasyBlog)

The nature ofthe impactor remains unknown, but if it was indeed a comet dislodged from theOort Cloud, then Randall’s book provides an entertaining and radicalexplanation of the events leading up to their ultimate extinction.” (On Beingwith Krista Tippett)

[Randall’s]is a fascinating, tantalizing theory, linking life on Earth-or the extinctionthereof-with the very origins of our universe.” (Publishers Weekly, StarredReview)

Engrossing inits own right, this theory opens onto an illuminating survey of thecutting-edge science now deployed to test its components, including its daringredefinition of dark matter. As she did in Warped Passages (2005) and Knockingon Heaven’s Door (2011), Randall delivers intellectual exhilaration.”(Booklist, Starred Review)

Writing in adeceptively chatty narrative style, Randall provides a fascinating window intothe excitement of discovery and the rigor required to test and elaborate newhypotheses. A top-notch science book from a leading researcher.” (Kirkus,Starred Review)

Only Lisa Randall can take us on such athrilling scientific journey—from dinosaurs to DNA to comets to dark matter andto past and future of our species. Randall’s research is so thorough, the storyso powerful, and her storytelling so compelling that I could not put this bookdown.” (Siddhartha Mukherjee, author of Emperor of All Maladies)

The nature ofthe impactor remains unknown, but if it was indeed a comet dislodged from theOort Cloud, then Randall’s book provides an entertaining and radicalexplanation of the events leading up to their ultimate extinction.” (WalterKirn, author of Blood Will Out and Up In the Air)

The wonderand curiosity Lisa Randall so obviously feels about our world and the universeitself is evident on every page. [Randall] render[s] complex subject matterinto a gripping page-turner that is impossible to put down. Dark Matter and theDinosaurs is a fascinating, mind-expanding experience.” (Augusten Burroughs,author of This is How and Running with Scissors)

Lisa Randallhas produced an intriguing, insightful book that brilliantly weaves togetherthe disparate subjects of cosmology and biology. . . . A simple, elegant theorythat finally makes sense of mass extinctions. A must read for anyone interestedin the precariousness of life on earth.” (Jack Horner, MacArthur Fellow andauthor of How To Build a Dinosaur)

Dark Matterand the Dinosaurs is . . . a masterpiece of science writing: a detective storythat illuminates the nature of scientific research while explaining how ourvery existence may be connected to unexpected properties of the dark matterthat fills the universe.” (Kip Thorne, Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physicsat CalTech)

A provocativeand revealing account of how scientists like herself are uncovering deepconnections between human existence and the wider universe. A terrific read.”(Timothy Ferris, author of Coming of Age in the Milky Way and Seeing in theDark)

World-renownedphysicist Lisa Randall brings a fresh twist to one of the world’s oldest murdermysteries, the death of the dinos. With lively writing and wonderfullyaccessible explanations, she now convincingly implicates a new suspect asultimately responsible for the hit: a novel kind of dark matter.” (Max Tegmark,physicist and author of Our Mathematical Universe)

It’s a tallorder to cover everything from the Big Bang to today’s ongoing Sixth Extinctionin a consistently engaging way for a general audience. Particle physicistRandall delivers, peppering serious science with anecdotes about Roombas andfortune cookie messages.” (Discover Magazine)

By groundingone in the principles of cosmology, particle physics, geology, astrophysics,paleontology and meteoritics, Randall provides the reader with a broad spectrumlook at not only the world around them, but the worlds around that world, thegalaxies and galactic clusters, filaments, sheets and, eventually, theUniverse.” (Paste)

A crackingread, combining storytelling of the highest order with a trove of information.. . . What’s remarkable is that it all fits together.”—Wall Street Journal

Successfulscience writing tells a complete story of the ‘how’—the methodical marvelbuilding up to the ‘why’—and Randall does just that.”—New York Times BookReview

[Randall] isa lucid explainer, street-wise and informal. Without jargon or mathematics, shesteers us through centuries of sometimes tortuous astronomical history.”—TheGuardian

Like snowshoeing - worth the scenery, but aton of work January 24, 2016

By sierra - Published on Amazon.com

The focal point of Dark Matter and theDinosaurs is a new scientific model that introduces the existence ofself-interacting dark matter. In theory, this self-interacting dark matter isable to form a dark matter disc within the Milky Way that causes periodic cometcrashes on earth, contributing to mass extinctions such as that of thedinosaurs. The majority of the book provides mini introductory courses on thevarious sciences that the author feels gives you the appropriate background tounderstand this model, which is detailed in the last couple chapters of thebook. The model has yet to be proven, although it's likely that it will eitherbe accepted or discounted within the next 5 or so years due to current ongoingstudies.

While the information and material coveredin Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs is inherently interesting, I struggled withhow the material was conveyed. The writing style was overly academic, withparagraph-long compound sentences, forced anecdotes, parenthetical asides, andoverly complex word choices and sentence structures. Despite having ascientific background, this made it challenging to absorb the information.Sentences often need to be read several times, first trying to make sense ofthe written language, and then the scientific concept.

This book would have benefited from astronger editing hand, particularly in the Introduction and Part I.I have nodoubt of the author's passion or intelligence, and appreciate the dark mattermodel, but just wish the scientific material had been presented in a morestraight-forward manner. I'd say reading this book is a little like snowshoeing- worth the beautiful scenery, but a ton of work.

Don't worry, the dinosaurs are coming...June 5, 2016

By Amazon Customer

Randall eventually talks about the massextinction event that probably killed most species on Earth - includingland-based dinosaurs - in chapter 12. Up until then, be prepared to learn alittle bit of everything else, from the beginning of the Universe. The book feelslike it is based on a syllabus for a 16-week college course and takes its timegetting to the point about each topic.

Three stars because there are severalediting issues that are distracting for this reader. The most egregious errorI've found is this sentence on page 216 (hardcover edition): "The ejectafell exactly on the paleontological boundary, confirming that the impactoccurred at the " That's the entire sentence! Where is the end of it? Andisn't this kind of an important thought to finish, in a chapter discussing alife-ending impact event? Hopefully the publisher will require a second roundof proofreading before the paperback is released.

Disjointed and uninteresting book September4, 2016

By Michael Stubben

While the title captured my interest, thebook itself did not. Everything about dark matter is conjecture, and the bookreally doesn't establish any link between dark matter and the demise of thedinosaurs. Much of the second half of the book reviews current experiments andhypotheses about dark matter that unsurprisingly reveal little. I would notrecommend this book.




1     秘密的暗物质

2     发现暗物质

3     大问题

4     近乎太初:很好的出发点

5     星系诞生


6     流星体、流星和陨石

7     短暂而辉煌的彗星生命

8     太阳系的边缘

9     危险地活着

10    震慑和敬畏

11    生物绝灭

12    恐龙的终结

13    宜居带内的生命

14    该来的躲不掉

15    寻找来自奥尔特云的彗星


16    不可见世界的物质

17    如何在黑夜中看见

18    相互联系着的暗物质

19    黑暗的速度

20    探测暗晕

21    暗物质和彗星撞击







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