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孟胜利 2024-9-21 16:12
Vaccines for Your Children 为您的孩子接种疫苗 父母 为什么要接种疫苗 做出疫苗决定 : 做出疫苗决定:解决共同关注的问题 – 疫苗网 (vaccine.vip) 增强宝宝的免疫系统 : 疫苗如何增强宝宝的免疫系统 – 疫苗网 (vaccine.vip) 联合疫苗 : 联合疫苗 – 疫苗网 (vaccine.vip) ...
801 次阅读|没有评论
Does Consciousness Depend on Hallucination?(初学者版)
段玉聪 2024-9-21 16:09
Does Consciousness Depend on Hallucination? Yucong Duan, Lei Yu, Yingbo Li, Haoyang Che International Standardization Committee of Networked D I K W P for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation( D I K W P -SC) World Artificial Consc ...
848 次阅读|没有评论
Relativity of Consciousness (初学者版)
段玉聪 2024-9-21 16:04
Emergent Understanding in Artificial Intelligence: A Relativity of Consciousness Approach Using the DIKWP Model Yucong Duan International Standardization Committee of Networked D I K W P for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation( D I K W P ...
849 次阅读|没有评论
Artificial Consciousness in Legal Applications (初学者版)
段玉聪 2024-9-21 15:58
Artificial Consciousness in Legal Applications Yucong Duan International Standardization Committee of Networked D I K W P for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation( D I K W P -SC) World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC) Worl ...
818 次阅读|没有评论
2024-6-22回顾:Integrating the DIKWP Model into Hardware(初学者版)
段玉聪 2024-9-21 15:54
Designing Artificial Consciousness Chips: Integrating the DIKWP Model into Hardware Yucong Duan International Standardization Committee of Networked D I K W P for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation( D I K W P -SC) World Artificial ...
1082 次阅读|没有评论
Child-Safe Device Using the DIKWP Model(初学者版)
段玉聪 2024-9-21 15:48
Case Study: Designing a Child-Safe Device Using the DIKWP Model Yucong Duan International Standardization Committee of Networked D I K W P for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation( D I K W P -SC) World Artificial Consciousness CIC ...
813 次阅读|没有评论
李天煜 2024-9-21 15:48
在最初的时候,两个单细胞融合是为应对不良环境而找到的策略,因而两个单细胞在融合之后,发展出了足以抵抗不良环境条件的厚壁,不仅可以抵抗零下很多度的低温,还可以抵抗高达五六十度乃至更高的高温,以及紫外线、多种酸碱等腐蚀剂,几乎是百毒莫侵。从某种角度来看,好像与外界环境隔绝开了一样。当然,也与其他细胞产 ...
805 次阅读|没有评论
Purpose Driven 3-No problem-solving of DIKWP-TRIZ(初学者版)
段玉聪 2024-9-21 15:45
Purpose Driven 3-No problem-solving of DIKWP-TRIZ Yucong Duan International Standardization Committee of Networked D I K W P for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation( D I K W P -SC) World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC) W ...
809 次阅读|没有评论
Initial: From Traditional TRIZ to DIKWP-TRIZ
段玉聪 2024-9-21 15:36
Initial: From Traditional TRIZ to DIKWP-TRIZ Yucong Duan International Standardization Committee of Networked D I K W P for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation( D I K W P -SC) World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC) World Co ...
694 次阅读|没有评论
Outline: "From Traditional TRIZ to DIKWP-TRIZ"
段玉聪 2024-9-21 15:11
Outline: From Traditional TRIZ to DIKWP-TRIZ Yucong Duan International Standardization Committee of Networked D I K W P for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation( D I K W P -SC) World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC) Wo ...
763 次阅读|没有评论

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