Stefan Grimm事件:帝国理工官方声明中几个要点 精选
2014-12-5 21:00
标签:帝国理工, Stefan, Grimm

位于英国伦敦的世界名校,帝国理工的Stefan Grimm教授,在无尚高贵典雅的令人尊敬尊重和敬仰的英国女王-伊丽莎白二世的眼皮子底下(帝国理工校园到英国国会和皇宫是散步距离),因为近期科研经费达不到他所在院系的考核要求,受到挤兑穿小鞋甚至威胁开人的心灵折磨,最终采取行动:在家中(自杀)身亡。在无限可爱的带着无数糖果精美礼物的圣诞老人来临前夕,此事超过一颗重磅核弹,在国际科学界的中心爆炸,引起超级风暴,目前正在第一波,随后会有第二波、第三波热潮。本博将持续关注,并加上自己的点评和解说。


刘洋,Publish or perish下教授之殇

帝国理工Stefan Grimm教授事件的一点背景和真相


1。提到对Stefan Grimm教授的开人程序中还处于非正式的召见过程,informal review,没有到达正式开人的formal review,并且这个过程是帝国理工进行绩效考核的标准程序。

 not under formal review nor had he been given any notice of dismissal.

It is standard practice at Imperial to conduct both informal and formal performance management.

2。提到对Stefan Grimm教授提供的可能帮助。我个人的理解就是要赶你走的意思。

Professor Grimm’s line manager met with him on a number of occasions to see how the College could help him to develop more competitive grant applications, for example through internal peer-人eview,  collaborations and letters of support.  Discussions included talking about the best place  for him to do his science, both inside Imperial and outside, and, with Professor Grimm’s permission,  his line manager made enquiries about opportunities on his behalf.


Professor James Stirling CBE FRS, Provost of Imperial College London, said:“Imperial seeks to give every member of its community the opportunity to excel and to create a supportive environment in which their careers may flourish. Where we become aware that the College is falling short of this standard of support to its members, we will act.”

帝国理工的副校长James Stirling说:帝国理工致力于提供每位员工好机会让他们施展才华,给员工创造一个支持性环境使得他们的职业生涯能够辉煌。如果我们认识到做得不够之处——达不到支持标准,我们会采取行动。

这句话说得非常政治非常天衣无缝,放之四海皆准的大道理,解读很费脑筋:首先,要开Stefan Grimm教授说明对员工支持不够,妨碍施展才华;第二,也可以理解为已经对Stefan Grimm教授尽力支持了,学校已经做到了最好。

顺便八卦下,看到副校长James Stirling的名字很熟悉,所以好奇地去网站上看了一下介绍,面孔很熟悉,原来是这个哥们。他跳槽到剑桥大学去了以后,剩下的办公室曾经被南京来访问的小周用过一段时间。结果去年(2013)年8月份从剑桥跳槽到了帝国理工。

4。帝国理工正在开始进行内部审查,然后看看能够吸取教训。这些话感到很套话。the College conducts appropriate reviews in order to see whether wider lessons may be drawn. Last month, following Professor Grimm’s death, Imperial’s Provost tasked the Director of HR and one of the College’s senior elected academic representatives to review relevant College policies, procedures and the support available to staff. Their report will be considered by a senior group led by the Provost and the College will move swiftly to implement any recommendations.



Statement on Professor Stefan Grimm

by 04 December 2014

Members of Imperial's community may be aware of media reports of the tragic loss of Stefan Grimm, professor of toxicology in the Faculty of Medicine.

Professor Grimm’s work identified genes and proteins that regulate the survival of cells, and may in the future help improve our understanding of cancer. He was a valued member of the Faculty of Medicine, highly respected by colleagues and students.

The news of Professor Grimm’s death at the end of September came as a great shock to the College community. Senior colleagues have offered their deepest condolences to Stefan’s family on behalf of the College, and extend those to everyone affected by this tragedy.

The statutory authorities are investigating Professor Grimm’s death and the College will continue to provide all the assistance it can.

Contrary to claims appearing on the internet, Professor Grimm’s work was not under formal review nor had he been given any notice of dismissal. It is standard practice at Imperial to conduct both informal and formal performance management. Professor Grimm’s line manager met with him on a number of occasions to see how the College could help him to develop more competitive grant applications, for example through internal peer-review, collaborations and letters of support. Discussions included talking about the best place for him to do his science, both inside Imperial and outside, and, with Professor Grimm’s permission, his line manager made enquiries about opportunities on his behalf.

As with all serious and tragic events involving staff or students, the College conducts appropriate reviews in order to see whether wider lessons may be drawn. Last month, following Professor Grimm’s death, Imperial’s Provost tasked the Director of HR and one of the College’s senior elected academic representatives to review relevant College policies, procedures and the support available to staff. Their report will be considered by a senior group led by the Provost and the College will move swiftly to implement any recommendations.

Members of the community will be informed of the outcomes of the review in early 2015, and comments will be invited on the College’s proposed response.

Professor James Stirling CBE FRS, Provost of Imperial College London, said:“Imperial seeks to give every member of its community the opportunity to excel and to create a supportive environment in which their careers may flourish. Where we become aware that the College is falling short of this standard of support to its members, we will act.”

Staff and students are reminded of the resources available to them offering support with personal or work issues – please see details in the sidebar (right).


Caroline Davis

Caroline Davis 
Communications and Public Affairs

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