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已有 5017 次阅读 2015-7-14 14:25 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:科研笔记

近2-3年来,我们课题组(包括合作者)一部分工作集中在研究失神癫痫的基底节调控机制,目前在局部神经回路模型方面已经有了一定的积累。其中核心的两个工作总结如下:1)我们发现正常状态提升和降低SNr的均可能有效的抑制2-4 HzSWDs的产生,因此首次提出基底节可能对失神癫痫具有双向调控作用;2)我们发现近期实验证实的GPe到皮层的抑制性投射通路可能对失神癫痫具有重要的调控作用。此外,我们也在试图将这些回路的调控机制在模型鼠上做进一步验证。感兴趣的读者可以参见下列论文:

Mingming Chen#, Daqing Guo* #, Min Li, Tao Ma, Shengdun Wu, Jingling Ma, Yan Cui, Yang Xia, Peng Xu, and Dezhong Yao* 

Critical Roles of the Direct GABAergic Pallido-cortical Pathway in Controlling Absence Seizures,

PLoS Comput Biol, 11(10): e1004539, 2015.

Mingming Chen#, Daqing Guo*#, Tiebin Wang, Jing Wei, Xia Yang, Peng Xu, Cheng Luo, Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa, Dezhong Yao* 

Bidirectional Control of Absence Seizures by the Basal Ganglia: A Computational Evidence, 

PLoS Comput Biol, vol. 10, p.e1003495, 2014.

Bing Hu, Daqing Guo, Qingyun Wang*,

Control of Absence Seizures Induced by the Pathways Connected to SRN in Corticothalamic System,

Cognitive Neurodynamics,9 (3), 279-289, 2015.

Mingming Chen, Min Li, Tao Ma, Daqing Guo*,Yang Xia, Dezhong Yao*

New Insights for the Basal Ganglia in Controlling Absence Seizures,

Accepted by the 7th International Workshop on Seizure prediction, 2015, Melbourne, Australia. (travel award: A$1,500)

Mingming Chen, Cheng Luo, Yang Xia, Daqing Guo*,and Dezhong Yao.

Absence epilepsy regulated by basal ganglia: A modeling study,

The 30th International Epilepsy Congress, Special Issue on Epilepsia, 54(s3), P147, 2013.

上一篇:Special session at ICCN 2015
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3 彭真明 陈筝 蔡宁

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