IT Business Edge介绍
2013-8-23 19:43


About IT Business Edge

The IT Business Edge Network comprises some of the best known and most highly acclaimed sites in the information technology publishing business. Our more than 100 veteran journalists, analysts and editors produce award-winning and actionable information around the clock and from around the world. As the premier online network for information technology professionals and buyers, the ITBE network reaches more than 7 million IT professionals and decision makers across our network of 27 sites. Our properties include industry-leading websites like IT Business Edge, Datamation, Small Business Computing, Internet News, Server Watch, InfoStor, Enterprise Storage Forum, Enterprise Networking Planet, Enterprise Apps Today, CIO Update, Database Journal, eSecurity Planet, Webopedia and Linux Today.
With our core focus on IT infrastructure, software, security and management, IT Business Edge reaches purchasers though targeted traffic, e-mail newsletters, lead generation and online events. Our media properties attract a highly qualified audience of technology product and service buyers. They are highly educated and empowered by their organizations, from large enterprises to SMBs, to invest in IT solutions.

Why IT Business Edge?
The IT Business Edge Network is a comprehensive source for the latest global news and information about information technology. It allows users to evaluate, compare and purchase IT products and services. The IT Business Edge Network attracts experienced IT and business professionals looking for:

  • Buyer's guides and product reviews

  • Tutorials, training and skills development

  • Real-time industry news

  • IT market research

  • Archives of definitive industry publications

  • Discussion forums

  • Expert advice







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