Updating station.info using information from RINEX file tcms0530.22o
mstinf -f station.info -w station.info.new -r tcms0530.22o -o -re diff
STATUS :220313:1852:40.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: Merge or update station.info files: Version 2.3 2015-11-08
STATUS :220313:1852:40.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: There will be 0 station.info files and 1 RINEX headers merged
STATUS :220313:1852:40.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: There will be 0 IGS log files and 0 SINEX headers merged
STATUS :220313:1852:40.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: There will be 0 GIPSY receiver files and 0 GIPSY antenna files merged
STATUS :220313:1852:40.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: Reference file station.info 32 entries found
STATUS :220313:1852:40.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: Checking station.info entries for RINEX file tcms0530.22o
WARNING:220313:1852:40.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: Checking station.info entries for RINEX file tcms0530.22o
RRXHED rxver nwave1 nwave2 nobtyp rxobtyp 2.10999990 1 1 10 C1 L1 S1 C2 L2 S2 P2 C5 L5 S5
WARNING:220313:1852:40.0 MSTINF/lib/rrxhed: Antenna height is zero (Name tcms0530.22o)
WARNING:220313:1852:41.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: swver ( 5.) from rcvers > 99., set to zero (Name tcms0530.22)
STATUS :220313:1852:41.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: Station.info files have 11 sites
STATUS :220313:1852:41.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: Site with most entries 7132 Maximum 3
STATUS :220313:1852:41.0 MSTINF/htoglb/mstinf: Output file station.info.new has 33 entries
Updating station.info
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