方法一 把新数据(如excel格式等)加到老DEM中法 使用Discover
Step 1 to convert DEM to ASSII (e.g., csv file) with
Surfaces>Export Grid File or Contours>Export Grid to ASCII File (如CSV格式文件)
Step 2 to merge the additional data points (e.g.csv格式文件) into the above ASCII file
Step 3 To input and create points with the new ASCII file in MapInfo Map Window
Step 4 To delete unwanted data points within the overlapped areas in MapInfo Map Window
Step 5 Surfaces>CreateGrid>Interactive.......
Surfaces>Create Grid>Interactive
方法二 直接合并2个DEM法 ----使用 Global Mapper,
Combine Terrain Options, to combine two DEMs
Addition - values from each layer are added to eachother
Subtraction (Difference) - Signed - value in new layer is assigned to the difference between the value in the first layer and the value in the second layer·
Subtraction (Difference) - Unsigned - value in new layer is assigned to the magnitude (absolute value) of the difference between the value in the first layer and the value in the second layer·
Average Elevation - value in new layer is assigned to the average of the value in the first layer and the value in the second layer·
Minimum Elevation - value in new layer is assigned to the smaller of the value in the first layer and the value in the second layer·
Maximum Elevation - value in new layer is assigned to the larger of the value in the first layer and the value in the second layer·
Multiply Values - value in new layer is assigned to the product of the value in the first layer and the value in the second layer·
Divide 1st Value by 2nd - value in new layer is assigned to the value from the first layer divided by the value in the secondlayer. If either value is missing or the second layer value is zero the new sampleis marked as invalid.